What makes you think you haven't already 'come back' as it were? If that's your belief... What do you think you did in your previous life that earned you this one? If you really believe this and you think you have a chance to break the cycle- then, I guess the logical thing is to strive to do whatever you need to do to ensure that your next life is under better circumstances or, you get to end the cycle. So- I guess that means picking a religion and following it to the letter.
If it's just energy though- why would that energy care what you did with it? Depends if you believe in God, retribution and all that really.
But- following your theory- being worried you'll be punished for your actions... Presumably your life isn't great now- if you are considering ending it. So- you're presumably already being punished for something in your past life. Maybe you ended that life early as well... But then- doesn't that just set you up to fail each time? If each time, awful things befall you to punish you for the life before? I mean, it's possible I guess but- it's f*cked up! And why? At the end of the day... What are you supposed to be aiming for? To be a perfect human in order to die and become what? An angel? What then? Do you ever get to rest?
If suicide is a sin, then natural death is the goal. So- is it also wrong to cheat natural death? How does God or nature feel about all our medical achievements that prolong life?
Consciousness still seems to be a mystery which is a problem because, anything too mysterious, that we don't understand, we tend to attribute to magic. It's certainly weird that we realise we are alive. Consciousness, self awareness- all weird- definitely. Still- organisms can be alive and yet not seem to have the same level of self awareness that we have. I doubt many jellyfish have extistential crises. Our level of self awareness seems to be connected to how developed our brains are. So- maybe that's just it. Maybe self awareness is just another skill we have because we have brains that are capable of it. If you had wings and hollow bones- chances are, you evolved to fly. The only difference is, the brainy ones in our species have worked out the physics of flight so, it doesn't seem so magical.
We happen to have brains that enable us to be aware of our own selves. Why does it need to be something mystical that floated in to us? And, when do you suppose it did 'float' in? If you were 75 when you died in your past life, do you suppose that wisened spirit floated in to your embryo when you were in your mother's womb? Why are we so dumb as babies then?!! Why don't we start having memory recall for literally years after we were born? It just doesn't make sense.
It depends on whether you're talking about this in a religious sense- good and bad, right and wrong, punishment and reward. In which case- why not let reincarnated souls remember their past mistakes, so that they can atone for them and not make the same mistakes again? If it's unconscious energy being recycled though- why would it matter what your flesh prison got up to in a previous life?
Honestly though, I don't know what to believe. I wish I did! It would make everything simpler...