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I’m tired
May 25, 2024
Is there any circumstance or part of reality that if changed, would stop you from CTB'ing?
If so, what would you wish for from the magical CTB genie?

For me it would be to have a healthy brain and body again free of harm from pharmaceuticals.
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Sep 25, 2021
If there was something that could erase all my memories
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Feb 22, 2024
Is there any circumstance or part of reality that if changed, would stop you from CTB'ing?
If so, what would you wish for?

For me it would be to have a healthy brain and body again free of harm from pharmaceuticals.
Go back to at least 18 years back and change all of my life...
Being born far away from this sh*t i live in.
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
A small loan of one million dollars (that I don't have to pay back. Wait, actually, make it a billion dollars 🤣) and to not age beyond 25. I would stay young and beautiful forever, and be able to NEET indefinitely. I would NEET for life
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An angel who wants to go home..
May 29, 2024
A different life, a different way of thinking, no mental health problems. Less trauma, different way of growing up.

Basically change all the things that messed me up that I know of.
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Jun 21, 2023
Less fucked up genetics and different parents (both are related)
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Proud Normie
Sep 19, 2023
Is there any circumstance or part of reality that if changed, would stop you from CTB'ing?
If so, what would you wish for?

For me it would be to have a healthy brain and body again free of harm from pharmaceuticals.
Already happened. I have someone who leans on me and wants me to stay alive.

To stop having suicidal thoughts? Imma need about $3.50. . . times a million so I can stop working without guilt or losing my autonomy.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
No, I'd always prefer to peacefully not exist than to suffer for decades just to die slowly and painfully tormented by old age. I personally prefer the sound of true peace over pointless suffering, only death comforts me, I just find it so tragic how life even exists at all and it disgusts me how humans procreate, existence truly is the most undesidable, futile abomination, I have no interest in suffering and in existence there is literally no limit as to how much one can suffer.
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Trust in my self righteous suicide
May 26, 2024
Miracle. Changing to a different version of my life where I didn't have this depression and didn't mess it all up. Where things didn't go so horribly wrong. I want this more than CTB because I want to live, sad it's not happened.
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Apr 25, 2023
Is there any circumstance or part of reality that if changed, would stop you from CTB'ing?
If so, what would you wish for?

For me it would be to have a healthy brain and body again free of harm from pharmaceuticals.
Money will solve most of my problems and make my life livable.
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Jun 3, 2024
going back in time to when a was like 15 ,crazy how just some few bad decision can fuck your life
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Apr 14, 2023
Nothing. I don't want a better life. I want no life . My life was never the problem, I am . I deserve to suffer and die too.
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May 23, 2024
Not sure about anything I would wish for that would indefinitely stop me from CTBing, unless it's something like wishing to die instantly from natural causes or in my sleep. Peacefully dying like that would certainly stop me from CTBing and be quite welcome :)
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Jul 29, 2021
being immortal
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Life destroyed by SSRIs
May 11, 2024
My wish would be the exact same as yours bro
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I, too, shall burn
Jun 4, 2024
Making a decision now is fruitless. Not because there is nothing that can be done but, rather, there is nothing that can be affected without further turmoil.

A windfall of money is horribly dangerous. All around me would embrace their primal nature as thieves, liars, and murderers in order to obtain my finances.

Another partner to replace the one I have? Perhaps even specified to my likings? That, too, would be a short-lived affair. It would take but mere months, if not weeks, for them to be affected by the extreme polarization of this world. At that point, they would become the very thing they are now -- an idea. No longer a person but an amalgamation of rage, mental illness, and tribalism. The infection of social media and the world therein which is forever changed by it.

If I were to offer some kind of answer to this question, however, then I would wish for social media to never have existed. The internet would have become a scrapped DARPA project or a classified invention. Someone would have convinced others to have never let it loose and made it military-only, letting us, the public, bask in forced interaction. If I were to have grown up in that world, in that dimension where we moved through life, then perhaps my tendencies wouldn't be so extreme.

If we're talking purely fantastical means, then it would take me becoming a character in a fantasy world of my own making. Or perhaps even this world but with the ability to open "console commands" like a virtual screen and affect my reality as I wish.

Unfortunately, life, as it is, remains. Which is why I lean so heavily toward its end.
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Jul 29, 2021
please explain further. Sounds like you really want to live?

my ideal life is the pursuit of power

create something from nothing so as to never run out of resources

unlimited computing power so I can simulate my own universe and other forms of life

being a machine that can keep itself 100 percent functional and not affected by decay or breakdown injury or sickness

having all the knowledge of how atoms and the universe work built directly into my mind
being able to see and manipulate individual atoms with my eyes and fingertips

never needing to sleep eat drink pee shit dream unlimited energy source

having all the mathematical formulas built directly into my mind

being able to read and write machine code in real-time and fully comprehend what is happening

being able to simulate things directly in my mind via mathematical models ie programming

have complete control over my emotions and not be at the mercy of them

being able to re-engineer the machine that i am

basically become a god with the power to create life and destroy life
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Apr 26, 2024
Nothing, I'd just love to disappear from everything
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Cursed by God
Dec 9, 2022
Being forgiven by God
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
A girlfriend, but not just any girlfriend, one who's insane enough to actually like me.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I think I would need reality itself to change for me to not be suicidal. There would have to be a lot that has to be changed for me to not be suicidal. For one, I would need the world to be a place where I don't have to do any responsibilities or effort or work at all and still get things done. I wish there could be magic which instantly cleans all dishes or instantly makes the house clean. In addition to that, I would also need my perpetual, constant headaches to fade away. I would also need my neurotype to be changed so that I can feel pleasure from things. Lastly, I would also need my suffering to eradicate completely or at least be small enough to where I don't have to worry about it at all

If these these were to be true for me, I wouldn't be suicidal and I'd be enjoying life. However, since reality is extremely disappointing and cruel, I want to be dead as reality just isn't worth living for me
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Jun 3, 2024
If i had genuine friends who don't vanish the moment i start feeling suicidal and not positive 100% of the time, and enough money for me to live comfortably and not overwork myself at a job that makes me want to blow my brains out.
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I knew I forgot to do something when I was 15...
Mar 26, 2024
A time machine so I could go back and live my life for myself and not other people.
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May 11, 2024
I want to be 18 again. I want to undo the damage to my body and get a proper health diagnosis while there was still time. But I can't. So barring a miracle (those don't exist), death it is.
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Life Is My Coffin

Life Is My Coffin

One final action ⚰️⚰️⚰️
Oct 13, 2023
If someone around my area loved me and didn't leave me like everyone else.
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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

The CEO of CTB
Sep 6, 2022
1) Having an alien slug slither into my ear and control my entire brain and central nervous system, completely displacing all forms of my self and replacing it with its own consciousness and will (ala Star Trek or the Yeerks from Animorphs) and subverting the human race to be primed to become droves of slug hosts.

2) Even better - Being assimilated by the Borg. This is something I've fantasized about for decades - having my own consciousness and will die and being replaced, while at the same time all my disabilities vanish instantly, AND never being alone AND having a purpose that I can fulfil AND getting to terrorize the living bejeezus out of humans. Like I actually used to cry watching Borg episodes of Star Trek because I wanted it SO BAD but knew it could never happen.

3) Less ideal, but I'll take it - being bitten by a zombie or injected with the T-virus or G-virus. Same deal - everything that makes me me DIES and is replaced by an abjectly terrifying creature belonging to a group of horrifying creatures that are the adversaries to humanity.

I could name more situations but you get the idea. There is nothing that could actually happen in real life that could make me not DETERMINED to kill myself. Nothing.

And I think wanting to be taken over by Yeerks and assimilated by the Borg SO BAD as a child that I would cry myself to sleep - that alone right there was the biggest sign I could never be compatible with human life. Sci-Fi writers came up with "villains" like that to tap into the most existential fears of the humans psyche - total death of the 'self' and being replaced by something COMPLETELY alien. And to this day I want these things to happen to me so badly that it hurts.

I really do think one of the reasons I'm still here (other than being a pissbaby coward) is that in the deepest depths of my Schizophrenia, part of me still believes aliens or interdimensional entities can show up one day, kill my 'self' and replace me with something else entirely. The logical, grounded side of me knows that most likely can't happen - but there's a little Autistic, Schizophrenic inner child that still believes.

Sorry. I really didn't expect this to turn into a super emotional wall of text, but there I went.
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I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
Apr 22, 2024
An impossible, life-rewriting miracle.
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Mar 31, 2024
to not be me with my broken brain. to have a family who validated who I was and made me feel okay as I am. to not have got caught up in an abusive relationship with a spiritual teacher so I could still have a path which gave me some sense of purpose. to meet someone one day who loved me for me.

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