
Apr 4, 2021
The only way to feel better is to take medication according to my doctor. She's no longer willing to call me because I won't accept that advice. But I won't accept that advice because what is the point in taking medication that's supposed to make you feel happy again, if that happiness is not really true? You're only happy because of the medication, and as soon as you stop taking it you'll feel shit again. And whenever I make this point, I get told well if you were diabetic you would take insulin. Well yeah because my body is then literally incapable of making insulin. If my body is incapable of feeling joy again then that defeats the point of being alive. Why drag yourself through life if you get nothing back from it?

Also been getting some really vivid dreams about killing myself and then when I wake up I feel like shit because I'm not actually dead. Why my brain gotta tease me like that, life sucks.
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Mar 21, 2019
Ok. Why should a ship run it's bilge pump because it will continue to take on water. The ship is only floating because the pump removes that water.
If you want a floating ship, run the pump.
If you want to lessen your unhappiness, take the medication.

Now, the correct medication and dosage is sometimes elusive. Ask you doctor about this. Your job us to tell them the depth of water in your ship. Their job is to get the right pump.


Mar 22, 2020
I've been having dreams like that too. Even about other people killing me.

What's more, I've just remembered that I dreamt of a guy who shot me in my head last night!


Mar 21, 2019
I had those dreams since I was held up. Not a good dream in my case.


Time’s tide will smother you, and I will too
Feb 28, 2020
I was put on SSRIs for 15 years, with sort of a placebo effect... I couldn't even tell if I felt better.

Then a pyschiatrist ran a test of my nervous system and said it's uncommon but SSRI's wouldn't have the right effect on someone like me. So he put me on his advised anti-depressant, and I also didn't feel any effect.

I'm going to try ketamine and... if I feel nothing on ketamine... I'm gonna find a bridge.
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Apr 4, 2021
I just give up. I'm a really stubborn person so at this point nothing is going to convince me that going on medication is worth it. I have 2 choices, be fake happy for the rest of my life or continue feeling like this and just end it.

Maybe it would help me to feel better, but I'm still going to be aware that it's only because I'm taking medication. If that's something I have to do for the rest of my life, then it isn't even worth it.
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In limbo
Jul 23, 2020
Is there a difference between 'real' happiness and 'fake' happiness? I guess it just depends on how you look at it.

To me, this doesn't seem like a problem, but I get that it is a problem for you and I respect that and I wish there was a satisfactory solution.
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Apr 4, 2021
Is there a difference between 'real' happiness and 'fake' happiness? I guess it just depends on how you look at it.

To me, this doesn't seem like a problem, but I get that it is a problem for you and I respect that and I wish there was a satisfactory solution.
I don't enjoy anything anymore, I used to game a lot but I haven't even touched my computer in 3 months. I don't enjoy going out or being with other people anymore. In fact, I hate having to be around other people. This is me now I guess and taking the medication will maybe fix it but it's not really 'fixed' because once I stop taking it, I'll return back to how I am now.

I don't even feel love anymore. The people I loved the most, I don't feel it. I know I love them that's a fact in my head, but I don't feel it. And since I'm such a stubborn person, this view of fake happiness is just going to be stuck in my head.

Thanks for at least realising that this is something I see as a problem and not just trying to tell me that I'm wrong like everyone else.
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Jan 24, 2021
The diabetic analogy is a perfect example of completely missing the point. You are not in control of your body's insulin production. It's probably a function of your autonomic nervous system or something.

On the other hand, emotions like 'happiness' or 'melancholy' are reactions to events in your life or a reaction to the predicament of human life itself. The former can be successfully treated to an extent with antidepressants.

But the latter is not a resultant effect of chemical imbalanaces in your brain. It is a perspective of looking at life and it's relative worth in the face of inevitable suffering. There is no magical antidepressant that will cure you of this state of existential melancholy.
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The 't' is silent
Jul 15, 2020
I just give up. I'm a really stubborn person so at this point nothing is going to convince me that going on medication is worth it. I have 2 choices, be fake happy for the rest of my life or continue feeling like this and just end it.

Maybe it would help me to feel better, but I'm still going to be aware that it's only because I'm taking medication. If that's something I have to do for the rest of my life,
I don't enjoy anything anymore, I used to game a lot but I haven't even touched my computer in 3 months. I don't enjoy going out or being with other people anymore. In fact, I hate having to be around other people. This is me now I guess and taking the medication will maybe fix it but it's not really 'fixed' because once I stop taking it, I'll return back to how I am now.

I don't even feel love anymore. The people I loved the most, I don't feel it. I know I love them that's a fact in my head, but I don't feel it. And since I'm such a stubborn person, this view of fake happiness is just going to be stuck in my head.

Thanks for at least realising that this is something I see as a problem and not just trying to tell me that I'm wrong like everyone else.

Unlike the finasteride I'm taking to try and hold on to my hairline, depression medications are supposed to be temporary when taken alongside psychotherapy to work the root of the problem. If you've never tried anything, odds are this fake happiness will become real happiness, if that's so important to you.

We're all broken here, so in this forum we're more likely to hear the horror stories. Normal people won't even consider a place like this exists, while recovered people are too busy living their best lives. Sample bias is definitely a thing, so be careful.

You keep saying the word "anymore", which means there has been true joy in your life. Why would you go back to now instead of then? Do you think a positive outcome is an impossibility or are you aware it's a likely one, but you just don't care?
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Apr 4, 2021
Unlike the finasteride I'm taking to try and hold on to my hairline, depression medications are supposed to be temporary when taken alongside psychotherapy to work the root of the problem. If you've never tried anything, odds are this fake happiness will become real happiness, if that's so important to you.

We're all broken here, so in this forum we're more likely to hear the horror stories. Normal people won't even consider a place like this exists, while recovered people are too busy living their best lives. Sample bias is definitely a thing, so be careful.

You keep saying the word "anymore", which means there has been true joy in your life. Why would you go back to now instead of then? Do you think a positive outcome is an impossibility or are you aware it's a likely one, but you just don't care?
I'm on a waiting list, and have been for the past 3 months, for some talking therapy. It could take another 6 months to a year before they reach me. I feel that it is too late now, I asked for help 3 months ago and I told them that I needed it now. I'm in too deep, I've already got my suicide plan sorted, my will, funeral wishes and notes written. Just waiting on my SN to arrive and hopefully I'll be gone within a month or two. See that's the problem, everything takes so long. If you need help you're not going to get it when you need it.

I guess I did used to have some joy. I've never been an overly happy person, but I've been happy enough to just get on with things. I know taking medication can bring a 'positive' outcome but it's only positive for the people around me, not me. They will see me as happy again, but I will know that I'm only happy because of the medication, and therefore it's not really positive for me. And at this point, like I said, it's too late. I don't even really want help anymore, my brain is locked onto the idea of suicide and I'm fine with that. I think it's just too late, I realised this when the people I love were begging me not to do anything stupid and I felt nothing for them.

I also think once you've spent so long planning out the method you want to use to ctb, your brain uses this as a solution for everything you find difficult. It's always going to be there now.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
I feel for you.

I'm currently coming off of all of my medication, and it's been quite horrendous. Night sweats, messed up dreams (usually of someone or something chasing me?) but worst of all, my tinnitus has become unbearable.

That's one good thing with the medication, it makes my tinnitus more bearable. On the opposite side of the scale, I loathe the fact that I've gained so much weight on the medication. That's the main reason for me stopping it, and although it's only been just shy of a week, I already look and feel less bloated. I've become sick of not being able to comfortably get into clothes that I bought just last year, and expensive clothes at that. The medication makes you (me, at least) a pig when it comes to food. Since stopping the medication, I've hardly eaten at all. I've just not had that same constant craving for food, and "bad" food at that.

My EUPD, OCD and tinnitus is definitely creeping back in, now that I've ceased taking the medication. It's a bastard, and I hate it. However, I'm rolling with it and I'm seeing how long I can last this time (I've tried to come off of the medication numerous times before, but I've become so unwell that I've reluctantly restarted with the poxy tablets.)

Regarding weight gain, the medication I have been taking is at the top of the chart when it comes to loading on pounds! No wonder I've put on so much weight. I've been on olanzapine, mirtazapine, venlafaxine, zopiclone and diazepam. With the first three, weight gain is the number one side affect. However, my doctor has agreed to switch the olanzapine to aripiprazole, and the venlafaxine to duloxetine. The new medications are said to cause very low (if any) weight gain. My medication is only delivered on a weekly basis, because my MO is to stockpile then overdose (zopiclone & diazepam: I usually OD on 100 of each ... it's a long process, the stockpiling, but that's the discipline of a suicidal person.)

Medication is my only option, as they won't give me talking therapy. Their reasoning being that I'm too high risk (22 overdoses in two years, some of which being very serious.) They believe that we could speak about something that could trigger me, which could lead to me acting upon it (attempting suicide) but I'm doing that anyway! My life feels like a constant catch 22 situation, and I'm sick of it. Truly sick of it!

However, like you, I don't like the fact that it's not "real happiness." You're fucking right, and don't let anyone tell you differently. When you're on these medications (drugs) you effectively become a drug addict. Coming off of the medication is like withdrawing from heroin, with night sweats and whatnot. It's rewiring your brain, and that's a fact.

I'll end by saying that I'm with you in your views, and I hope that you find peace one way or another.

Take care.
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Nov 27, 2019
I would be perfectly content with what you describe as "fake happy".


Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
I'm on a waiting list, and have been for the past 3 months, for some talking therapy. It could take another 6 months to a year before they reach me. I feel that it is too late now, I asked for help 3 months ago and I told them that I needed it now. I'm in too deep, I've already got my suicide plan sorted, my will, funeral wishes and notes written. Just waiting on my SN to arrive and hopefully I'll be gone within a month or two. See that's the problem, everything takes so long. If you need help you're not going to get it when you need it.

I guess I did used to have some joy. I've never been an overly happy person, but I've been happy enough to just get on with things. I know taking medication can bring a 'positive' outcome but it's only positive for the people around me, not me. They will see me as happy again, but I will know that I'm only happy because of the medication, and therefore it's not really positive for me. And at this point, like I said, it's too late. I don't even really want help anymore, my brain is locked onto the idea of suicide and I'm fine with that. I think it's just too late, I realised this when the people I love were begging me not to do anything stupid and I felt nothing for them.

I also think once you've spent so long planning out the method you want to use to ctb, your brain uses this as a solution for everything you find difficult. It's always going to be there now.
"I realised this when the people I love were begging me not to do anything stupid and I felt nothing for them."

... this statement is gold!

So true.

So fucking true (been there.)


Jan 18, 2019
Ok. Why should a ship run it's bilge pump because it will continue to take on water. The ship is only floating because the pump removes that water.
If you want a floating ship, run the pump.
If you want to lessen your unhappiness, take the medication.

Now, the correct medication and dosage is sometimes elusive. Ask you doctor about this. Your job us to tell them the depth of water in your ship. Their job is to get the right pump.
there are a few problems with this idea.
medicines today are not a "cure-all" and have many side effects and sometimes their efficacy is also questionable. Doctors know this, which is why most generally do not prescribe medicines without also prescribing psychotherapy. but nevermind,.
Not everyone wants to keep a floating ship. Some may just keep going by because the ship is currently afloat, but once it starts to sink, they may not mind it. Maybe their interest in keeping the ship afloat is present only as long as it is easy to keep the ship afloat.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
I would be perfectly content with what you describe as "fake happy".
You fail to realise one issue with this thinking ... in time, the "fake happy" drugs lose their effectiveness.

Then what do you do?

You're screwed: Addicted to these drugs, and have to take them just to feel "normal." That's just what a heroin addict has to do. Think about that one, I ask you ...
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The 't' is silent
Jul 15, 2020
The diabetic analogy is a perfect example of completely missing the point. You are not in control of your body's insulin production. It's probably a function of your autonomic nervous system or something.

On the other hand, emotions like 'happiness' or 'melancholy' are reactions to events in your life or a reaction to the predicament of human life itself. The former can be successfully treated to an extent with antidepressants.

But the latter is not a resultant effect of chemical imbalanaces in your brain. It is a perspective of looking at life and it's relative worth in the face of inevitable suffering. There is no magical antidepressant that will cure you of this state of existential melancholy.

Back in High School I was writing lots of lyrics to shitty melodies in my head, one of them had the line: "I can feel better, I can't think better".

It's true.

There's a thing called depressive realism, I really was my peak philosopher. Yet, I can't help but think that being realistic doesn't need to be met with agony. After all, both existentialism and absurdism are able to put a positive spin on things. So now I believe if only I felt better, then I'd be a happy absurdist.

I'm on a waiting list, and have been for the past 3 months, for some talking therapy. It could take another 6 months to a year before they reach me. I feel that it is too late now, I asked for help 3 months ago and I told them that I needed it now. I'm in too deep, I've already got my suicide plan sorted, my will, funeral wishes and notes written. Just waiting on my SN to arrive and hopefully I'll be gone within a month or two. See that's the problem, everything takes so long. If you need help you're not going to get it when you need it.

Yeah, it can be tough to depend on public services. They're often underfunded and overwhelmed. Sometimes it can be hard to be heard unless you've just attempted to CTB. Is private an option? Maybe online? Yesterday I thought I needed it and before I changed my mind (like I did dozens of times throughout the years) I was able to schedule an appointment for the same day.

I guess I did used to have some joy. I've never been an overly happy person, but I've been happy enough to just get on with things. I know taking medication can bring a 'positive' outcome but it's only positive for the people around me, not me. They will see me as happy again, but I will know that I'm only happy because of the medication, and therefore it's not really positive for me. And at this point, like I said, it's too late. I don't even really want help anymore, my brain is locked onto the idea of suicide and I'm fine with that. I think it's just too late, I realised this when the people I love were begging me not to do anything stupid and I felt nothing for them.

That's the thing. How do you know the way you'll feel facing the realization that your happiness is the result of a drug?

I lost touch with my feelings, I don't know how I'm feeling right now, let alone how I'd feel while looking at life from a completely different perspective. I know how I'd like to feel. After a tough experience with lots of shrooms, I was content, grateful and felt very connected with the world for a while. It faded, but if I could capture that afterglow without the hardship of the experience, that's what I'd like.

So when you sound so sure of yourself, I'm partially jealous and partially skeptical. Each one of us is only a single window to the universe, but professionals deal with data related to millions. If the data disagrees with my own observation, then rationally I have to recognize that, at least.
My emotions might not follow, but that's an entirely different beast.

I get the idea of feeling nothing. No one's asked me to not CTB because nobody around me knows about it. But in the last 3 years I've lost a great-grandmother and a grandmother, and I didn't shed a single tear. That doesn't mean it's too late, it just means I didn't seek help when I should've, and now I'm too attached to the idea of suicide to let go. I tried nothing, how could my current predicament be any different?

I also think once you've spent so long planning out the method you want to use to ctb, your brain uses this as a solution for everything you find difficult. It's always going to be there now.

Maybe. But just because it's a solution, it doesn't mean it has to be the solution.

It's still your choice, of course. You have your method, a date, and you say you're fine with that. I'm not in your head to argue otherwise. If you reconsider along the way, don't think you're a failure for doing so. There's no shame in trying to get better and SI can be a bitch.

Best wishes to you.
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Apr 4, 2021
I feel for you.

I'm currently coming off of all of my medication, and it's been quite horrendous. Night sweats, messed up dreams (usually of someone or something chasing me?) but worst of all, my tinnitus has become unbearable.

That's one good thing with the medication, it makes my tinnitus more bearable. On the opposite side of the scale, I loathe the fact that I've gained so much weight on the medication. That's the main reason for me stopping it, and although it's only been just shy of a week, I already look and feel less bloated. I've become sick of not being able to comfortably get into clothes that I bought just last year, and expensive clothes at that. The medication makes you (me, at least) a pig when it comes to food. Since stopping the medication, I've hardly eaten at all. I've just not had that same constant craving for food, and "bad" food at that.

My EUPD, OCD and tinnitus is definitely creeping back in, now that I've ceased taking the medication. It's a bastard, and I hate it. However, I'm rolling with it and I'm seeing how long I can last this time (I've tried to come off of the medication numerous times before, but I've become so unwell that I've reluctantly restarted with the poxy tablets.)

Regarding weight gain, the medication I have been taking is at the top of the chart when it comes to loading on pounds! No wonder I've put on so much weight. I've been on olanzapine, mirtazapine, venlafaxine, zopiclone and diazepam. With the first three, weight gain is the number one side affect. However, my doctor has agreed to switch the olanzapine to aripiprazole, and the venlafaxine to duloxetine. The new medications are said to cause very low (if any) weight gain. My medication is only delivered on a weekly basis, because my MO is to stockpile then overdose (zopiclone & diazepam: I usually OD on 100 of each ... it's a long process, the stockpiling, but that's the discipline of a suicidal person.)

Medication is my only option, as they won't give me talking therapy. Their reasoning being that I'm too high risk (22 overdoses in two years, some of which being very serious.) They believe that we could speak about something that could trigger me, which could lead to me acting upon it (attempting suicide) but I'm doing that anyway! My life feels like a constant catch 22 situation, and I'm sick of it. Truly sick of it!

However, like you, I don't like the fact that it's not "real happiness." You're fucking right, and don't let anyone tell you differently. When you're on these medications (drugs) you effectively become a drug addict. Coming off of the medication is like withdrawing from heroin, with night sweats and whatnot. It's rewiring your brain, and that's a fact.

I'll end by saying that I'm with you in your views, and I hope that you find peace one way or another.

Take care.
Thank you for understanding what I'm saying and how I see things. Literally everyone I try to explain this to just shuts me down and says something like 'if you had an infection you would take antibiotics'. In my eyes, that's two completely different situations.

My doctor prescribed me mirtazapine, I never took any of them and during the time everyone was pressuring me to take them I did think about just taking the whole prescription at once as a 'haha fuck you I took them'. But I realised pretty quickly that it's pointless since they are hard to successfully overdose on and so I would just be fucking myself over.

Fake happiness is not better than how I am now. I think it would be worse to be honest. Like a mixed state except you can't identify how you are really feeling because your brain is telling you you're not happy, but the medication is telling you that you are happy. I just think it would be torture to live like that. Having those constant thoughts that you're not really happy it's just fake.

And yeah it's hard to come off of the tablets, it's not something you can just stop taking. You are basically addicted to it. And I don't understand why doctors say it's not an addiction, you're just experiencing withdrawal. In my mind, that is the same thing? Stopping something you are addicted to produces withdrawal symptoms which make you continue using the substance. Example being smoking, headaches and irritability etc as well as cravings make people continue to smoke because they are addicted.
Back in High School I was writing lots of lyrics to shitty melodies in my head, one of them had the line: "I can feel better, I can't think better".

It's true.

There's a thing called depressive realism, I really was my peak philosopher. Yet, I can't help but think that being realistic doesn't need to be met with agony. After all, both existentialism and absurdism are able to put a positive spin on things. So now I believe if only I felt better, then I'd be a happy absurdist.

Yeah, it can be tough to depend on public services. They're often underfunded and overwhelmed. Sometimes it can be hard to be heard unless you've just attempted to CTB. Is private an option? Maybe online? Yesterday I thought I needed it and before I changed my mind (like I did dozens of times throughout the years) I was able to schedule an appointment for the same day.

That's the thing. How do you know the way you'll feel facing the realization that your happiness is the result of a drug?

I lost touch with my feelings, I don't know how I'm feeling right now, let alone how I'd feel while looking at life from a completely different perspective. I know how I'd like to feel. After a tough experience with lots of shrooms, I was content, grateful and felt very connected with the world for a while. It faded, but if I could capture that afterglow without the hardship of the experience, that's what I'd like.

So when you sound so sure of yourself, I'm partially jealous and partially skeptical. Each one of us is only a single window to the universe, but professionals deal with data related to millions. If the data disagrees with my own observation, then rationally I have to recognize that, at least.
My emotions might not follow, but that's an entirely different beast.

I get the idea of feeling nothing. No one's asked me to not CTB because nobody around me knows about it. But in the last 3 years I've lost a great-grandmother and a grandmother, and I didn't shed a single tear. That doesn't mean it's too late, it just means I didn't seek help when I should've, and now I'm too attached to the idea of suicide to let go. I tried nothing, how could my current predicament be any different?

Maybe. But just because it's a solution, it doesn't mean it has to be the solution.

It's still your choice, of course. You have your method, a date, and you say you're fine with that. I'm not in your head to argue otherwise. If you reconsider along the way, don't think you're a failure for doing so. There's no shame in trying to get better and SI can be a bitch.

Best wishes to you.
I really like that 'I can feel better, I can't think better'. I think that explains what I'm trying to say about the medication better than how I was capable of wording it.

I was almost sectioned after my first attempt 3 months ago. That is the point where I asked for help and I specifically told them I needed it now. They decided they would refer me to a crisis team, put me on a waiting list for therapy and send me home. I only ever called the crisis team once and they were awful. I want to kill myself and they're telling me to make a cup of tea, or run a hot bath. I get that there isn't much they can really do, but come on.

This is how my family know that I intend to ctb because I had no one to talk to and I thought that at least telling them would help them understand and give them some time to prepare for that eventuality. I guess I don't know exactly how I will feel on the medication, I can only guess. And that's how I believe I will feel. Now that this belief is in my head, it's likely to be how I feel if that makes much sense.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
Thank you for understanding what I'm saying and how I see things. Literally everyone I try to explain this to just shuts me down and says something like 'if you had an infection you would take antibiotics'. In my eyes, that's two completely different situations.

My doctor prescribed me mirtazapine, I never took any of them and during the time everyone was pressuring me to take them I did think about just taking the whole prescription at once as a 'haha fuck you I took them'. But I realised pretty quickly that it's pointless since they are hard to successfully overdose on and so I would just be fucking myself over.

Fake happiness is not better than how I am now. I think it would be worse to be honest. Like a mixed state except you can't identify how you are really feeling because your brain is telling you you're not happy, but the medication is telling you that you are happy. I just think it would be torture to live like that. Having those constant thoughts that you're not really happy it's just fake.

And yeah it's hard to come off of the tablets, it's not something you can just stop taking. You are basically addicted to it. And I don't understand why doctors say it's not an addiction, you're just experiencing withdrawal. In my mind, that is the same thing? Stopping something you are addicted to produces withdrawal symptoms which make you continue using the substance. Example being smoking, headaches and irritability etc as well as cravings make people continue to smoke because they are addicted.
I'm glad we're not alone in our thinking.

I truly wish you the best, whatever path you choose.

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Sep 12, 2020
I have a similar stance on this, and it has been reinforced after trying medications in the past that either didn't help or just made things worse. I decided to experience the misery unadorned, even if it ends in suicide. Maybe that's also important to me because I care about reality since I'm derealized all the time. Also, the fact that depression is not fully understood and is only treated based on a hypothesis makes me skeptical. I also know the feeling of feeling pressured to take medication. It is terrible and leads to nowhere. However, this is just my opinion. For many people medication was helpful, but not for me.

It's sad that you have to wait forever for appointments, especially after asking for help, which isn't always easy. Is it possible for you to bridge the time until the talk therapy with other therapeutic/counselling services? I also wonder what your doctor is thinking. Medication without therapy is not recommended, at least where I live.
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Sep 12, 2020
I don't know if this is the right place to ask. You wrote that nothing convinced you to take medication. Has anything changed about that, especially in light of the fact that you were/are in a psych ward?
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May 29, 2021
I agree. I've always felt the same way. If someone is unhappy just because of a brain imbalance but they actually have a lot of good things in their life to be happy about but they just can't be happy due to some kind of imbalance, then meds make sense. But if you're miserable because everything in your life sucks and you can't fix it no matter how hard you try, how are meds going to fix that? It's never made sense to me.

Despite that, I have tried a bunch of different antidepressants and they make me sick as hell. They make everything 1000x worse. On top of being depressed, I end up sick, nauseous, dizzy, unable to eat or sleep, horrible, vivid nightmares, night sweats, confusion, etc. Basically turn me into a zombie. How is that supposed to help? I've also been in therapy for many, many years. Doesn't help either.
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Apr 4, 2021
I don't know if this is the right place to ask. You wrote that nothing convinced you to take medication. Has anything changed about that, especially in light of the fact that you were/are in a psych ward?
Now that I'm sectioned under section 3 I have to take the medication they are giving me. Being in here has made everything feel like it's on pause, I have no choice about being in here so I may as well at least try and use this time to help myself. Some days are better than others, but I can't help but feel that there is nothing that will help me. We all know the cure.

I've been on antidepressants now for 5 weeks and I'm also having a treatment called TMS neither of which have made any change as of yet.
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