Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
It's been months since I got used to using multiple translators while following posted threads and posting replies.
I usually use the Edge browser, because it's easier to translate the whole web page (just right-click and put translate, then I untranslate with the blue icon at the top, otherwise I can't answer the posts correctly).
The problem is that it uses the bing translator by default and it's pretty bad (although I read funny rants quite often due to the translation problems).

To write the texts and translate them, I already use a web translator like GooGle Translator, and if I don't see it clearly, I switch to DeepL, which gives me a lot of confidence.
He also sometimes gives me to pass it in Spanish to detect mistakes that lead to translation errors due to me when doing the step in English.

For those of you who need translators to use this website, what tools do you usually use?


Ja fa mesos que m'he acostumat a usar diversos traductors alhora de seguir els fils publicats i publicar respostes.
Faig servir el navegador Edge normalment, perqué es més fàcil de traduïr la página web sencera (només cal clicar el botó dret del ratolí i posar traduïr, després destradueixo amb la ícona de color blau que hi ha a la part superior, sinó no puc contestar els posts correctament).
El problema es que usa el traductor de bing per defecte i es força dolent (tot i que llegeixo bejanades divertides força sovint degut als problemes de traducció).

Per escriure els textos i traduïr-los ja uso un traductor web com el GooGle Translator, i si no ho veig pas clar em paso a DeepL que em fa força confiança.
També de vegades em dona per passar-ho al castellà per detectar faltes que indueixin a errors de traducció per causa meva al fer al pas a l'anglés.

Als que necessiteu traductors per fer servir aquest web, quines eines useu habitualment?
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Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
I only need to translate non English posts so I use Google for that
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
It's a good question and I'm not sure why a seemless option doesn't exist for all website or browsers. I did use a translater a while back and it wasn't bad but I cannot remember which it was now. If I can bring it to mind I will update here. I'm just wondering if there's anything in the settings. Will have a quick look.

Edit: Having just looked I see no option in settings so perhaps it would be worth suggesting a native forum translation tool in the forum suggestions section?
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I'm rocking it - in another universe
Sep 28, 2021
It's a good question and I'm not sure why a seemless option doesn't exist for all website ir browsers. I did use a translater a while back and it wasn't bad but I cannot remember which it was now. If I can bring it to mind I will update here. I'm just wondering id there's anything in the settings. Will have a quick look.
Having just looked I see no option in setting so perhaps it would be worth suggesting a native forum translation tool in the forum suggestions section?
That would be great.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
It's a good question and I'm not sure why a seemless option doesn't exist for all website or browsers. I did use a translater a while back and it wasn't bad but I cannot remember which it was now. If I can bring it to mind I will update here. I'm just wondering if there's anything in the settings. Will have a quick look.

Edit: Having just looked I see no option in settings so perhaps it would be worth suggesting a native forum translation tool in the forum suggestions section?
I suggested it once:

It must be very difficult to do.


Ho vaig suggerir una vegada:

Deu ser molt difícil de fer.
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Nov 14, 2021
You could try to use the google translate chrome extension (or maybe some other extension?) on your edge browser, except I personally don't really like how it shows a pop-up window with the original when you hover over any text, but maybe some people prefer it that way.

In your translation suggestion page you do say that you tried chrome's "translate page" feature, so maybe that is a worthless suggestion lol

Haven't done almost any translation outside of work myself but I just use the builtin full-page translation of chrome or edge browsers or I copy over phrases to google translate or deepl.
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Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
You could try to use the google translate chrome extension (or maybe some other extension?) on your edge browser, except I personally don't really like how it shows a pop-up window with the original when you hover over any text, but maybe some people prefer it that way.

In your translation suggestion page you do say that you tried chrome's "translate page" feature, so maybe that is a worthless suggestion lol

Haven't done almost any translation outside of work myself but I just use the builtin full-page translation of chrome or edge browsers or I copy over phrases to google translate or deepl.
Maybe I'll try Chrome again, I've been using it again now and I might find it easier to turn on the translation option.
Thanks for reminding me.


Potser torno a provar Chrome, l'he estat fent servir ara altre vegada i potser em sembla mes senzilla de fer anar l'opció de traducció.
Gràcies per fer-m'ho recordar.

Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Whilst I don't remember the translator I used I do know it was a Firefox plug in and it translated web pages natively. Perhaps it's worth having a look. It wasn't perfect but it was good. User friendly.
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Jan 22, 2020
When i need to translate something, i just go to google translate in a new tab :ahhha:

Little annoying but it helps
Dead Ghost

Dead Ghost

Mestre del Temps
May 6, 2022
Whilst I don't remember the translator I used I do know it was a Firefox plug in and it translated web pages natively. Perhaps it's worth having a look. It wasn't perfect but it was good. User friendly.
I just found this one://
Acabo de trobar aquest:

I was wrong.. I think
M'he equivocat.. em sembla.
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