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I’m tired
May 25, 2024
1) Having an alien slug slither into my ear and control my entire brain and central nervous system, completely displacing all forms of my self and replacing it with its own consciousness and will (ala Star Trek or the Yeerks from Animorphs) and subverting the human race to be primed to become droves of slug hosts.

2) Even better - Being assimilated by the Borg. This is something I've fantasized about for decades - having my own consciousness and will die and being replaced, while at the same time all my disabilities vanish instantly, AND never being alone AND having a purpose that I can fulfil AND getting to terrorize the living bejeezus out of humans. Like I actually used to cry watching Borg episodes of Star Trek because I wanted it SO BAD but knew it could never happen.

3) Less ideal, but I'll take it - being bitten by a zombie or injected with the T-virus or G-virus. Same deal - everything that makes me me DIES and is replaced by an abjectly terrifying creature belonging to a group of horrifying creatures that are the adversaries to humanity.

I could name more situations but you get the idea. There is nothing that could actually happen in real life that could make me not DETERMINED to kill myself. Nothing.

And I think wanting to be taken over by Yeerks and assimilated by the Borg SO BAD as a child that I would cry myself to sleep - that alone right there was the biggest sign I could never be compatible with human life. Sci-Fi writers came up with "villains" like that to tap into the most existential fears of the humans psyche - total death of the 'self' and being replaced by something COMPLETELY alien. And to this day I want these things to happen to me so badly that it hurts.

I really do think one of the reasons I'm still here (other than being a pissbaby coward) is that in the deepest depths of my Schizophrenia, part of me still believes aliens or interdimensional entities can show up one day, kill my 'self' and replace me with something else entirely. The logical, grounded side of me knows that most likely can't happen - but there's a little Autistic, Schizophrenic inner child that still believes.

Sorry. I really didn't expect this to turn into a super emotional wall of text, but there I went.
Very creative.. but these all sound like a variation of CTB'ing in the end lmao
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bokura wa inochi ni kirawarete iru
Mar 27, 2023
friends that dont leave me, pets and relatives that dont die before me, and a billion dollars
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May 11, 2024
Wanna get assimilated by the Borg with me? :ahhha:
Yes please.
Even just entering a kick ass lucid dream while in a coma would be a hopeful situation for me at this point.
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Jun 19, 2023
Being born in the right body to prevent gender dysphoria. No childhood trauma and financial stability. But sometimes i question myself, if I actually want to live even when my life would be perfect.
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Mar 24, 2024
if i finally felt like i had a purpose but i just dont
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Life is a Joke
Mar 20, 2023
Maybe if I could change my last 2 years I would giveup from ctb but I think I still couldnt be happy. I wish ctb because I cant be happy on life anymore, Im not enjoy it. So maybe with a change that could happen in my last two years, I could commit myself to an academic or similar achievement and feel like I'm doing something for the country, at least. I wouldn't be happy, but I would have a purpose and a pursuit."
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I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
1) Having an alien slug slither into my ear and control my entire brain and central nervous system, completely displacing all forms of my self and replacing it with its own consciousness and will (ala Star Trek or the Yeerks from Animorphs) and subverting the human race to be primed to become droves of slug hosts.

2) Even better - Being assimilated by the Borg. This is something I've fantasized about for decades - having my own consciousness and will die and being replaced, while at the same time all my disabilities vanish instantly, AND never being alone AND having a purpose that I can fulfil AND getting to terrorize the living bejeezus out of humans. Like I actually used to cry watching Borg episodes of Star Trek because I wanted it SO BAD but knew it could never happen.

3) Less ideal, but I'll take it - being bitten by a zombie or injected with the T-virus or G-virus. Same deal - everything that makes me me DIES and is replaced by an abjectly terrifying creature belonging to a group of horrifying creatures that are the adversaries to humanity.

I could name more situations but you get the idea. There is nothing that could actually happen in real life that could make me not DETERMINED to kill myself. Nothing.

And I think wanting to be taken over by Yeerks and assimilated by the Borg SO BAD as a child that I would cry myself to sleep - that alone right there was the biggest sign I could never be compatible with human life. Sci-Fi writers came up with "villains" like that to tap into the most existential fears of the humans psyche - total death of the 'self' and being replaced by something COMPLETELY alien. And to this day I want these things to happen to me so badly that it hurts.

I really do think one of the reasons I'm still here (other than being a pissbaby coward) is that in the deepest depths of my Schizophrenia, part of me still believes aliens or interdimensional entities can show up one day, kill my 'self' and replace me with something else entirely. The logical, grounded side of me knows that most likely can't happen - but there's a little Autistic, Schizophrenic inner child that still believes.

Sorry. I really didn't expect this to turn into a super emotional wall of text, but there I went.
Animorphs, Star Trek, and Resident Evil. With all sincerity, this is a peak nerd post and I am absolutely living for it.
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Nov 13, 2021
The economy getting much better, it's a large part of my current stress. It still baffles me that, at least in America, you could get by on an average wage, have kids, buy a house, etc. Nowadays, a normal wage might get one person by depending on where you live, not an entire family, and certainly not comfortably.

Edit: I even looked it up, 76% of Americans making less than 50k live paycheck to paycheck, 65.9% making 50k-100k, and 47.1% of those making >100k a year live paycheck to paycheck. Sure, some of this could be chalked up to being irresponsible with money, but it certainly couldn't all be that. It just feels like it was much easier to get by back in the day compared to now, and Gen Z is stuck with a terrible economy and boomers in the government who don't seem to give a fuck as they got the good end of the stick when they were young, now that they got what they wanted, it doesn't matter to them.
Last edited:
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Too Little, Too Late
Jun 4, 2024
Massive improvements in plastic surgery and scar care. I'm not holding my breath.
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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

The CEO of CTB
Sep 6, 2022
Very creative.. but these all sound like a variation of CTB'ing in the end lmao
Exactly. There's nothing by any stretch of the imagination that would make me want to continue life in this form. No material possession. No person. No place. Transferring my brain into any human body of any kind wouldn't make a stitch of difference. The only thing I'd be down for is replacing the consciousness itself (which is your SELF) with something else, and at the end of the day that's just another form of CTBing.

I think the variation is even if my inner self is completely dead, I'd be willing to try life in a completely different form. I'm not of the camp where I think ALL life and ALL existence is inherently Hellish. Human life is (in most cases), but that's only one form of life. I'd be willing to try life again as either an animal or some other form of sentient life completely alien to anything human. I don't even mind not having free will and belonging to some kind of hive-minded species.

I'm fine with dying and fading into oblivion - but it would be nice to be reincarnated as an animal or go to a different planet or dimension entirely and actually get to experience an existence that isn't completely broken.
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May 27, 2020
There are a few impossible scenarios which would prevent me from committing suicide, at least for the foreseeable future...

A.: A sudden breakthrough in various areas of science and technology which allows human beings to travel around, and outside of the Solar System, and in turn begin a new space-faring era for the species. I would really like to experience living in a reality similar to the United Federation of Planets.

B.: Immortality, or at least a very large lifespan extension. This would allow me to complete any goals I have currently, but also survive far into the future to check whether or not humanity has progressed to a point similar to scenario A, if the scenario above does not happen in the present time period. If the future turns out to be bleak I could always still commit suicide.

C.: Access to time travel, in order to rectify a few minor choices that have had negative effects, in the future (now present) of my life; this would also allow me to choose an era/time period to experience.
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Jan 9, 2023
For the laws of reality to change. For the chance of suffering being absolutely 0. Then I'd be completely fine
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I use a translator
May 24, 2024
I guess what would make me rethink CTB is being normal, I know it's very ambiguous but I can't put it better. Or a way to go back in time to when I was a baby and things weren't the way they were.
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Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
Good mental health I guess
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only help i want is with ctb
Jul 9, 2023
Enough money to live off of for the rest of my life. Doesn't even have to be in a luxury way, I'll gladly accept living in a tiny apartment, eating nothing but a can of raw beans or pack of raw tofu for every meal, and having nothing to do or anywhere to go if it means I also never have to go to work and talk to people.
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Nov 7, 2023
limitless money i guess,, the thought of having to work till im too old to work is too depressing for me. i hate working especially in a field im not even passionate about (and im not passionate about any other fields either) maybe im just lazy but its all too tiring
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Mar 8, 2024
Normal joints without pain . Continue to do the things that made me happy
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Apologizing for my life and ever entering yours
May 6, 2021
Having the guarantee that life will be better; economically, socially, politically, emotionally, etc.​


On break. Read "About" on profile.
Feb 1, 2024
That's hard to answer, since most of my thoughts emerge from trauma, and I'm strictly anti-therapy for myself as well as against all professional mental health treatment due to the extra trauma I've gotten with it. If erasing my memory isn't an option, then I want an IRL friend to occionally support me, but helps me set boundaries as to not become dependent on their existence and live happy and independently.

It hurts being so alone with these thoughts with friends I can barely trust to confide in. I'm stuck in my own mind to the point death seems more enticing then to be vulnerable to people.


Jan 11, 2024
A large enough sum of money where I could just travel.

I don't need friends, don't need a fancy home. If I somehow get enough money to live for the rest of my life without working and just traveling I'd stay.
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May 28, 2024
Just any kind of sense that my life was going somewhere.
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Apr 3, 2024
Really hot girlfriend
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enough of this

enough of this

Jun 4, 2023
If I could have my physical life restored.
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Jan 24, 2023
Is there any circumstance or part of reality that if changed, would stop you from CTB'ing?
If so, what would you wish for from the magical CTB genie?

For me it would be to have a healthy brain and body again free of harm from pharmaceuticals.
Not being alone
  • Aww..
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New Member
May 21, 2024
Is there any circumstance or part of reality that if changed, would stop you from CTB'ing?
If so, what would you wish for from the magical CTB genie?

For me it would be to have a healthy brain and body again free of harm from pharmaceuticals.
Right now my sister is what stops me. Her friend CTB and I don't want her to go through that with me, but if she dies I will probably follow her pretty quickly.
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May 30, 2024
Better parents better financial life better everything
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take me to the afterlife
Jun 2, 2024
A miracle.
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