Ah fuck, I am so sorry to hear that, friend.
I suffered insomnia too, and it's the worst.
Thing with psychotropic prescription drugs is, they can deplete nutrients like amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which can be near impossible to recover from without supplementation.
They can also cause hormonal imbalances, and your average quack psychiatrist simply do not know anything about this.
I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to tell me to go fuck myself for suggesting things, but my conscience forces me to at least inform.
- AlloPregnenolone might get you sleeping more, immediately. It is a natural GABA agonist, brain protecting, stress reducing hormone.
Available at idealabsdc.com/lab . That is a gray market site. Legal for them to ship, likely illegal to buy/receive most places. DHL express shipping clears customs almost anywhere. Can't tell you how I know.
- Custom amino acid repletion is the most promising I know of for chronic insomnia like yours.
Could be other things like B vitamin deficiencies too,
"Antiepileptic drugs are one example of a medication class with a higher risk of nutrient deficiencies, possibly reducing absorption or increasing the excretion of vitamins. "If patients are on long term Dilantin, Tegretol or
Lyrica, they may need potential nutrient supplementation such as
biotin, folic acid, vitamin D, or vitamin K," said Sandra Campbell, PharmD, and MSU Health Care Chief Pharmacist.
Taking medication according to the prescribed dose, time, and frequency or medication adherence is an important part of managing overall health and chronic conditions.
I can ramble at length about treatment resistant depression too, but I would have to ask you more questions first.
Sorry if this aggravates you, but knowing insomnia first hand I simply can not shut up.
Ask me anything if I may clarify.
May you be free of all suffering, no matter what path you choose to get there.