Do I have to pay income tax on it?
I'd move to California, buy a house in Santa Monica, another somewhere outside of the city, some place close to nature but not so remote it doesn't have 5G cell coverage, and an RV/camper van so I could road trip around the American southwest whenever I wanted. And an electric Mercedes. I'd try to do all that under $10 million, and probably cut back my dreams to only spend less than $5 million. Real estate probably costs more than I think. So I'd probably still get the RV and luxury electric car, and get a house some place more practical.
maybe I'd hate Santa Monica, everyone is so pretty there, I wouldn't fit in… I guess I could afford a lot of cosmetic surgery and it's probably readily available in LA.
For the rest… (office space quote)
Invest money, try to use proceeds for good, maybe be minimally involved in backing businesses or organizations that align with my values. Drug harm reduction, cPTSD recovery, tech that doesn't hurt/exploit individuals, etc.
with my mental illnesses, the best way I can help causes I care about is probably financial contributions, and if I make myself happy by being in nice places, maybe I can be healthy enough to make the world a better place.