Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I don't remember dreams that much. Mostly, they tend to be filled with angst and worry- like life really!

I dream a lot about the house I grew up in and my God parents house. Quite often, I am there alone and there are people trying to break in. It's really scary. Seeing as they are reccuring dreams- I tried to find out if they meant something.

Apparently, all the people that populate our dreams are in fact- not other people but elements of ourselves. By them being people I was trying to keep out- this annalysis suggested that maybe it was aspects of myself that I didn't want to face. I think the advice was to try and lucid dream to try and confront them. I did it once (although- not through lucid dreaming- not intentionally) and nothing much happened! Lol. We just all stood there looking at one another. 😆

Actually, recently, I know I've been dreaming about suicide- which is a first for me. Perhaps my subconscious is getting on side with my conscious mind.
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ready to go, just waiting for the right time!
Dec 31, 2022
most of my dreams are surreal and very hard to explain because the visuals take an important part in them. usually its like my brain takes a few of my fears and a few random unrelated things and mashes them all together into a weird story. there are a lot of reoccurring settings and themes in my dreams, like for example empty malls or isolation. also i often dream about things related to my trauma and those are not fun:( i rarely remember my dreams tho
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"Wake up to reality, nothing ever goes as planned"
Sep 30, 2022
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CTB Dream

CTB Dream

Injury damage disabl hard talk no argu make fun et
Sep 17, 2022
Unfortunate nowady dream hard rememb Injury damage , still rememb little time but forget


Jun 13, 2022
Audio recordings are easier for me to do when i've just woken up. I can give more details faster with my voice than I can with text, and looking at what i'm writing tends to wake me up more. Smoking and drinking and stuff like that will mess with your memory and your ability to recall your dreams. I used to take medication for PTSD to help with nightmares, it made my nights dreamless for a while. I haven't had a reoccurring dream since I was real little, but i've had a lot of reoccurring themes over the years. Mostly boring expected stuff involving friends, family, school, heights/falling, arguments, being chased, etc. My favorite dreams are the ones with strangers in them, characters that my brain makes up on the spot. I want to get lucid so I can ask them questions.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
"Ets una petita ombra a l'univers"
Trad: "You are a small shadow in the Universe"

Well, that's what I dreamt tonight, a voice addressed me in a dream like this.
I don't know how to take it... for days I have been dreaming phrases or conversations, but the first one I remembered was the one I have transcribed here.

I didn't find it funny. I don't know if it has to do with my process of self-destruction that manifests itself unconsciously or that fate is letting me know that I am nobody to decide about my death (I have the suicidal idealization very strong since Christmas vacations).

I will go on my way and shout "I don't accept the challenge", I would only lack that my mind confronts me challenging me.


"Ets una petita ombra a l'univers"

Doncs és el que he somiat aquesta nit, una veu s'ha dirigit a mi en somnis així.
No sé com prendre-m'ho... fa dies que somio frases o converses, però la primera que he recordat ha estat la que he transcrit aquí.

No m'ha fet pas gens de gràcia. No se si te a veure amb el meu procés d'autodestrucció que es manifesta de manera inconscient o que el destí em fa saber que no sóc ningú per decidir sobre la meva mort (tinc la idealització suïcida molt forta desde les vacances de nadal).

Seguiré el meu camí i cridaré "No accepto el desafiament", només em faltaría que la meva ment s'enfrontés a mi retant-me.
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