
Jul 5, 2020
I'm turning 21 in a couple of days. I've never been under the influence of anything ever. I don't even get sleepy when I take NyQuil, which is like the closest I've ever gotten to drugs.

My parents never smoked or drank around me either, not even socially, but they used to do it when they were young of course. Because of them, I used to think that being straight edge was normal, but now that I'm older, it seems like all people ever do is smoke and drink. Even my old school friends do it, they just never talked about it with me. NEETs and random little old people at my job tend to have some drug of choice too. It makes me feel like a weirdo honestly, so i guess it's about time I try it. Then I can have something to talk about with people at least.

I don't think I can get really drunk because I will only have a chance to try it with my parents around, but I hear being "buzzed"/"tipsy" is what most people do anyways, and it isn't as scary as full drunkedness. Do people become totally different when drinking? It's just baffling to me how everything seems to change with just a glass of beer or whatever. I've read about people with severe social anxiety becoming outgoing and normal once they start drinking which just sounds ridiculous to me. Is the influence really that dramatic or is everyone just pretending that it's nicer than it actually is?

Also any info about weed and cigarettes and other stuff would be cool too, I know tons of people at work who do these things, but it'd be weird of me to ask them these specific questions so thats why I'm asking on SS haha
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Don't shoot the messenger, give me the gun
Sep 25, 2018
Wow. You have so much to experience. Wtf are you doing here? Get smashed, have fun. Once it's over it's over
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Account Wipe.
Apr 30, 2020
Leans over toilet, dying "God! I promise I'm never gonna drink again if you let me stop throwing up!"

Next week does it again lol
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Sep 24, 2020
Being tipsy is quite enjoyable because it makes you feel less inhibited and more sociable, which is helpful if you're an introvert. I've only ever been blackout drunk a few times and I wouldn't recommend it. Waking up in the morning and not being able to remember what you did or said the night before is not very fun.
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Jul 19, 2020
Tipsy = fun. You lose your inhibitions a bit, but you're not out of control. This manifests itself differently for different people. Some are perhaps more flirtatious, some more open, some more funny... but also some more obnoxious or even violent. Usually, it's fun and it's a good way to let loose.

Drunk = not fun (usually). Inhibitions are out the window and you often do things you regret. You may not have control over your actions. Physically, it can be a nightmare, especially the morning after. Then there's black out drunk. That's a whole new level.

My husband is an alcoholic so I gave up drinking when we were dating and still don't drink. I'll admit that I miss it from time to time. It's nice to just let loose a little.

Happy 21st! I hope you have a wonderful time and stay safe!
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Sep 21, 2019
Being drunk is quite enjoyable, then next day you wake up with hangover and regret everything you said or done yesterday, even if it was nothing bad. Smoking is different, you enjoy every cigarette without feeling of guilt afterwards, it's very addictive though. First few cigarettes will be nasty and disgusting but after that you will crave for it, and you will enjoy it. If you are planning to CTB there is no need to worry about health damage, so yeah, go ahead and try it asap :)
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Being buzzed is great. Drunk, not so much.
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Nov 4, 2019
When you're drunk you're happy, relaxed, stupid, and clumsy. What I enjoy the most with alcohol is the disinhibition and carefreeness. I don't drink that often nowadays, though.
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Jul 23, 2020
I've read about people with severe social anxiety becoming outgoing and normal once they start drinking which just sounds ridiculous to me. Is the influence really that dramatic or is everyone just pretending that it's nicer than it actually is?
Yes. Otherwise people wouldn't regret things they've done while drunk. Some people deal with it better, but others absolutely lose control if they drink exaggeratedly.
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Jan 29, 2020
Being drunk is great, but it can get boring after a while so best advice is experiment, start on a few light beers and see how you feel but stay clear of the higher percentages till you've got used to to feeling.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
It's different for everybody. Some people love it, some hate it.
Me, it makes me lose all my OCD and depression and I become friendly and eloquent. LOL at least that's how it feels. If I drink a bit too much then my suppressed anger surfaces, though it's harmless and directed at myself. If i drink way too much then I tend to go and lie down in random places.
Whilst I'm pleasantly drunk, I feel 10 ft tall and bulletproof. I feel handsome and charming and wonderful.
It's all an illusion though ofc.
Being hungover is part of being drunk. It's a foul feeling and makes you wish you'd never touched alcohol. Don't forget, alcohol is poison - it's in no way good for you and every little bit you take causes harm to your body and mind. If you are young, it can be easier to bounce back, but it has a cumulative effect across your lifespan and will cause illness in the long run.
It's also all too easy to be more than hung over and suffer from dangerous alcohol poisoning. Been there and it's really ugly.
Then there is the danger of what you do whilst drunk: violence, DUI, injury, random sex, probably none of which you will remember. Me, I used to get home with no memory of how I got there. Either that or wake up feeling like shit in some random place and have to ask a stranger where I was.

My advice would be, if you are to drink, take it easy and pace yourself through the night. Drink lower alcohol stuff then you will get a more gradual and pleasant experience and be able to enjoy the whole evening. It's way better than randomly lapsing into unconsciousness after chugging spirits.
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Jan 29, 2020
And dont forget to make a trip to the fish n chips/kebab shop as you will feel hungry or eat before you go out drinking.
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
I agree on what's been said on drinking. It depends a little on your personality and biology how you react to it. Most people are fine. I drank a lot (too much, really), mostly but not solely alone, loved it, self medicated with it and it helped me a lot in the day (lowering inhibition and made me feel something else than depression). I too regreted some days making a fool of myself but it always stayed friendly. Some people change though and become aggressive/violent or have other problems with it, and really shouldn't be drinking imho.

As for smoking, enjoyed it too and connect a lot of pleasurable memories with it. It's a great distraction, icebreaker for conversation, and relaxant, but it's not something one has to try imho. You'll only miss it once you have. Quit over a decade ago. Wasn't too much of a problem, but it leaves an itch you can't scratch.
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Sep 12, 2020
I may be the big exception, but I consider the feeling of being tipsy/drunk disgusting. It may also depend on possible conditions that you have. I don't think you're missing anything. Don't feel pressured just because others do it. However, you are an adult, so in the end it is your decision.
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Feb 10, 2020
I've gotten slightly buzzed a couple times and I didn't like the feeling at all. I found it very uncomfortable. I can't imagine what being actually drunk would feel like. I'm very careful about how much I drink.
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Dec 8, 2019
I'm turning 21 in a couple of days. I've never been under the influence of anything ever. I don't even get sleepy when I take NyQuil, which is like the closest I've ever gotten to drugs.

I don't think I can get really drunk because I will only have a chance to try it with my parents around, but I hear being "buzzed"/"tipsy" is what most people do anyways, and it isn't as scary as full drunkedness. Do people become totally different when drinking? It's just baffling to me how everything seems to change with just a glass of beer or whatever. I've read about people with severe social anxiety becoming outgoing and normal once they start drinking which just sounds ridiculous to me. Is the influence really that dramatic or is everyone just pretending that it's nicer than it actually is?

Also any info about weed and cigarettes and other stuff would be cool too, I know tons of people at work who do these things, but it'd be weird of me to ask them these specific questions so thats why I'm asking on SS haha

The most important thing anyone ever told me is to drink one full glass of water between each alcoholic beverage and take an asperin just before you go to bed with your last drink of water. It'll stop the horrible-ness of the next day if you overdrink - and you don't have to actually be drunk or feel drunk to get a hangover.

Also, it can just make you groggy so you'll sleep, but you can't use it to beat insomnia because you'll wake up three hours later fully awake.

I think people become more of what they are while they drink. If they're mean, they get meaner. If they love people but they're nervous and dont' show it they start "I love you, man" ing. But temporary feelings can override that, like if someone who is normally happy drinks but they're really stressed, they might get worked up and be out of character.

If you get drunk, you may feel like things are a good idea that aren't. You'll also think you can do things you can't. Your sense of judgement will be all messed up.

If you wake up with a hangover, eat toast (and you won't want to - just the thought of it will make you feel like it's the worst idea in the world) and drink water.

Never smoked or did marijuana so can't help there. Happy early 21st birthday
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Jan 29, 2020
On YouTube you will find lots of people talking about their first experience of alcohol, cigarettes and weed,
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Aug 31, 2020
Alcohol has been a part of my life since I first got drunk at 11. If I could go back and live my life again with the benefit of hindsight, I would tell myself not to ever drink at all or at least not get drunk. There are people who will have the tendency to abuse substances, I am one of them. Perhaps you aren't, but doing it just because you see other people doing it doesn't mean you are missing out on anything. Since you are here, I would avoid it, because it may become your way of suppressing negative emotions and alcohol is great at doing that... until you make your life an even bigger mess because of it.

Still, it is not heroin, so it won't kill you to give it a try and see for yourself what being tipsy is like. It can be a pleasant experience.

As for cigarettes, absolutely do not touch them. It is the worst vice, doesn't give you anything rather than relief from cravings for more nicotine.

I would say the same thing about weed as I did about alcohol.

You can live a perfectly beautiful and full life without any substances. I wish I did.
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Brick In The Wall

Brick In The Wall

2M Or Not 2B.
Oct 30, 2019
You're not going to like the taste or the after effects. Try not to mix different types of booze or the aftermath is worse. Drink slowly until you can understand your tolerance level.

If you end up enjoying it, just know that you're not immune to all the woes of long term use. It WILL cause potentially very bad things to happen to you over time. Alcohol is a great solvent. It can dissolve your health, relationships, career, aspirations/goals, and your finances.

That being said, I absolutely love the shit! Happy birthday to you and I hope it's both a safe and enjoyable one!
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Aug 22, 2020
Tipsy = fun. You lose your inhibitions a bit, but you're not out of control. This manifests itself differently for different people. Some are perhaps more flirtatious, some more open, some more funny... but also some more obnoxious or even violent. Usually, it's fun and it's a good way to let loose.

Drunk = not fun (usually). Inhibitions are out the window and you often do things you regret. You may not have control over your actions. Physically, it can be a nightmare, especially the morning after. Then there's black out drunk. That's a whole new level.

This is a great description!

The glass of water/soft drink (not caffeinated) between every alcoholic drink is very good advice & yes line your stomach (eat) before/with alcohol.

Never ever drink different types of alcohol (Wine/spirits/beer) in the same day/session.

I smoke & I do enjoy it but most people that I know who smoke hate it. It is a dirty habit & I recommend that you don't start, it will make you smelly, stain/damage your teeth, & make people not want to kiss you as well as all the other serious health affects (one of my reasons for still smoking is passive suicide). It's also addictive for most people (I don't have that particular problem).

I don't smoke weed because I don't like the taste & it has no effects on me.
I haven't tried any other illegal drugs & it's only recently that I've begun to be tempted which is also for ctb reasons.
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Soulless Angel

Soulless Angel

Did someone say Rum?
Jul 6, 2020
Being drunk is quite enjoyable, then next day you wake up with hangover and regret everything you said or done yesterday,

never had a hangover, no matter how drunk I get, I just wake up next day and carry on as normal, even if I have only had 3 hours sleep!
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Sep 28, 2020
I have never really drank alcohol. I hate it's taste and i don't want to feel limited in my movements and thoughts. I just don't feel a need to drink it...
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I have never really drank alcohol. I hate it's taste and i don't want to feel limited in my movements and thoughts. I just don't feel a need to drink it...
I mostly agree but the few times I've been drunk it temporarily did wonders on helping me feel better about terrible things that had happened to me.

The aftermath just isn't worth it though tbh
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I just can’t get these damn wrists to bleed
Jul 22, 2020
First it makes me feel a little light headed and sleepy and I laugh like crazy. That's the fun part. Then I lose my coordination and say stupid things which either don't make sense or hurt people. That's the bad part. Then I fall asleep. And when I wake up I'd rather be dead than feel that sick.

As someone else wrote previously: after a while I do it again.:hihi:
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Sep 5, 2020
Cigarettes aren't worth it except to enhance other forms of intoxication.

Drinking feels like wringing your soul out of your body like a sponge, in a really good way. I like being drunk, on occasion very drunk. It's important to always know your limits and your environment, especially if you don't drink often. And a pro tip is to drink tons of water to avoid a hangover.

All in all it's probably better to resist the temptation.
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Sep 4, 2020
I don't even know. I don't get drunk anymore. I'll drink half a bottle of whiskey and go on a rampage smashing stuff, but I won't feel drunk at all. If I drink some beer, I'd probably need at least 6 cans/bottles of 8-10% to get a buzz. The buzzes feel nice, though. You get all wobbly and laugh at everything, even if it's not funny.
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Aug 21, 2019
Depends how much you have. If you're in the middle between buzzed and a blackout, your movement feels sloppy and you become an idiot for a couple of hours who is liable to say and do incredibly embarrassing and foolish things that you'll surely regret later.

Honestly, if you haven't started then I wouldn't personally recommend it. If I could take back all the bringe drinking that I've ever done, I would. Especially the times when liquor was involved. I feel nauseous just thinking about it...
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Global Mod
Feb 13, 2020
Being drunk lowers your fears, make you feel on top of everything. You find solutions to your problems easily. You think.

When you wake up the next day and look at the texts you send to people while being intoxicated you probably won't feel that awesome

You're an adult, it's your choice, the only warning I'll give to you, keep it at a minimum. I've seen people go down because of alcohol, my son is one of them. A recovering alcoholic at 27 .

Please watch yourself.
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Sep 28, 2020
Go to a gathering where others are drinking to excess and stay sober and watch. Read the posts written by people who are drunk. How do they sound to you?

What do people mean when they say, "But I was drunk"? Why do they say that?

The worst things I have done and said were when I was drunk. Seemed funny at the time, maybe you had to have been there? Maybe I'm glad you weren't *cringe*.

As for cigarettes, I have smoked all of my adult life. I am a slave to them and rue the day I ever started. Please don't!

I worked for years in a trauma ICU, 28 beds. Motor vehicle crashes, gunshot wounds, stuff like that. Most of them were directly related to alcohol and/or drugs.

The times I have been closest to killing myself were when I was under the influence. Sitting on the edge of the bed with the gun barrel in my mouth. Then I saw my little dog, sitting next to me wanting in my lap. Nope.

I rarely drink anymore. YMMV...
I will add, I lost one brother to liver failure, brother number two is well on his way. Brother number three drank a bottle of wine and smoked weed every day, until he saw Brother Number One die. He has almost quit. Sister Number One drinks every night to "help relax". Years ago, one night after work, I realized the box of wine was empty. I was broke, a single mom, and was about to take (steal) money from my kids' piggy banks to go buy more. That was wake up call number one. Wake up call number two was when I woke up in my bed, hair wet, clothes on the floor, must have taken a shower? And the last thing I could remember was driving out of the bar parking lot. Wake up call number three was at a family game night when I realized that at every family gathering, everybody got drunk. That was the only way we could tolerate each other and the funny thing was, awful things were said, feelings were hurt, relationships damaged. Lots of "but I was drunk". The last gathering, I didn't drink. They gave me a hard time for that. After a while, with the usual behavior happening, I screwed up my courage, stood up, grabbed my keys and said "I'm leaving." I became the bad guy but now, I don't care. If they come to my house, I don't serve alcohol. They bring their own.
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Sep 5, 2020
If I drink a bit too much then my suppressed anger surfaces, though it's harmless and directed at myself.
A similar thing happens to me as well. The nastiest parts are the last to come out, one more drink and I go from on top of the world to batshit crazy. For me it's paranoia and magical thinking. I talk like a schizophrenic writing on the walls when I go over my limit, and sometimes I do actually write on the walls. Doomsday prophecies and everything, all kinds of stuff that represents my irrational mind and its fears. I cringe when I sober up but I also can't help but acknowledge that it's often how I really feel.
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