

Feb 19, 2021
So some of the only people I genuinely care about are my discord friends (since im a shut in discord is my main form of communication and socializing), I very much don't want to trouble them but due to the fact that theyre really good people and some of them have some knowledge of my issues, one of my biggest anxieties about leaving is that theyll be forced to be left wondering why ive disappeared after being online everyday and theyll tear themselves up thinking about everything it could be with the added torture of being able to think i might come back
As such while I know that letting them know would sadden them, the thought of them not having a conclusive answer they can tackle and eventually move past seems far crueler so im wondering what the best method of sending a note like this on discord would be

My best idea was a temp server with channels of personalized words for each friend and dming them the invite, the cons of this being that the server could be deleted if anyone reports it to try to stop me but my only other idea was linking a note from a seperate site and linking it on more secure server but that feels too impersonal
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Mar 10, 2021
I was looking for something similar. People have suggested writing a script in javascript or python to automatically send a message at a specified time, but that would require you leave your computer on and logged in when you go.