

Dec 25, 2020
My mom just told me that I should be held accountable for her death, I've been asked to kill myself a countless number of times and that it would be better for them if I did, my friends have seen my self harm scars when I asked for help and asked me to chop my dick off with a blade and that they would help me do that too, the list just keeps growing it sucks, what's the worse thing anyone's ever said to you?
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Longing for the past and dreading the future
Jan 2, 2021
"You're gonna do nothing for the rest of your life" - Mother (She wasn't wrong there.)
"There's something wrong in your dim head and I have no compassion or empathy for you" & "What a sad loser" also,
"You're a psychopath and you belong in a mental ward" - All from my ex partner.
"Look at the STATE of you" - My sister

These words are constantly ringing in my head every day.
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Dec 15, 2020
There's been a lot but the most recent were whilst I was in the midst of a bipolar manic episode.

I think someone telling me I'd been possessed by the devil was a bad one and the same person telling me that God would never bless me with a child.

The worst thing was that I almost believed them because I was so manic at the time.
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Sep 28, 2020
"I'm going to kill you and then kill myself." He almost succeeded at both.
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Mental more please.
Oct 3, 2019
Don't want to remember but quite a lot from so many random motherfuckers in my life. Why do we have to put up with people that are absolutely worthless in our existence that only leave a trace of shit in out memories after their out of the chapters of our life? Nothing makes sense in this world.
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Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher
Dec 25, 2020
"I'm disappointed in you, I thought you were innocent."
– The people at my internship company who thought I distorted the truth when I told them I was molested by a foreign worker. (I couldn't be certain as my back was turned.)
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Sep 19, 2020
Being told so many times, direct and subtly that I was "ugly", "fat", "big"... even at the time I wasn't overweight at all, as a child...
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Dec 12, 2020
"Snap out of it. Are you always going to be that way?"
- Said by my main emotional support. I wish I could too—just snap my fingers & not be depressed. I wish it was easy like that. I wish I could never be depressed ever again.

"Tsk. Why do you always wait until the problem's so big?"
- I went to someone I trusted & was close to for some help & that's what they said to me. I get that with my anxiety & depression I'm problematic but I have been trying in my own way to manage my problems with my own efforts, trying not to be a bother to them. I wouldn't have gone to them for help if I could have handled it. I know that those words may have been said in frustration but those words still feel like criticisms on what efforts I can scrounge up with my anxiety & depression. I felt sorry about not measuring up to their standards & felt awful coming to them at all. This really messed me up so now I feel instinctively hopeless in asking anyone for help

- I overheard a relative whom I respect & haven't done anything bad to, referring to me. Not really close to them but this casual judgement just cuts right into me. I don't know why, maybe because there's this presumption that your family is supposed to be your main support unit, & to hear some of them just...discussing you like that just hit me all over again about how much I'm disliked—my personality, my choices & actions...I felt like trash. I felt dismissed, ostracized & alone
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Nov 4, 2020
(Doctor) I'm sorry sir,your wife passed away 15-minutes ago!
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Unlucky Self

Unlucky Self

Possibly Cursed
Mar 14, 2020
"You're going to be an extraordinary person." My father. Doesn't really know me—only wants me to live his unlived life.
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
"I should have punched her in the face when she used to complain about not being able to breathe"

"I have a retard for a child"

"Her face makes me want to vomit"
(along with countless other references to how unattractive I am, (body too but face worse) from people behind my back, to my face, in public, from friends, family, strangers, even a couple children were disgusted by me. Now I look 100xworse than I did when receiving some of the insults or discrimination. People treating me like less than an animal because of things outside my control. As if I were blind or needed to be reminded.)

"You're a freak" (and "You look like a freak")

"Why haven't you killed yourself yet?"

"Don't be a burden to (relative)"
(notable because said relative is absolutely horrific to me 95% of the time and they deserve a lot worse than the "burden" of me..what about my fucking burdens?)

These are all in reference to me (said about me or to me) and not even the worst...and certainly just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the amount of commentary thrown my way. Specific things I don't even want to repeat.
I'm sure there's also plenty more I'm not aware of. Some things come to light later on. Others are a little more covert or too complex and lengthy to list as one statement.
I'm not a saint, but the things I've said to people are not in the same vein, and were few and far between, yet I still feel guilt over them because I know even an offhand, casual comment can stay with people for their entire lives.
As for any negative thoughts I have about others that I express privately, they are only born from immense pain, suffering and being made into an anomaly that is "less than". Most of the horrible things said to me, were said by people who are privileged in ways I can't imagine, or were close to me and knew how ass backwards their comments would be in the context of my miserable existence.
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Mar 1, 2020
I once had a therapist tell me I was too messed up to have friends.

Also when I told the girl of my dreams how I felt about her, the first words out of her mouth were, "Yeah, that's what I was afraid of." She spent the next fifteen minutes comforting me and trying to get me to feel better about myself because she's the sweetest person ever, but it still haunts me.
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Oct 31, 2020
My father abused me as a child and I found the courage to go to the police. When I told my mum what I was doing her response to me was "what will the neighbours think." No consideration for how I felt and that will never leave me. My sister blamed me also for going to the police and they've always made me feel that I was to blame for dragging it up rather than my fathers actions. Words hurt.

Also the other day a nurse told me as I have capacity it's my choice if I kill myself. Then when I told her I was feeling frightened about carrying out the act she asked why I was telling her this. This has taught me not to expect support when feeling distressed from my local mental health services (Nhs) from now on. Hence why I'm on here.
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salt shaker, rule breaker
Jan 29, 2021
I don't remember the exact phrasing, i think i've repressed it. Something along the lines of:

"You're worthless and nobody respects you."

"Look how fucked up he is from drugs." This one was thrown across the dinner table at me during massive benzo withdrawal.

Both comments were from my only sibling.

I don't remember anything being said bad to me before I came to this site. I'm sure there must have been something but in general I'm used to being around nice polite people. This place has some characters.
Try not to take it personally, there are a lot of really sick people here.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
"I'll mount your head on my wall!"
"Start running so I can stab you in the back."
"You'll be so much easier to rob when you're DEAD!"
"By Ysmir, you won't leave this place alive."
"You picked a bad time to get lost, friend."
"Can't wait to count out your coin."
"Never should have come here!"
"I'm going to find you."
"You can't hide forever!"
"That'll teach you not to cross me."
"Azura curse you."
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Blue Rose

Blue Rose

Feb 6, 2021
We expected to be rewarded for what we had offered to you. But you didn't.
Shame on you. You have not any job, you are a loser. That's our fault.

- My parents
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I've had so many horrible things said to me all throughout my life (mostly by myself), that it's hard to quantify which was the worst.

This was while I was doing sit-ups for the Presidential fitness test in 4th grade. I had just started to gain a lot of weight after having been underweight all my life. My PE teacher was basically counting my sit-ups and the fact that I was struggling was actually giving him joy and he was laughing about it because I was also passing gas from all the effort it was taking me. Something like "Look everyone he's farting, hahaha!" A lot of other kids actually did laugh along.

Yup. That may not really be the worst but it was pretty dang hurtful nonetheless.
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May 27, 2020
"Why would I want to be friends with a dork like you?"

It is probably not the worst thing that was said to me, but it is the most worse one I can remember so far - I may remember more when my bad memories are unblocked. Anyhow: this was said to me when I was younger by another kid in school. A long time has passed since then but it still hurts.
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Sep 16, 2020
"You will always be a loser. "
By some ex classmates.

They were really mean and those words haunted me for years.

Anyway, I don't consider myself a loser but damn, I'm so unstable mentally lol. I can be a winner and then turn my switch off and be depressed and not very productive for hours!
Kids are cruel and they grow up to often to be even crueler adults but at least in adulthood were somewhat apathetic and not an innocence being destroyed.

I had a classmate say to me "would you cry if you lost everything... Watch out for may 23rd". Then just didn't say anything and carried on about the day as normal and when I asked him about it he even denied it and looked at me like I was a leper so I remember even at 12years old I thought maybe it was an evil God possessing him and all existence was a Cosmic joke to hurt me.

A thinking brain and undiagnosed mental health issues complex mdd and severe anxiety. This broke me as I thought all sorts.
Hed probably just heard it himself from other kids or cruel adults to play tricks. Funny to him.
How easy ones life can be destroyed.
If you've done nothing wrong you should go to the police with threats like that that's attempted murder.
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