Sure! I don't do anything about this on YouTube because there are other people in a far more advanced state than I, so I prefer to direct others towards them.
Brief understanding
The goal is to remove obstructions to realising your true nature, which is already here and now. You are currently wearing a costume called the body, and the thoughts of the mind are like tricksters, aiming to get you to identify with it - and they do a very good job. A sense of self is created - an individual person as the protagonist of a life story, battling challenges and working towards improvement. This self is 100% false.
The challenge is that the truth is something indescribable, though true nature can be pointed to through negation. For example, you are not male or female, not young or old, not large or small. When absolutely everything is negated, what remains is the great void (
Śūnyatā in Buddhist terminology). It is not comprehensible to the human mind. So here are a few approaches to making thsi practical.
good experience with psychedelics can include elements like 'ego death', feelings of oneness with everything, profound love and so on. This is a legitimate glimpse of reality. It is not a case of a human hallucinating some wacky state, but just the opposite. It is reality glimpsing itself, and the normal human-identified state is itself a hallucinogenic state.
The benefit of this is that it can potentially force an experience that validates the basic principle of true nature being oneness, infinity, void of the individual self and all that. The downside is that it is only a passing experience, and of course there can be dangers and risks in using drugs without guidance from an expert.
The pros and cons of a good religious group, such as a Buddhist community, are the opposite of psychedelics. This time, there is no quick fix, but instead there is usually a narrative about very slowly working towards shedding layers, becoming more peaceful, cultivating noble qualities and preparing for a great future event called enlightenment.
The benefit is that the meditations, the teachings, the development of humility and the association with others on a similar path is all a positive development. The disadvantage is that this gives rise to a modified ego-self which is now a person on a spiritual path hoping for some great liberation in this lifetime or the next. But alas, going back to the basics, this is a trap; this individual person is 100% false all along.
Direct methods
So that leads us to the happy medium. There are techniques and methods which are direct, practical and can reveal the truth in your direct experience.
Self-inquiry: This is the #1 practical technique. It involves asking the question 'Who am I right now?' but not accepting any thought answer. It turns attention to your own conscious presence in the immediate experience. More about this in a moment.
Meditation: Because thought activity is all centred around a false self, efforts to silence the mind are valuable. In very deep states of meditation, insights into your true nature will come.
Time with a teacher: There is said to be a kind of transmission, similar to how one lit candle can go on to light other candles. A teacher may also be able to point out any attachments or errors, or may spontaneously utter words that initiate a seismic shift in your consciousness.
Retreats: The idea here is a group setting with extended periods of meditation. The benefit is that it can help push for deeper states of consciousness, but it is also important that there be guidance as the ego starts to panic as its death nears.
Trauma work: Boring psychological work, therapies and processing repressed emotions from the past is very relevant to this process, before or after awakening.
Finally, I wanted to share a relevant video featuring a teacher I have been following very closely. His background is Buddhist and he produces content on YouTube daily on his
own channel.