Personally as angry as I am getting I want to try to get my doctor to give me some Xanax, or Valium. I am getting scared of how angry I am getting.

I swear just let someone start anything with me., I am ready to go into attack mode. Obviously, I cannot go to work each day angry, but I also can't go to work stoned on THC gummies.

Does anyone here know how hard it would be to get valium or Xanax prescribed in the USA? I am getting to the point that when I guy tailgated my going home from at work,(85 mph), I slammed on my brakes.

IF the SOB had hit my car you would be hearing about me on your local news. I cannot figure out specifically what is making me just so damn angry.
But I am so damn angry about every little thing. Has anyone else ever felt like this and what did you do?