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I can tie a noose with my eyes closed
Nov 21, 2020
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Null Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis

What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Dec 25, 2020
1. My prison of a body.
Amazin Body
Wish I read the fine print before I was born.

2. The rat race. Isn't competition a bitch?

3. My mistakes. Special mention goes to the one called 'hope'.
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Jun 26, 2020
No more PTSD, loneliness, stress, anxiety, or feeling abandoned anymore! No more of this cruel, wicked world!

I really can't wait to CTB lol
HI! I may be 65 years young but I 100% know how you feel, I am a lot of the same also. I have spent decades getting pushed around, family, what family?? never had any, till I found Sanctioned Suicide and the global family here. After joining here it was a breath of fresh air and the knowledge that I have not only found a home, BUT came home! Yes, the world is full of greedy, back stabbing, narrow minded people, who seem to get great pleasure out of demeaning others. I can talk from experience as back in the 1970's, yep I am old!, people were VERY mean and narrow minded to me, well guess what!, those people are STILL stewing in their own juices and I moved on and upward and have seen he world, lots of experiences and in general loved everyone and it has come full circle for me with Sanctioned Suicide. YOU are loved, cared about here with the global family being a counter part to the crappy general mean world. Sending you lots of hugs, love and a wish that you have a upcoming weekend filled with lots of warm sunshine, beautiful blue skies and the knowledge that you ARE part of something greater and getting greater! Walter
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
Pretty much this shitty, fake, lying and shallow world in general.
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baby blues
Apr 17, 2021
My shitty father
Feeling I constantly let down everyone around me
Societal Norms
Having to work to make ends meat
Feelings of inadequacy
My ex and he mentally ruined my outlook on everything
My best friends who don't really reach out since my last attempt.
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Reactions: blue_muse, FuneralCry, Dr Iron Arc and 3 others


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
My constant anxiety, constantly being lonely, the failure of life, and and a number of other things.

The biggest is society. Society itself has caused many of my problems. To include the constant pressure on getting a job, starting a family, etc. Even if you're disabled and statistically you aren't likely to get that no matter how much you try.
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Dec 18, 2019
The physical pain I have to endure on a daily basis as a result of my injuries, and the CPTSD from childhood trauma & more recent hospital stays. Also humanity in general. I'm sick of seeing human faces... they became a trigger for me when I was suffering in the ICU & psych ward... I just can't bear to look people in the eye any longer after seeing all of those doctors/psychiatrists staring down at me as though I were an inanimate object to examine, and not a living being with thoughts and emotions of my own.
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Reactions: FuneralCry, Scribble Fan, killedbypsychiatry and 1 other person


drugging kids is abuse
Jan 27, 2021
in regards to my situation: my sick and deteriorated body; the constant feeling of grief of all I lost; the cptsd I developed because of psychiatry and abusive relationships that causes torturous flashbacks and nighmares; parents and doctors not believing me, gaslighting and threatening me; having to hide because of fear of being judge by family and friends; living a miserable life confined to my room because of my condition

in the world in general: all of the suffering that stems from sentient life in general, social injustice, inequality, crimes and violence, seeing how the most evil people tend to have the most power, narcissistic people, seeing people living in poverty while others are swimming in money, the excessive competitiveness between humans to be "better" than others, selfishness and lack of empathy, psychiatry and it's pseudoscience, beauty standards, people judging and excluding people because of their looks, how everything is about money nowadays, animals abuse and "natural" suffering in wildlife... I could go on...
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May 5, 2020
My depression
My life in general.
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Sep 4, 2020
I actually loved lots of parts of my life but I have ruined it to an irreparable degree.

What I won't miss are people being self-interested and selfish at their core. Fuck humanity. Our stupidity is going to rightfully doom us to extinction soon.
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Nov 4, 2020
What l will be glad to leave behind the most is people! I absolutely despise the human race! PEOPLE STINK!!!
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S like suicide

S like suicide

Apr 29, 2021
1)My cursed and wasted life.2)My shit family.3)My massive depression.4)All my inadequacy.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
HI! I may be 65 years young but I 100% know how you feel, I am a lot of the same also. I have spent decades getting pushed around, family, what family?? never had any, till I found Sanctioned Suicide and the global family here. After joining here it was a breath of fresh air and the knowledge that I have not only found a home, BUT came home! Yes, the world is full of greedy, back stabbing, narrow minded people, who seem to get great pleasure out of demeaning others. I can talk from experience as back in the 1970's, yep I am old!, people were VERY mean and narrow minded to me, well guess what!, those people are STILL stewing in their own juices and I moved on and upward and have seen he world, lots of experiences and in general loved everyone and it has come full circle for me with Sanctioned Suicide. YOU are loved, cared about here with the global family being a counter part to the crappy general mean world. Sending you lots of hugs, love and a wish that you have a upcoming weekend filled with lots of warm sunshine, beautiful blue skies and the knowledge that you ARE part of something greater and getting greater! Walter
every post you say you are 65 years young. Dude why are you even on a suicide site then? You have already reached your twilight years and you seem happy enough. Not trying to be rude but this is comical to me.
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Jun 26, 2020
every post you say you are 65 years young. Dude why are you even on a suicide site then? You have already reached your twilight years and you seem happy enough. Not trying to be rude but this is comical to me.
Well where should I start with your yes, rude post? 1st off, yes I am 65, and twilight years?? REALLY????? All I can say to that aspect is WOW!! So at 65, I am dust or something like that? A lot of people through the ages have done A LOT of GREAT things for humanity at age 70, 80..etc.... Twilight, oh please grow up. If you are really this way and think and act this way not only to others BUT yourself I have pity on you AND your poor parents! Whatever age they are do you have the same disrespect for them also? Do you tell them, " Hey you are in your twilight years"? I am and feel sorry for you. I still consider you a global family member BUT boy do you have a lot to learn as YOU get older. I hope unless you ctb or whatever that nobody EVER is as rude. 2nd Happy?? I FINALLY have a vehicle to say this aspect, your VERY RUDE POST TO ME, ever since I joined SS I always wondered when someone put a post on here it seemed that it was percentage wise, highly geared to gloom, doom and negativity towards the situation. I have always felt and always will that everyone, including me, have mental health issues, heck I have A LOT, and that they want to have someone to talk to that instead of gloomy outlook, have a pat on the back, something nice said to them and try one's hardest to BE KIND, yes you could be kinder!!, and make them feel good. I LOVE EVERYONE on here, sorry to say, but you ARE included in that, if you want it or not. Not playing pity party here too much, but I have chronic car crash pain 24/7, from having a very young driver blow through a stop sign, I t-boned him and you want to know the worst of it, he did NOT get a scratch and I wound up in ICU, and he basically told the cops at the scene the he could care less about me at all. So me happy?? Now you know a little about me. With that said, YOU DARN RIGHT I AM NOT HAPPY ALL THE TIME, BUT WHEN I AM ON HERE I WANT TO SPREAD AS MUCH HAPPINESS TOWARDS MY FELLOW GLOBAL FAMILY MEMBERS AS I CAN AND WILL CONTINUE. If it displeases you or you think that it is COMICAL, that is for YOU TO DECIDE, but please do not be rude to your fellow members on here. I LOVE spreading joy and happiness through my tears of depression and will continue. THANK YOU for the "kind" post to a fellow (me) family member and you know what?? I am sending you lots of love, hugs and support from a 65 year young person and I am for real on that. I still love and care for you even though you seem to think less of me and that I am "comical". :heart::hug:
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Nothing compares to the bliss of death.
Aug 8, 2018
I'll be glad to leave behind pain, the tedious constant maintenance of the body, and the cruelty of the human race.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Don't bring my parents into this please. Actually, my mother died from cancer not that long ago and it kills me everyday. I wasn't trying to be rude, as I pointed out. I was just curious as to why someone who gained a fair bit of mileage in their life can act like Ned Flanders on a suicide site haha. I just found it comical. Am I not allowed to have an opinion or find something amusing? Well at least you explained your situation and now I understand a little bit more. Sorry about your car accident and all you have been through. That sucks! And, I apologise about the misunderstanding. Stay strong! Life is not easy for anybody and yes I do think getting old sucks. I am just being honest. Two of my uncles died from dementia (age related) so yeah, it is not something I look forward to. I am sure many people here feel the same way. As the great Bette Davis once said: "Old age ain't no place for sissies!"
Well where should I start with your yes, rude post? 1st off, yes I am 65, and twilight years?? REALLY????? All I can say to that aspect is WOW!! So at 65, I am dust or something like that? A lot of people through the ages have done A LOT of GREAT things for humanity at age 70, 80..etc.... Twilight, oh please grow up. If you are really this way and think and act this way not only to others BUT yourself I have pity on you AND your poor parents! Whatever age they are do you have the same disrespect for them also? Do you tell them, " Hey you are in your twilight years"? I am and feel sorry for you. I still consider you a global family member BUT boy do you have a lot to learn as YOU get older. I hope unless you ctb or whatever that nobody EVER is as rude. 2nd Happy?? I FINALLY have a vehicle to say this aspect, your VERY RUDE POST TO ME, ever since I joined SS I always wondered when someone put a post on here it seemed that it was percentage wise, highly geared to gloom, doom and negativity towards the situation. I have always felt and always will that everyone, including me, have mental health issues, heck I have A LOT, and that they want to have someone to talk to that instead of gloomy outlook, have a pat on the back, something nice said to them and try one's hardest to BE KIND, yes you could be kinder!!, and make them feel good. I LOVE EVERYONE on here, sorry to say, but you ARE included in that, if you want it or not. Not playing pity party here too much, but I have chronic car crash pain 24/7, from having a very young driver blow through a stop sign, I t-boned him and you want to know the worst of it, he did NOT get a scratch and I wound up in ICU, and he basically told the cops at the scene the he could care less about me at all. So me happy?? Now you know a little about me. With that said, YOU DARN RIGHT I AM NOT HAPPY ALL THE TIME, BUT WHEN I AM ON HERE I WANT TO SPREAD AS MUCH HAPPINESS TOWARDS MY FELLOW GLOBAL FAMILY MEMBERS AS I CAN AND WILL CONTINUE. If it displeases you or you think that it is COMICAL, that is for YOU TO DECIDE, but please do not be rude to your fellow members on here. I LOVE spreading joy and happiness through my tears of depression and will continue. THANK YOU for the "kind" post to a fellow (me) family member and you know what?? I am sending you lots of love, hugs and support from a 65 year young person and I am for real on that. I still love and care for you even though you seem to think less of me and that I am "comical". :heart::hug:
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Jun 26, 2020
Don't bring my parents into this please. Actually, my mother died from cancer not that long ago and it kills me everyday. I wasn't trying to be rude, as I pointed out. I was just curious as to why someone who gained a fair bit of mileage in their life can act like Ned Flanders on a suicide site haha. I just found it comical. Am I not allowed to have an opinion or find something amusing? Well at least you explained your situation and now I understand a little bit more. Sorry about your car accident and all you have been through. That sucks! And, I apologise about the misunderstanding. Stay strong! Life is not easy for anybody and yes I do think getting old sucks. I am just being honest. Two of my uncles died from dementia (age related) so yeah, it is not something I look forward to. I am sure many people here feel the same way. As the great Bette Davis once said: "Old age ain't no place for sissies!"

Apology is NOT, NOT accepted period. I still do and always will consider you part of the global family BUT YOU, seem to be VERY VERY young and VERY immature to say the very least. On one hand you are childish with name calling, now I am likened to "Ned Flanders" and you on your opening statement mentioned about not saying anything about your parents. 1st off how was I supposed to know anything about your parents ?and you know what, YEP here comes 65 years of life experience to tell YOU something. You need to GROW UP. On 1 hand do not say anything about me BUT hey I can likened you to "Ned Flanders". PLEASE, PLEASE STOP, DO NOT REPLY OR EVER SAY ANYTHING TO ME AGAIN ON HERE PLEASE. I will keep saying my 65 years young no matter what. PLEASE do me and everyone here a favor and NEVER EVER read any of my posts again and we are both happy. I will NEVER EVER bother you and/or "speak..ie type anything to you or about you again and you do the same for me. FAIR ENOUGH??!!Lets bygones be bygones and in closing I wish you happiness and love and hugs for life and I am being 100% real deal on this statement. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR NEVER EVER BOTHERING ME AGAIN ON HERE, I DO NOT DESERVE IT PERIOD. Walter
  • Wow
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Apology is NOT, NOT accepted period. I still do and always will consider you part of the global family BUT YOU, seem to be VERY VERY young and VERY immature to say the very least. On one hand you are childish with name calling, now I am likened to "Ned Flanders" and you on your opening statement mentioned about not saying anything about your parents. 1st off how was I supposed to know anything about your parents ?and you know what, YEP here comes 65 years of life experience to tell YOU something. You need to GROW UP. On 1 hand do not say anything about me BUT hey I can likened you to "Ned Flanders". PLEASE, PLEASE STOP, DO NOT REPLY OR EVER SAY ANYTHING TO ME AGAIN ON HERE PLEASE. I will keep saying my 65 years young no matter what. PLEASE do me and everyone here a favor and NEVER EVER read any of my posts again and we are both happy. I will NEVER EVER bother you and/or "speak..ie type anything to you or about you again and you do the same for me. FAIR ENOUGH??!!Lets bygones be bygones and in closing I wish you happiness and love and hugs for life and I am being 100% real deal on this statement. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR NEVER EVER BOTHERING ME AGAIN ON HERE, I DO NOT DESERVE IT PERIOD. Walter
Damn! Talk about a split personality. I guess overly nice people are worth a watch. Maybe you have some growing up to do yourself. After all you keep saying you are 65 years young? Okay, sorry to bother you Ned. Eh, I mean, Sorry, 'Walter'. Have a good day!
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Oct 27, 2020
Please, use pm to discuss! :pfff:
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Callie Arcale

Callie Arcale

It’s a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
Feb 10, 2021
The faulty units in this bad machinery called my body.
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Apr 21, 2024
Nihilistic outlook on life, fear of things getting worse and constant boredom.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I'll be glad to leave behind everything. I don't know how to clarify it further
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Life is no more beautiful than its cruelest suffer
May 15, 2024
My brain.
My nervous system.
My inability to live.
My ability to feel pain.
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Oct 14, 2023
feelings of guilt/shame
being ugly
worrying about everyone
feeling unloved
being useless at everything
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Reactions: DeIetedUser4739


F*ck humanity. Let's end this.
Jul 4, 2023
Oh boy:
- GAD, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and all the physical effects they have on my body
- Depression
- my disgusting and obese body
- society
- humanity and it's profound idiocy/stupidity
- capitalism and the evil fucks that defend it
- therapy
- medications
- my diabetes
- money, the worst of all human inventions
- religion and it's cancerous effects on the world


You are just my love
May 21, 2024
There are soooo many things I won't miss. Holy shit there are so many things. But I'm going to keep it simple and just list some the small things that maybe you don't think about that often to ground myself a bit:
  • it being too hot for heat but too cold for air condition
  • people not turning the AC on when it needs to be on
  • The freezer not shutting fully because like a flap of cardboard somehow blocked it
  • individual socks going missing
  • traffic
  • traffic
  • drawers being slightly open at night
  • people leaving their turn signals on
  • Pickup truck drivers
  • aggressive tailgaters
  • having to clean AC filters
  • tiny annoying weeds
  • windows 11
When I think about death, I always think of the things I will finally be free from and I won't have to experience again.
I will be glad to have no more chronic health problems, I am only 20 and this is bound to get worse when I get older. This is the bad thing about existence, your body will deteriorate and you are trapped inside. There will be no more tinnitus, visual snow, dizziness, palpitations etc. I will be glad to be free of going to any medical appointments.
I will be free from my overactive mind, I am constantly plagued by my own thoughts. I have been depressed my whole life and want to finally be at peace.
Also just little unpleasant things such as unwanted noise and hot weather.
And as an aside, I just want to say that I really appreciate your posts on this site. While I don't always agree with you, I find you often have interesting things to say or start interesting discussions. I hope that you are eventually able to find your peace.


maybe someday
Oct 2, 2023
the memories. i have so, so many bad memories i don't want to live with.
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