
Feb 27, 2020
I'm 30 years old. My parents got divorced when I was 10. I was the only child and I was living with my mother. 15 years ago my mother had a kid with one guy. He moved out pretty quickly after that. Also, an alcoholic grandma was also living with us already.

In 2016 my mother met another guy. He left prison. There were 5 of us living in one small apartment (2 rooms). I had my own room. My mother, her boyfriend, my sister and grandma were living together in another room. I couldn't stand living in my "childhood home" full of alcoholics fighting. My sister took over my old room and I moved out.
I was able to move out only because I had an opportunity to move to the apartment that belongs to my father's partner. He already said it two times that I should move out from here. The conditions here are awful. Living here makes me really miserable and I really wish to move out from this shithole.

So currently in this "childhood home" there's a mother, still the same boyfriend that she's been living with since 2016, 15 year old sister, and sick grandma who is no longer drinking. Mother with her boyfriend are often drinking, screaming, creating bad atmosphere in the house. He is beating her. But she always forgives him. They occasionally take breaks from each other but sooner or later they always end up together and the cycle repeats.
My mother has been always like this. She is constantly finding bad guys and provoking everything and everyone to create traumatic atmosphere at home.

I have anxiety, depression and physical conditions (mostly gut and joints) which made me a really weak person.
I'm too asocial to rent a room. When it comes to renting a studio flat you need to earn more than a minimum wage. Currently I'm earning more than a minimum wage, but I hate my job and I wish to change it. I have to take few months break between jobs, to recharge my batteries. I cannot simply sign a renting contract with stuff like this.
I feel pathetic that I can't help my sister and she has to live with these monsters.

I fucking hate my mother for that. For putting everyone in this situation. She destroyed the whole house.

Sometimes I'm thinking about moving back there and living with them. Then maybe I would be able to control the situation somehow, by calling police etc. My sister wouldn't be that scared. But there's no space for me there, I would have to share a room with her, which probably would make us feel even more uncomfortable I think.

I have such bipolar thoughts about what approach to take. Sometimes I'm thinking about going all-in and moving to other city and just leave it all behind. On the second hand sometimes I'm thinking about going all-in and moving back to this sweet childhood home and just live with them.

I wonder what would you guys do in this situation?
Man, I feel like such a pathetic looser. I'm a fucking pussy.
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Apr 5, 2023
Dont go back there.

I know what it feels like. I left my 16 year old sister behind at the time.
Its not your responsability to take care of everyone.

If your sister needs the police, she can call them or she can call you and you can send them over.

You need to think about yourself. Your (mental) health is also important. YOU are important.
Don't put your needs aside for other people.

Moving to another city and leaving everything behind is my dream tbh. But make it a country far far away.

Well, thats my advice. Whatever you do, don't go back.
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Normie Life Mogs
Sep 19, 2023
I wonder what would you guys do in this situation?
Man, I feel like such a pathetic looser. I'm a fucking pussy.
None of this makes you a pussy. You're describing a situation no one could handle on their own.

My take is don't go back. Your sister is 15. Do what you can to improve your own mental health and save up some money. If you want to help your sister, the best thing you could do is give her a way out of there once she's of age wherever you are.

On the second hand sometimes I'm thinking about going all-in and moving back to this sweet childhood home and just live with them.

It's not a sweet childhood home. It's tainted by abuse and violence. You know that. Start a new life. Doesn't matter where, so long as you are away from the destructive influences. Live differently.


Apr 29, 2024
I'm gonna go on a limb here and give you some advices that might be contradictory
Firsr, yeah i agree you shouldn't go back to that nut house.
Second, this will take time but I'll be worth it: teach yourself how to teach English. Maybe even volunteer. With this knowledge and by saving some money (or even asking for a loan you can pay) you would be able to move to another country. Ideally Asia or Latin America. Now, IF possible, retrieve your sister and take her with you. If she's unable or unwilling, then well it's a good bye. Try to save her, but don't make it your main focus. Besides, your mother is still her legal guardian and if you take her away from that place, they could charge you with kidnap and try to blackmail you with that. Be very smart if you want to save your sister.

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