can you prove you've been asleep for 14 billion years how do you know for a fact that deaths the end for all time, there's nothing worng with permenaent non existance i plan to escape this living hell even if i have to destoy everything there is to escape, what i am suggesting is that escaping might be alot hard than just killing yourself maybe rebith i hope not tho when i die i want for it to be forever
A human is just another animal . Evolution has been proven for more than 163 years by thousands of studies and experiments. The truth has been there since 1859 in Charles Darwin's book . Nothing has ever disproved evolution even though many have tried. Any book on biology, the brain , neuroscience, psychology , the cell, Evolution , DNA , artificial intelligence , comparative anatomy, Chatgpt, genetics, genomics, many other sciences and tech, will prove this.
Humans evolved from simpler organisms and from the Eukaryotic cell which is a machine.
Death has never been popular. The intuition that the mind is more than the product of the brain and will survive its death feels correct, but is flatly contradicted by science.
More than half of our genetic code is the same as a banana's
Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. Consciousness is no exception—it seems nonphysical, but is very much a biological phenomenon.