- Jun 28, 2024
- 17
Government should subsidize abortion as a means of maintaining enough resources for the living population. Reasoning is following:
Upsetting as it is, I'm grateful that I was exposed early on to images of foetal remains (it was snuck into the church bulletin, my mother was less than thrilled), and that I had a weirdo substitute teacher in the fourth grade who told us exactly what the process was (the one where the foetus' head is sliced into quarters). Our regular teacher just told us a life was ended, no details. I'm of the belief that if it's explained when you're younger, you'll have a better formed opinion. I think using shock imagery at protests is an ineffective way of getting your point across, I'm also of the opinion that people who are radically pro-choice don't have the slightest understanding at what it is to end a human life. I'm not coming from a moral point of view, just what the facts are, and no one's being honest about it. Yeah, it's healthcare, and yeah, there are other services, but be honest. When you make a choice, you stand by it, making it clear that you're very aware of what it entails, especially late term.
If one still feels comfortable with the procedure, then they should be left to do it. Fuck a required ultrasound, and fuck people who stand at the doors of these places and try to convince you otherwise. It's between you and G_d, it's not my place to judge.
I further think it's shitty when people are dismissive of pregnancy as a parasitic relationship. True, but just my opinion. It's still a human life.
Really, I was pro-choice until two years ago.
I agree with you on the animal cruelty thing. People should absolutely go through the same pain as a being who is dependent on you for love and care and doesn't understand why it's being harmed.
Oh! And incest should be legal. I get it from a genetic point of view, but I don't see a problem with it if it's consensual, and once you hit 18, and it's not dependent on culture.
- Kids deserve happy lives and if you're not in a position to do so, nor desire to have kids and you find yourself in that tough spot, it should be easy to have an abortion. Mind you, I'm pro-life, but I'm pro-not screwing someone who depends on you for love and stability. Emotionally, not financially. I have friends who grew up poor but had great childhoods.
- I'd rather have my tax dollars pay for your abortion than raise your kid for 18 years. I'm pro-social services as well, but again, if there's no way you can give the kid an emotionally stable existence....
- Resources are limited. I'm not saying anyone is a drag on the system (I think it's shitty line of thinking), but again, if you're not wanted, this leaves more for the rest of us.
- I'm pro-life on a technical level. I respect one's autonomy, but won't give to private orgs that directly assist women in securing an abortion. I don't control where my taxes go, but I control who I open my wallet to.
Upsetting as it is, I'm grateful that I was exposed early on to images of foetal remains (it was snuck into the church bulletin, my mother was less than thrilled), and that I had a weirdo substitute teacher in the fourth grade who told us exactly what the process was (the one where the foetus' head is sliced into quarters). Our regular teacher just told us a life was ended, no details. I'm of the belief that if it's explained when you're younger, you'll have a better formed opinion. I think using shock imagery at protests is an ineffective way of getting your point across, I'm also of the opinion that people who are radically pro-choice don't have the slightest understanding at what it is to end a human life. I'm not coming from a moral point of view, just what the facts are, and no one's being honest about it. Yeah, it's healthcare, and yeah, there are other services, but be honest. When you make a choice, you stand by it, making it clear that you're very aware of what it entails, especially late term.
If one still feels comfortable with the procedure, then they should be left to do it. Fuck a required ultrasound, and fuck people who stand at the doors of these places and try to convince you otherwise. It's between you and G_d, it's not my place to judge.
I further think it's shitty when people are dismissive of pregnancy as a parasitic relationship. True, but just my opinion. It's still a human life.
Really, I was pro-choice until two years ago.
More death punishments, more cruel punishments, someone tortured an animal? Make them go through the same torture. Human traffickers should be dead, rapists should at least have their sex organ removed if not dead.
If you have disabilties that massively impact quality of life, and/or do not have enough money to ensure you child they can live without working you should not have a kid. If you want one, adopt one.
Even the lesser known artists? I find a lot of good stuff if I stay away from popular media. Since the popular stuff are always going to be limited by *something*, lesser known artists have the freedom to do whatever the fuck they want.
Oh hey, we got almost the same controversial take, mine's just not as extreme as yours. As in I wouldn't exactly give a 3yr old drugs or not intervene if I see toddlers doing drugs. But I don't exactly dislike your take. I would say teenagers and maybe below should be allowed to die depending on their reasoning to die. For example abusive family, that's usually something that follows ppl throughout their life and if someone wants to die to escape that, I would support their decision regardless of age. Or something like hating society, that's going to be a constant unless someone changes and accepts it. I also see no problem with the group mentioned above doing drugs because that might be what gets them through whatever they are dealing with.
I agree with you on the animal cruelty thing. People should absolutely go through the same pain as a being who is dependent on you for love and care and doesn't understand why it's being harmed.
Oh! And incest should be legal. I get it from a genetic point of view, but I don't see a problem with it if it's consensual, and once you hit 18, and it's not dependent on culture.
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