
Aug 30, 2024
These are the three criteria I think are important for an ideal suicide method, at least for me:

1. No permanent damage in case of failure
I remember seeing a (hopefully fake) video of someone who shot their face and jaw off with a gun and survived, turning him blind and without a mouth and nose, and basically visually transforming the poor guy into a grotesque monster. He picked a method that is seen as reliable, but he still survived, and his life will undoubtedly have gotten far worse after that affair, even if he got the correct mental health attention which he may have lacked before the attempt.

2. Light on pain
It should not be more painful than something like a migraine or twisted ankle, ideally it should be painless and unconscious.

3. Reliability
Note, this criteria is subservient to 1 and 2, and reliability does not have to be that high. If chance of death is only 10%, but pain is light or non existent, and there is no risk of permanent damage, the ideal suicide method lets you attempt as many times as you want without fuss, causing you to die eventually through chance. It's okay to let your mental anguish continue for a little while as long as you have hope for it to end soon through death. However, a higher reliability is still preferable and good to know when researching methods.

Are there any suicide methods that meet these criteria? I doubt it, but I'm curious. I'm also curious what you all think in general about desirable and less desirable suicide methods. I am researching suicide methods that are painless and low risk of permanent damage, because I don't want to make my life worse, and I'm a little reluctant about causing physical pain to myself.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Are there any suicide methods that meet these criteria?
Imo, no bc certain organs incl. the brain have to be "killed" in order to die on purpose. That inevitably damages our body and health otherwise we wouldn't die. Our bodies have an incredible amount of power to heal or at least to repair as best as possible if the damage isn't too much.

Seconds might "decide", if a suicide attempt is interrupted whether we end up as veggies or recover fully.

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Aug 30, 2024
Imo, no bc certain organs incl. the brain have to be "killed" in order to die on purpose. That inevitably damages our body and health otherwise we wouldn't die. Our bodies have an incredible amount of power to heal or at least to repair as best as possible if the damage isn't too much.

Seconds may be important if a suicide attempt is interrupted whether we end up as veggies or recover fully.
Right, criteria 1 seems almost impossible to match, but it would be great if it was possible. What about criteria 2? Is it even possible to do a suicide without pain?
Nembutal ?
I hope so, it's hard to find information about it. What can you tell me about Nembutal?


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Right, criteria 1 seems almost impossible to match, but it would be great if it was possible. What about criteria 2? Is it even possible to do a suicide without pain?
N (and certain OD methods) are probably without pain. Hanging - if we can manage to pass out within seconds - is probably also pretty much painless. There's SN - people have survived if they were found too early or didn't follow the protocol in some cases. Whether survivors suffer long-term health issues from their SN attempts is unknown to me.


Aug 30, 2024
N (and certain OD methods) are probably without pain. Hanging - if we can manage to pass out within seconds - is probably also pretty much painless. There's SN - people have survived if they were found too early or didn't follow the protocol in some cases. Whether survivors suffer long-term health issues from their SN attempts is unknown to me.
I'm new to this forum, not up on the acronyms.
N ?
OD means overdose I presume. Are there good OD methods? I don't want to end up with a permanently damaged liver or kidneys or something, and preferably I don't wanna go to the doctor if it fails.
SN ?


Nov 1, 2023
I've always planned on using a shotgun. I think the whole facial disfigurement usually comes from shooting off the front of your head instead of the main parts of the brain, so I'm not super worried about that. However, I don't know that for sure. Also, we can't know how painful it is.

My other plan was hanging, but discomfort and pain was an issue when I did a partial attempt. I think I did it wrong, but I'm not eager to try again.

A lot of the drugs that get mentioned seem way too uncomfortable to me. Reading the threads from people who've tried it makes me nervous. I don't know what permanent damage there is if you survive.


Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
I'm new to this forum, not up on the acronyms.
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Aug 23, 2024
People here will say that a gun isn't 100 % safe, but that's always because of wrong ammunition and angle. If you just shoot your chin off or use a pistol or other small caliber its logical that you can survive that, I don't know why some people don't think about this and just pull the trigger. A shotgun slug to the side of the head or vertical intraoral is 100 % deadly, the head explodes. You can find plenty of videos of that if you don't believe me.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I also just wish for a painless, guaranteed method, to simply be able to just die so peacefully would bring me so much relief, all I hope for is to never suffer in this cruel existence again. But anyway I hope you find peace, best wishes.
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Peace, Love, Empathy
Feb 27, 2024
I'm gonna be frank, you're kinda describing a nonexistent option. Criteria 1 eliminates pretty much every certain method, as failure can be detrimental with anything that gets you near death. I feel like usually everyone picks one of these three things to be most concerned with. For me, its certainty, so I'm going with a firearm. For some its less pain, so they go with N ( I believe N isnt painful but i dont remember, its not my method ), inert gas, or firearm for something quick. For others its lasting effect, and in that case its kind of up in the air, considering that, as i said earlier and as others in the thread have mentioned, the intent is to die, so it's not really possible to ensure absoloutely no lasting damage as the goal is to get your body to shut down.

Regardless, I hope you can pin down something that will bring you peace.
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Jul 18, 2024
I'm gonna be frank, you're kinda describing a nonexistent option. Criteria 1 eliminates pretty much every certain method, as failure can be detrimental with anything that gets you near death. I feel like usually everyone picks one of these three things to be most concerned with. For me, its certainty, so I'm going with a firearm. For some its less pain, so they go with N ( I believe N isnt painful but i dont remember, its not my method ), inert gas, or firearm for something quick. For others its lasting effect, and in that case its kind of up in the air, considering that, as i said earlier and as others in the thread have mentioned, the intent is to die, so it's not really possible to ensure absoloutely no lasting damage as the goal is to get your body to shut down.

Regardless, I hope you can pin down something that will bring you peace.
Doesn't N include both 2 and 3? The fail rate is nearly non-existent with the correct dose which is why it's used for animal euthanasia.

(Also OP, we aren't allowed to suggest methods. The thread linked in the first post should have info)


⦿ ⦿
Jul 31, 2023
Don't take this suggestion too serious or as fact.

Skydiving. This is costly in terms of time and money. Most countries require you to strap a licensed instructor on your back. So you'll need to take an accelerated freefall (AFF) course to earn the privilege to solo jump out of an aircraft. This course also allows you to overcome your fear of falling under the guidance of certified instructors. Once you've acquired your AFF license, the where is more important than the when. You don't want to land in a soft, newly ploughed field. [wiki]

Death should be guaranteed and painless if you meet the criteria of
… falling head first
… at terminal velocity
… after taking off your backpack parachute mid-fall
… and manage to land on a hard surface.​

Of course, you can meet the same criteria under different circumstances, such as, jumping off a tall building. But a tall building doesn't allow you practice jumps. And who knows… maybe you'll get a new lease on life after experiencing the thrill of freefalling.


Aug 30, 2024
I've always planned on using a shotgun. I think the whole facial disfigurement usually comes from shooting off the front of your head instead of the main parts of the brain, so I'm not super worried about that. However, I don't know that for sure. Also, we can't know how painful it is.

My other plan was hanging, but discomfort and pain was an issue when I did a partial attempt. I think I did it wrong, but I'm not eager to try again.

A lot of the drugs that get mentioned seem way too uncomfortable to me. Reading the threads from people who've tried it makes me nervous. I don't know what permanent damage there is if you survive.
I've thought about it, permanent damage is not an issue if the method of suicide is easy and not too painful, one could just try again the next day, as long as you don't end up in a hospital.

It's interesting, apparently a lot of depressed people are not so squeamish about pain, choosing methods like cutting your arms in a bath tub to do the job, hanging looks easy in comparison. I really don't get that, but maybe deep down I just don't want to die enough, or something.

I'm new to this, I've looked into what Nembutal (euthanasia drug) is, and the 'experts' apparently agree it's the 'peaceful' method, but the difficulty with that method is in procuring it, apparently there are a lot of scams and fake products out there. I have no idea how one would get the genuine product, one would have to find a veterinarian willing to sell it maybe, but it would be a liquid meant to be injected, and not a pill. But then, I can't imagine creating fake suicide pills is very profitable, not that many people commit suicide and they won't get addicted to your product, so maybe concerns about buying fake products aren't founded. The scams are probably people asking way too much money and not giving you anything in return. To get the Nembutal pills, seems like you would have to know somebody who knows somebody.

Shotgun is no option for me since I don't live in the US.
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Aug 30, 2024
Thanks, is SN (sodium nitrate) good?


Aug 30, 2024
People here will say that a gun isn't 100 % safe, but that's always because of wrong ammunition and angle. If you just shoot your chin off or use a pistol or other small caliber its logical that you can survive that, I don't know why some people don't think about this and just pull the trigger. A shotgun slug to the side of the head or vertical intraoral is 100 % deadly, the head explodes. You can find plenty of videos of that if you don't believe me.
I believe you, sadly I don't live in the US.

If I did I would probably still not do it because I don't want to upset my loved ones too much, although the exploded head is probably the least of it.

Maybe I just don't want to die, lol. I've been thinking about it for so long, and it does appear to be the only rational conclusion, but I can never bring myself to do it haphazardly, I have to plan it for myself and it has to be perfect for some reason, and then the excuse is that I can't find a perfect method.
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Aug 30, 2024
I'm gonna be frank, you're kinda describing a nonexistent option. Criteria 1 eliminates pretty much every certain method, as failure can be detrimental with anything that gets you near death. I feel like usually everyone picks one of these three things to be most concerned with. For me, its certainty, so I'm going with a firearm. For some its less pain, so they go with N ( I believe N isnt painful but i dont remember, its not my method ), inert gas, or firearm for something quick. For others its lasting effect, and in that case its kind of up in the air, considering that, as i said earlier and as others in the thread have mentioned, the intent is to die, so it's not really possible to ensure absoloutely no lasting damage as the goal is to get your body to shut down.

Regardless, I hope you can pin down something that will bring you peace.
Just out of curiosity, why have you not done it yet? I've been considering suicide for well over a year, probably 2, and still haven't done it, making me wonder if I ever will be able to bring myself to doing it.


Aug 30, 2024
Doesn't N include both 2 and 3? The fail rate is nearly non-existent with the correct dose which is why it's used for animal euthanasia.

(Also OP, we aren't allowed to suggest methods. The thread linked in the first post should have info)
(I didn't suggest any method, did I? I hope not, that wasn't my intention.)


Aug 30, 2024
Don't take this suggestion too serious or as fact.

Skydiving. This is costly in terms of time and money. Most countries require you to strap a licensed instructor on your back. So you'll need to take an accelerated freefall (AFF) course to earn the privilege to solo jump out of an aircraft. This course also allows you to overcome your fear of falling under the guidance of certified instructors. Once you've acquired your AFF license, the where is more important than the when. You don't want to land in a soft, newly ploughed field. [wiki]

Death should be guaranteed and painless if you meet the criteria of
… falling head first
… at terminal velocity
… after taking off your backpack parachute mid-fall
… and manage to land on a hard surface.​

Of course, you can meet the same criteria under different circumstances, such as, jumping off a tall building. But a tall building doesn't allow you practice jumps. And who knows… maybe you'll get a new lease on life after experiencing the thrill of freefalling.
Thanks for the laugh. I'm scared about falling to my death, seems horrible. But then, maybe I just don't want to die deep down or something.


Eating Disordered Junkie
Jun 2, 2024
To simple respond to the title question, I don't think there is one, it is relative. One's person easy access method is another persons impossibility and vise versa. Obviously N would be the answer to the body of the post, but after that, maybe F, maybe a shotgun. As I said above, it's relative.


Aug 30, 2024
To simple respond to the title question, I don't think there is one, it is relative. One's person easy access method is another persons impossibility and vise versa. Obviously N would be the answer to the body of the post, but after that, maybe F, maybe a shotgun. As I said above, it's relative.
What's F?


Peace, Love, Empathy
Feb 27, 2024
Doesn't N include both 2 and 3? The fail rate is nearly non-existent with the correct dose which is why it's used for animal euthanasia.

(Also OP, we aren't allowed to suggest methods. The thread linked in the first post should have info)
Ill say, i dont know anything about the painful/lessness of N, so i cant speak to that entirely, but yeah id argue it suits 2 and 3 if the painlessness aspect is true.

Just out of curiosity, why have you not done it yet? I've been considering suicide for well over a year, probably 2, and still haven't done it, making me wonder if I ever will be able to bring myself to doing it.

Been contemplating and intending to commit suicide since i was maybe eight or nine, initially it was because i was a kid and kind of assumed OTC pills could take me out so i kept failing, and then I had too many moral conflicts about it, and then i struggled deciding on a method, then i struggled to go through with it and now ive set a date. i dont know if ill do it, im not sure how serious ill be about it when the date comes around (next year) but the only thing i could see holding me back is SI, guilt, or failure to secure a method.

regardless, its hard to pull the trigger (figuratively and literally) and theres no shame in taking a long time to get there, if you ever do, in my opinion.
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