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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I'll tell you what happens. No one cares because suddenly the problems them. It's all incredibly fake. Things are said in broad daylight that renders the possibility they care about anyone else nil yet they remain friends either because they don't see it or they don't care either. Lies are comforting, the truth hurts but if you care about other people it's the right thing to do. You just hope someone might appreciate it but instead they want their arses kissing. I don't know why I'm bothering anymore, there's only so much you can take. If your first thought is "fuck off then" then you're only proving me right. It wouldn't bother anyone if it wasn't true right and it's not my problem if it is it's theirs but that's not how this place works. It should be called forum for self entitled children who want everyone to suffer because they are but want everyone to like them at the same time. What absolute garbage it is. I don't believe half of the people here have any intention of killing themselves and that's fine if they cut the crap. Instead they throw shit at a person who is at his wits end not caring if it sends them over the edge. I think they'd rather I died so I wouldn't be able to spoil their toxic party anymore. Just do me a favour and tell me if you hate me rather than waiting until someone else says it and making it a free for all. It's far more hurtful when people pretend to like you only to stab you in the back. If I don't like them I tell them and that's partly why they don't like me but why would I give a shit. I'm telling you social media is death
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Nov 18, 2019
Lots of people hold others in their lives or even care about them to fulfill a personal need. It's an extra shitty way the world works when grossly 1 sided or insincere. Feel for ya
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Deleted member 14573

Feb 2, 2020
Hey Mr,

I am sorry you feel that people hate you. I would advise you to not take it personally. These people do not know who you really are or what you have been through.

You are clearly somebody that does not have bad intentions and you have interesting insights. The nature of the subjects you often talk about is bound to press toes, so as I said, do not take it personally.

Perhaps listening to some Vangelis will make you feel better?

I hope you don't let this bring your day down :hug: Hugs x
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
This is like a passive-aggressive Facebook post, flaming and shaming without naming.

I don't know who you're at war with, but it seems like this is a play to get people on your side so that you appear, to whoever you think has wronged you, that you have the power of others' sympathetic agreement on your side.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
This is like a passive-aggressive Facebook post, flaming and shaming without naming.

I don't know who you're at war with, but it seems like this is a play to get people on your side so that you appear, to whoever you think has wronged you, that you have the power of others' sympathetic agreement on your side.
This is awfully similar to a lot of worst case scenario theories about me with no basis in reality. Enough already.
Hey Mr,

I am sorry you feel that people hate you. I would advise you to not take it personally. These people do not know who you really are or what you have been through.

You are clearly somebody that does not have bad intentions and you have interesting insights. The nature of the subjects you often talk about is bound to press toes, so as I said, do not take it personally.

Perhaps listening to some Vangelis will make you feel better?

I hope you don't let this bring your day down :hug: Hugs x
thank you angel you sweet thing
Lots of people hold others in their lives or even care about them to fulfill a personal need. It's an extra shitty way the world works when grossly 1 sided or insincere. Feel for ya
Integrity is a dying art
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Last hope
Feb 11, 2020
I can agree with you on the point of social media that's for sure. I'm surrounded by people who want to loved by everyone like it's some sort of popularity contest.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I started this thread because I just needed one person to not hate me for being who I am. I don't ask for much and get even less
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Mar 20, 2018
I only participate in this site for positive reinforcement in my mental state and intentions. I have no other social media anymore. Any negative attitude or drama I "try" to ignore, I'd advise you to do the same. I'm trying to empathize with your beliefs but your title is a trigger and is bad for the longevity of the forum. Yes there are drama queens on here. Yes there are young people with no idea how bad it can get on here. Show me a better place online for people like us.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I would if I could. It's not the forum is it it's the "people like us" . Stick people with problems together and it can go one of two ways.
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Oct 26, 2019
You can make a real statement about a real thing that's happened if you want the possibility of real, concrete support or agreement with you to happen.
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Blue Starz

Blue Starz

Shining Through Darkness
Apr 4, 2020
There are good and bad people everywhere, and while at least on here there's a much higher percentage of people who mostly or completely understand what it feels like to despair, to feel like you can't take it anymore, or just be so frustrated you want to scream from the highest mountain...

There are always going to be some people who either don't even realize how much they hurt innocent people's feelings, or they are being selfish and don't care...

I'm soft-hearted most of the time (unless the person is just being a cruel bully), and just like on here or in point is, please don't let anyone ruin it for you on SS...

hopefully that might help a little...

You seem like a genuine person... that's a good quality you have... Mr. Has an Awesome Cat Pic

Maybe these will help cheer you up...

64FE26B9 68C3 46FB BF85 782C32A5B498

AD404D72 ECDB 41F9 9603 94AF8B2FE446
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Just waiting....
Jan 21, 2020
Hey Mr..I'm not sure what the issue is but try not to take anything anyone has said to/about u personal on here...I don't think anyone really knows enough about u on this forum to "hate" u ...Love u man..♡
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Feb 4, 2020
This is like a passive-aggressive Facebook post, flaming and shaming without naming.

I don't know who you're at war with, but it seems like this is a play to get people on your side so that you appear, to whoever you think has wronged you, that you have the power of others' sympathetic agreement on your side.

Yep, AKA...

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Mar 31, 2020
I'm sorry you feel like people hate you. I don't think that's the blunt as it may sound, I don't think anyone on an anonymous forum is really invested enough emotionally in you to truly HATE you, you know? We're all strangers on the Internet. Please don't take it all so personally- it's not worth your peace of mind :heart: :heart:
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Oct 28, 2019
To our beloved @Mr2005

I don't know anything about this situation, but please hear me out with this reply.
I sincerely hope it might be of help to you, and is written with the absolute best of intentions.

Although I don't know you especially well, I can see that you're upset, and that partly upsets me, and I want to help.
I concur that there are some things that go on on this forum that are challenging.
You might expect that people who come to this forum "ought to know better", and that standards of behaviour on this forum should be higher than outside of it, since this forum is supposed to be a haven from the "normal BS" that goes on....
I can sympathise with that view and mindset, but in reality everyone on this forum is a person, with varying degrees of "enlightenment".
Given that there are many members on this forum, the laws of stats/maths virtually guarantee that you will have "challenging" interactions here.
The difference, and art, however, lies in how you choose to "frame" it mentally....
Those challenging interactions are not a negative thing in the way that you may think they are.
It's actually an opportunity for you to develop your intelligence in dealing with such inevitable things.
It's essentially a "training ground".
If you can embrace this concept, I can promise you that you have much to gain.

My advice would be :

> Firstly, pause, and release any judgement, so you can be neutral, and try to see all views. Pretend you've been hired as a consultant to adjudicate on the matter impartially, taking into account everyone's views
> Try to look at everyone's viewpoints, and form a view of who might have a point, or if they don't, why *they* might *believe* they have a point, from their view, etc, i.e. practice empathy
> Try to form a view on who has valid points regarding what
> If you can, take into account the pain that others may have that might cause them to act in a certain way. Or perhaps just the lack of sufficient intelligence or life experience that might exist at that moment in time. Obviously this needs to be done as objectively as possible - you can't simply label everyone whose view differs from yours as lacking intelligence unless you have truly examined the situation without bias. Developing such lack of bias takes time and effort.
> Try to see whether you are in the wrong, and to avoid bias, give that very careful consideration. You may not be, but just look and examine, in case you are partly in the wrong.
> If you are in the wrong (and I'm not saying you are), then make the necessary corrections, and apologise where needed. This will do wonders for you and will make you a much better and bigger person. Losing in this instance will really be winning, I assure you.
> Once you have formed your overall view of the situation, communicate your thoughts and feelings on the matter.
> If you feel others are in error, then communicate that, but in a respectful way.
> Do not, under any circumstances, lower yourself or your intellect, by insulting another. This can be subtle because sometimes you may need to be partly forceful in certain situations in re-inforcing your point, but your words should never contain "violence" or "insults", you should try to stick to the facts as you see them.
> Never try to "score points" because this will weaken your inner state and spoil your centeredness. Taking the higher ground is always the right answer, and will keep you feeling "clear" within.
> All of this is an evolving "art form", and I don't pretend to be a master or guru at it.
> There is no "perfection" in any of these matters, and it is an ever-evolving learning exercise.
> Sometimes you may just have to put certain things down to experience, and accept that certain situations are just a bit "screwed" (technical term). That's okay. That's life. As long as you have been true to yourself and acted to your highest integrity, then you will be clear inside of yourself. And that is known as freedom. You can then put that situation to one side, and continue about your business. You may choose to no longer interact with the individuals concerned. That is also fine. You will be able to do so with your head held high. Such is the beauty and reward of acting to your highest capacity and integrity.
> Some people may just refuse to see reason or sense. That's okay. You can simply cease to interact with those people if need be. Even if every single person turns against you, it matters not if you know within yourself that you are acting to your highest integrity. This is true spiritual power. Nothing fancy, just simple good sense (as many spiritual things are).
> Advanced / Pro-level : You may also reach out after a while to those that you feel have wronged you. This does not demonstrate weakness, but actually shows strength and maturity. And if they turn you down or turn you away, then that is their loss, though there's no need to say that, since trying to "score points" will harm your sense of being centered. However, only do this if you can remain centered and accept that they may not be a big enough person to move forward, since they are at their current state of enlightenment, and may be doing their best according to that.

I hope you might be able to get something from the above.
If I've missed the mark, then I apologise...

With love and respect,
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Eat my arse, Pain&Sh*tness & Mindf*ckitation Grift
Mar 1, 2020
I'm not sure where this is coming from. I've been a lurker here for far longer than I've had an account and I don't see things here how you see them. Judging by your posts to like ratio, you aren't as hated as you think you are.

I will say though as a bit of constructive criticism, statements like half the people here don't intend to kill themselves comes off as gatekeeping. How could you possibly know? And besides, isn't this forum pro-choice when it comes to suicide? Meaning if you feel suicide is the way to go, great. If you feel suicide isn't for you, great. It's all down to the individual, but we shouldn't act elitist and bar people who decide they want to live. We shouldn't point fingers essentially calling people posers and then wonder why we get some flak.

The truth is that suicide for many people isn't just a singular act, it is a long drawn out battle that ends in the act. Survival instinct is a very strong thing even in those who consciously have no will to live. Should we really insinuate that they are fakers if they come close and then back off?

We can see it with celebrities such as Chris Cornell, Kurt Cobain, Chester Bennington and others. They made their careers from depression and suicidal thoughts. When they were alive someone could judge them as attention seeking fakers, but we all know how their lives ended. It turns out they were very serious. So think about that and try to withhold judgement on people. Because you could be making their struggles worse by being another person looking down your nose at them.

Also there is an annoying reality that many depressed people encounter in the company of those immersed in positivity culture. Depressed people are labeled as negative and toxic and pushed away far too often, making them feel even more alone and more hopeless. It shouldn't be all that surprising that in a place like this where depressed people congregate, some will still be read as negative and toxic. It's going to be pretty much inevitable. Many times that negativity is coming from a place of pain, and the person doesn't intend to drag other people down, they just want to be heard and understood.
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Oct 28, 2019
I'm not sure where this is coming from. I've been a lurker here for far longer than I've had an account and I don't see things here how you see them. Judging by your posts to like ratio, you aren't as hated as you think you are.

I will say though as a bit of constructive criticism, statements like half the people here don't intend to kill themselves comes off as gatekeeping. How could you possibly know? And besides, isn't this forum pro-choice when it comes to suicide? Meaning if you feel suicide is the way to go, great. If you feel suicide isn't for you, great. It's all down to the individual, but we shouldn't act elitist and bar people who decide they want to live. We shouldn't point fingers essentially calling people posers and then wonder why we get some flak.

The truth is that suicide for many people isn't just a singular act, it is a long drawn out battle that ends in the act. Survival instinct is a very strong thing even in those who consciously have no will to live. Should we really insinuate that they are fakers if they come close and then back off?

We can see it with celebrities such as Chris Cornell, Kurt Cobain, Chester Bennington and others. They made their careers from depression and suicidal thoughts. When they were alive someone could judge them as attention seeking fakers, but we all know how their lives ended. It turns out they were very serious. So think about that and try to withhold judgement on people. Because you could be making their struggles worse by being another person looking down your nose at them.

Also there is an annoying reality that many depressed people encounter in the company of those immersed in positivity culture. Depressed people are labeled as negative and toxic and pushed away far too often, making them feel even more alone and more hopeless. It shouldn't be all that surprising that in a place like this where depressed people congregate, some will still be read as negative and toxic. It's going to be pretty much inevitable. Many times that negativity is coming from a place of pain, and the person doesn't intend to drag other people down, they just want to be heard and understood.
There is much truth in what you've written.
In particular, regarding this point :
Many times that negativity is coming from a place of pain, and the person doesn't intend to drag other people down, they just want to be heard and understood.
This may well apply to the OP as well.
Some of his points might not have been fully thought out, and he may have been upset when he wrote the post (which I'm sure you have already appreciated anyhow).

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Letmego. Please

Letmego. Please

Nov 18, 2018
I'll tell you what happens. No one cares because suddenly the problems them. It's all incredibly fake. Things are said in broad daylight that renders the possibility they care about anyone else nil yet they remain friends either because they don't see it or they don't care either. Lies are comforting, the truth hurts but if you care about other people it's the right thing to do. You just hope someone might appreciate it but instead they want their arses kissing. I don't know why I'm bothering anymore, there's only so much you can take. If your first thought is "fuck off then" then you're only proving me right. It wouldn't bother anyone if it wasn't true right and it's not my problem if it is it's theirs but that's not how this place works. It should be called forum for self entitled children who want everyone to suffer because they are but want everyone to like them at the same time. What absolute garbage it is. I don't believe half of the people here have any intention of killing themselves and that's fine if they cut the crap. Instead they throw shit at a person who is at his wits end not caring if it sends them over the edge. I think they'd rather I died so I wouldn't be able to spoil their toxic party anymore. Just do me a favour and tell me if you hate me rather than waiting until someone else says it and making it a free for all. It's far more hurtful when people pretend to like you only to stab you in the back. If I don't like them I tell them and that's partly why they don't like me but why would I give a shit. I'm telling you social media is death

I don't hate anyone, well maybe the crazy bitch that ran off with my then husband, but aside from that little ramble, you Sir, Mr I respect & cause I'm a tad odd I care, so I am posting this only in the hope that today will start to feel less hell for you, it's a bad bad my friend so take care (((Hugs))
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Feb 10, 2020
it is inevitable that when a bunch of humans get together , not all of them are copacetic. my advice would be 2 just block people that you don't feel have your best interest at heart.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Thanks everyone except for
Yep, AKA...

I've already said what it is. It doesn't matter what it sounds like. People just believing whatever they want. If that's the case I can't change their mind.
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Mar 22, 2020
I have to agree with this post on a few points and the honesty is respected and refreshing.
I am too soft for my own good, I need a month back in the barracks XD in everyday life I avoid people like we are now because we have to? I am fine with that 24/7 the people that really know me know they are like family to me but more even because family you cannot choose and some are worse to each other than you can imagine.
I can count those people on one hand and still pick my nose... of course I do not I am a lady fgs but just humour me or yes call me a cunt and tell me to fuck off and I will have a real respect for you for the honesty. Being English I have too much tact, unless you are wrong then I let the mask slip. :wink:
Interesting post for a nihilistic misanthropist deep down lol
I can agree with you on the point of social media that's for sure. I'm surrounded by people who want to loved by everyone like it's some sort of popularity contest.
using this site for pity parties is out of order and does throw a bs blanket over everyone
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Apr 5, 2018
@to everyone who mentioned interpersonal conflicts and manipulation

Aye, manipulative tricks are everywhere. Reach attacks... vague enough not to make the attack apparent, but precise enough to make the attacked person think he's under attack. Or attacking from the safe distance. When the attacked person calls it out, the attacker is backing away, saying that he didn't mean to imply that, and it's on you to make such assumptions. Woe is me, holier than thou. (Attention baits, moral wars.) Hiding certain traits and deeds behind the mask to sustain a good reputation, shitting on others to rise in comparison, and other things I'm currently not aware of or didn't feel like mentioning.


Eat my arse, Pain&Sh*tness & Mindf*ckitation Grift
Mar 1, 2020
There is much truth in what you've written.
In particular, regarding this point :
Many times that negativity is coming from a place of pain, and the person doesn't intend to drag other people down, they just want to be heard and understood.
This may well apply to the OP as well.
Some of his points might not have been fully thought out, and he may have been upset when he wrote the post (which I'm sure you have already appreciated anyhow).


Yes, OP wrote the post from a place of pain and I hope that he can feel heard and understood as well. We're not all the same here and no group is going to be a monolith but we can still hear each other out.
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
I'll tell you what happens. No one cares because suddenly the problems them. It's all incredibly fake. Things are said in broad daylight that renders the possibility they care about anyone else nil yet they remain friends either because they don't see it or they don't care either. Lies are comforting, the truth hurts but if you care about other people it's the right thing to do. You just hope someone might appreciate it but instead they want their arses kissing. I don't know why I'm bothering anymore, there's only so much you can take. If your first thought is "fuck off then" then you're only proving me right. It wouldn't bother anyone if it wasn't true right and it's not my problem if it is it's theirs but that's not how this place works. It should be called forum for self entitled children who want everyone to suffer because they are but want everyone to like them at the same time. What absolute garbage it is. I don't believe half of the people here have any intention of killing themselves and that's fine if they cut the crap. Instead they throw shit at a person who is at his wits end not caring if it sends them over the edge. I think they'd rather I died so I wouldn't be able to spoil their toxic party anymore. Just do me a favour and tell me if you hate me rather than waiting until someone else says it and making it a free for all. It's far more hurtful when people pretend to like you only to stab you in the back. If I don't like them I tell them and that's partly why they don't like me but why would I give a shit. I'm telling you social media is death
Everyone rationalizes their own position in life. If you had bad luck, you might become resentful and wish others would suffer your fate, that they don't deserve having a life and so on.

That said, I'm not entirely sure we are using the same forum. This is by far the most open minded, respectful, tolerant and well moderated space on the internet in my humble opinion.

Ask yourself this: would you rather live without this space? Where would you go to to talk about suicide? Reddit? YouTube? Your psychiatrist?
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
I regularly question what forum other people are using when they say "I love everyone" but the difference is they say that and I don't
Yes, OP wrote the post from a place of pain and I hope that he can feel heard and understood as well. We're not all the same here and no group is going to be a monolith but we can still hear each other out.
It was a place of pain but the difference is I don't take it out on other people. I didn't name names because I didn't think it was necessary
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Dec 28, 2019
Hello @Mr2005

I can tell from the tone of your message thar someone has hurt you, and I am sorry this has happened to you. This place can be brutal.

You and I have interacted on several threads and you know I always appreciated your humour, so I will try to answer as truthfully as I can.

"but want everyone to like them at the same time"

I agree with you on this point. Yes, everyone wants to be liked, it's in our nature. Being liked releases a shot of dopamine in the brain which is responsible for the feeling of pleasure.

Biologically and chemically speaking, if you get pleasure out of being liked, you can go ahead and congratulate yourself on having a functioning brain. So, there's nothing wrong with wanting others to like you.

"It should be called forum for self entitled children who want everyone to suffer because they are."

I respectfully disagree with this statement. I, for one, have no desire whatsoever to see anyone suffer. I doubt everyone on SS is a sadist, so please try to add some mitigating words in your sentence such as "some people" on SS.

"I don't believe half of the people here have any intention of killing themselves and that's fine if they cut the crap."

I agree with this statement. I am one of those who, having had a brush with suicide, has come to the conclusion that it is not the right thing for me to do. I stay on in this forum because it allows me to express very dark thoughts which quite literally do not fit in any other place in my life.

I am not sure what "cut the crap" means in this context, because I am not the intended receiver on your post.

"Pretend to like you... stab you in the back".

The art of backstabbing is second nature to (the majority?) people. Although I would add that most backstabbers are not even aware they betray you, because they operate based on moral codes which help them justify their acts, or are simply not self-aware enough to comprehend how their behaviour impacts others. We all live inside our little bubbles, self-centered and wholly absorbed by our own selves.
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Well I don't, not anymore but then that makes me "arrogant" or something . I don't think I'm better I just try and rather than them try they just hate me instead. As for wanting people to like you I want someone to like me but who I actually like. If some people dislike me I'll take it as a compliment. It would be easy to get people to like me if that was my sole focus but then I'm hardly even me anymore. Also no not everyone is a sadist or I wouldn't like anyone here at all
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Just waiting....
Jan 21, 2020
Hate is such a strong word...

If u think anyone feels that strongly against u, just block 'em..

U don't have to take anyone from this forum home, so don't even give anyone here, that u feel despises u, that much energy...Not worth it...

And honestly, if this site brings u that much angst, maybe u should step away for a few. Otherwise its doing more harm than good...♡
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
It is but if I give up on people I might as well be dead. There's nothing else left
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