One of my coworkers treats me (and everyone else in the department) as if she is the supervisor all while being the laziest SOB there. Every time she can delegate one of her tasks to you, she will do it. In the middle of the day with no warning or predictability, she will fuck off to who knows where - sometimes doing actual work, sometimes playing on her phone. Her condescending tone grates on my nerves. My actual supervisors treat me with way more respect than she does. After failing to do her assigned work for the night, she laughed at day shift for having to clean up her mess with absolutely zero shame. I was taken off of my assigned work for the day to help control the damage.
Right now, she has taken to lording my lack of computer access codes over me. I am relatively new since I worked in another department before, and permission to have the codes has to progress up the chain of the command in my company, so it takes time. I have to go through a coworker or supervisor to finalize some of my decisions because I lack the codes. No one else - including my supervisors, mind you - gives me shit about this. She does though, even going so far as to say that I am somehow not allowed to do my job without her approval. Part of this for her is simply that she can do it to aggravate me. The other is that I have in her view created work for her that her lazy ass doesn't want to do even though it takes minutes.
She is petty, self-important, lazy, domineering, and ignorant. I can't stand her, and I just learned that she didn't get the transfer she wanted, so I'm stuck with her. I have been building a folder of CYA photos of her "work" and details about her flagrant rule breaking. When the time comes, I will bring it to management to stop this bullshit. My direct supervisors have so far failed to act. If she keeps treating me like this after going to them, I will take it higher if necessary.