I don't think there is a set meaning. But if there was- what would you like it to be? Do you think your life would be better with more rules in it? Do you think all lives would be better with a common goal?
I do get what you mean by the way. Who hasn't found themselves pondering- WTF is this all about and, WTF should I have to put up with it?
But, we know some of the answers to that... we're here because our parents had children (obviously.) We are animals and animals tend to run on the instincts of: stay alive long enough to reproduce. Our parents followed those instincts. So- if you're looking for 'our point'- it's (naturally speaking) the reverse of trying to get to death as soon as possible! It is in fact to live long enough to pass your genes on to your offspring. Thankfully, we have brains that can see that might not be for the best.
The problem with humans is we can contemplate all this stuff and, for a lot of us, it doesn't seem to make us very happy. Now, I guess whether self awareness has a point or, end goal- I don't know but- I'm guessing not. Evolution itself doesn't seem to be conscious, it's simply a process that ensures that dominant features that appear in a species survive and priloforate. I could see how being able to think and see ourselves in this world would give us an edge over other animals.
But- as for meaning behind life- I imagine that's why people flock towards things like religion- whether it's true or not. Ultimately though- no one's going to tell you that you've found the true meaning of life or- you're purpose. It's an individual feeling I think. Some people do feel like they have a purpose in life. It doesn't matter if you think they're delluded. They don't need everyone to agree.
I used to feel pretty much completely satisfied when I was able to be creative. For some people, if they have a natural strength for something- anything- sports, science, maths, languages, art, baking, caring for others. If they are able to do that thing and further develop their skills, it can feel like they are doing what they were built to do- which can feel satisfying/ like fulfilling their purpose.
Of course- there's nothing to say you have to do that and sadly, not everyone can. Some people truly seem to have no interest or get no satisfaction from anything. Honestly though, I'm not sure a strong commitment to nihilism- even though it may make sense does anyone any favours. It just seems to torture them.
I think for the majority of people, they either genuinely have things in life that give them purpose: Maybe they love to travel and are saving up for that, maybe they have children and put most of their efforts into seeing they are ok, maybe they have a fulfilling careeer or hobby. Who knows? For some though- I think it's mostly genuine or- they'd all be here trying to work out how to end it- right? Others may not be entirely happy but, they maybe still believe they can be with some adjustments to life.
Ultimately, who knows who's right or wrong? I think trying to find a purpose in life is simply a coping mechanism to deal with it and, coping mechanisms don't seem like a bad idea to me. Otherwise, you are just kept here in mental anguish continually until you are able to CTB- which is made as difficult as possible- so- could potentially be quite a way away. It simply means that their time spent on this revolving rock is maybe less full of anger, frustration and despair because they are able to distract themselves for periods of time. So, simply put- they may not be right but, if someone is stuck with life for the time being, there may be more to gain and less to suffer if we can find things to cling to that make us feel fulfilment.