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struggling in the direction of better
Aug 27, 2020
the circumstances i happened to be born into/the hand i was unwillingly dealt, my body, my experiences, perceptions, consciousness itself.
also things that factor into and perpetuate circumstances and my responses to them.
as well as the 'mundane' inconveniences and grievances.
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Little Homeless Girl
Feb 5, 2020
I just want to stop wanting things I can't have.
Pretty much sums up my main reason for wanting to get off this mortal coil.
Spending so much time dreaming of a world that will never be because I don't have the mind, body or soul that truly strives to be better so I'm just self harming with all these dreams that will never be.
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Reactions: Arvinneedstodie, demuic, Dead Meat and 4 others


I want to go home
Apr 18, 2019
- loneliness and missing my friends
- suicidal ideation
- this society and the way it works
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Reactions: lobster salad, it's_all_a_game, Dead Meat and 2 others


May 27, 2020
1.: Being ignored.
2.: Being unwanted.
3.: Old age - this is an important one.
4.: Virtual signalling.
5.: Individuals who feign kindness - could tie in with reason 5.
6.: Individuals who are awful and make no apology.
7.: Hyper-competitive society that contributes to people wanting to trample over each other.
8.: Greed.
9.: My own inability to do what I actually want.
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Reactions: Arvinneedstodie, adam, it's_all_a_game and 5 others


Sad Millennial
Mar 28, 2021
Having to DO things. School, work, obligations. Expectations. Remembering deadlines. Stress stress STRESS. Loneliness and longing. Extreme anxiety and panic. Debilitating sadness and pain. The utter lack of enjoyment and passion and joy. My hatred and negativity. All of it. I'm sick of it all.
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Reactions: lobster salad, demuic, Decidueye and 3 others


Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
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  • Aww..
Reactions: Dead Meat, Celerity and BluesRunTheGame


Liberty or Death
Apr 30, 2020
The desire to fuck a bird (or even better, a chicken) in it's cloaca.
Cloaca poo 58a5cace3df78c345bf5956e
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Reactions: Arvinneedstodie, lobster salad, Dead Meat and 3 others


I am done as of 4-21-2023. Somewhere I am no more
Apr 29, 2020
Appointments, people who need me on calls and in meetings, bureaucracy, mean people, and emotional pain.
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Reactions: BeautifulMosaics and Dead Meat


May 19, 2021
My addiction, the people that lied and taken advantage of my addiction, so that they could get what they want. A part of me can't wait until I can be beyond this place.
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Reactions: FuneralCry and Dead Meat


Jan 31, 2021
I'll be glad to leave behind:
  • Relatives who act like borderline (no offence) narcissists.
  • Seasonal friends; the type that only hang around for the good parts.
  • Being an outlet for peoples' frustrations.
  • Local community where I live; for the past 2 years they've reveled in ostracising, shunning, belittling, humiliating and shaming me.
  • Doing a painstaking ritual to hide a health condition, which affects daily life.
  • Being so outside the box in how I think that, I can't even fake being in it to blend in.
  • Health services pretending to give a damn.
  • Being made to feel like I don't fit in anywhere.
  • People trying to break me down emotionally and physically.
  • Virtue signalling from strangers.
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Reactions: Arvinneedstodie, Null Hypothesis, FuneralCry and 4 others


Mar 24, 2021
I would be glad to leave behind: relatives who try to force me to suffer until I die of old age, relatives who refuse to talk about death and euthanasia, relatives who live their lives in denial of human death, relatives who only want humans to live and have children, children who one day will be forced to choose between years of suffering or committing suicide. I myself am glad that I never had children to a world where people end up in this situation. Never having children is the best thing I have done in my life.
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Reactions: Null Hypothesis, FuneralCry, Decidueye and 2 others
Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
I will be glad to leave behind mostly everything. I will miss very little apart from music and film.
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Reactions: Arvinneedstodie, adam, it's_all_a_game and 3 others


Melon Master
Aug 19, 2019
Social interactions
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Reactions: Journeytoletgo, FuneralCry, demuic and 2 others


Not Really Here
Apr 28, 2021
I want to leave behind consciousness itself and all of the paranoia it's cursed me with.
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Reactions: FuneralCry, Dead Meat, EnnuiCat and 1 other person


Life is temporary, death is permanent
Sep 26, 2019
My life, my family yelling, the constant push from society to meet standards there is no way I can even come close to meeting, the fact that majority of my family hates me for no reason, the fact that my anxiety since I fear the day my parents kick me out or die, identity politics, being extremely lonely, and many more things
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Reactions: Arvinneedstodie, it's_all_a_game, FuneralCry and 3 others


Apr 19, 2018
my life
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Reactions: FuneralCry, blue_muse and Dead Meat


Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
Shit stirrers
Panic attacks
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Reactions: it's_all_a_game, FuneralCry, demuic and 3 others


New Member
May 22, 2021
Loads of things.

A body I hate which upsets me to look at.

Constantly being an emotional whirlwind.

Anxiety I can't seem to get a grip on.

Feeling unloved and just incapable of being loved.

Just living with all the mistakes I've made and all the guilt and regret.

How absolutely miserable and monotonous life is.
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Reactions: Journeytoletgo, FuneralCry, Dead Meat and 1 other person


Jan 29, 2020
When I think about death, I always think of the things I will finally be free from and I won't have to experience again.
I will be glad to have no more chronic health problems, I am only 20 and this is bound to get worse when I get older. This is the bad thing about existence, your body will deteriorate and you are trapped inside. There will be no more tinnitus, visual snow, dizziness, palpitations etc. I will be glad to be free of going to any medical appointments.
I will be free from my overactive mind, I am constantly plagued by my own thoughts. I have been depressed my whole life and want to finally be at peace.
Also just little unpleasant things such as unwanted noise and hot weather.
Ever watched hunger games. That's how this world feels to me. And that's what I'll be leaving behind. Insane selfish compasionless people, promise of a utopian life if I "work hard", rat race to climb the corporate ladder, being an introvert inspite of the fact that the world is designed to reward extroverts.
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Reactions: it's_all_a_game, FuneralCry, demuic and 2 others


Jun 26, 2020
I will be more than happy to leave all the greedy, self-centered, mean and thoughtless people behind. But I would/will miss our global family a lot. Walter
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Reactions: Arvinneedstodie, Null Hypothesis, killedbypsychiatry and 4 others


Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Jan 13, 2021
  1. Regret
  2. Study
  3. Work
None of those matter once I'm dead. Life is prison. I don't want to deal with these.
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Reactions: FuneralCry and whywere


Life was a mistake
Sep 12, 2020
Everything involving interacting with people and living in this dystopian society.

Narcissists. Psychopaths. Social ostracization. Social media. The brainwashed masses who seem barely conscious. Groupthink. Political ideology disguised as "fact". Politics in general. Modern journalists. Corporations. Virtue signaling. Delusional optimism. 'Progressive' people who are more bigoted than the people they hate. Having to work to live. Needing money to live. The economic system. Having no skills. Not being able to pursue my interests. Becoming uninterested in my interests. Never being able to talk to anyone with the same interests as me. Never finding anyone like me. People being assholes for no reason. Scammers, liars, fakes, and phonies.
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Reactions: tryingtoescape, TheNorthernSilence, Journeytoletgo and 8 others


Jun 26, 2020
Everything involving interacting with people and living in this dystopian society.

Narcissists. Psychopaths. Social ostracization. Social media. The brainwashed masses who seem barely conscious. Groupthink. Political ideology disguised as "fact". Politics in general. Modern journalists. Corporations. Virtue signaling. Delusional optimism. 'Progressive' people who are more bigoted than the people they hate. Having to work to live. Needing money to live. The economic system. Having no skills. Not being able to pursue my interests. Becoming uninterested in my interests. Never being able to talk to anyone with the same interests as me. Never finding anyone like me. People being assholes for no reason. Scammers, liars, fakes, and phonies.
I 100% agree with you, as far as I am 65 years young, and I wish we were line in sci-fi movies, where money and material grabbing are long in our past and we just focus on doing great things for each other. I also am like you as nobody seems to be like me. I have through the decades have had people tell me that I think strange and not "normal" Well, what in the heck is "normal" anyway?? You ARE a beautiful, kind and loving soul with a vision towards the future. I send you lots of hugs, love and the knowledge that YOU are like me. We are 1 global family here period! Walter
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Reactions: FuneralCry, it's_all_a_game and demuic
Broken Buzz

Broken Buzz

Space Ranger
Apr 30, 2021
I would be glad to leave behind my psychotic ex-partner and the little coterie under her spell, whose attacks on every facet of my life have completely destroyed me.

I'd also be glad to leave my body behind, although there's nothing objectively wrong with me, my ex-partner's abuse has left me with body dysmorphia.

My suicide doesn't feel like a choice, it feels like tragic destiny.
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Reactions: whywere and FuneralCry


Mar 3, 2021
Failure, regret, fatigue, pain
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Reactions: Journeytoletgo, whywere and FuneralCry
Scribble Fan

Scribble Fan

I'm out!
May 30, 2019
No more PTSD, loneliness, stress, anxiety, or feeling abandoned anymore! No more of this cruel, wicked world!

I really can't wait to CTB lol
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Reactions: Journeytoletgo, whywere and FuneralCry


I remember...death in the afternoon...
Nov 7, 2020
It'd be easier to list the things I WON'T be happy to leave behind, lol! (Which is literature, music, my cats...and thaaaat's about it.)
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Reactions: FuneralCry

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