Death is salvation
- Sep 26, 2021
- 2,028
A while ago on the antinatalism subreddit I saw this picture that talks about the costs of suicide:
After seeing this picture, I got to the conclusion that we are just mere tools, mere slaves for the economy and nothing else matters. Just muh profit for our owners. We are just government property. This is why assisted suicide isn't largely available.
There's also this Dutch article where it basically says that: Dutch suicide prevention helpline 113 calculates it would cost society 2,8 million if someone kills themselves, because of how much taxes this person could've paid.
Maybe someone who speaks Dutch on here can tell more about what's written in there, but that's the summary.
What are your thoughts?
After seeing this picture, I got to the conclusion that we are just mere tools, mere slaves for the economy and nothing else matters. Just muh profit for our owners. We are just government property. This is why assisted suicide isn't largely available.
There's also this Dutch article where it basically says that: Dutch suicide prevention helpline 113 calculates it would cost society 2,8 million if someone kills themselves, because of how much taxes this person could've paid.
Een zelfdoding kost de maatschappij 2,8 miljoen euro, 113 wil meer aandacht voor preventie
2,8 miljoen euro. Zoveel kost het de maatschappij als één persoon in ons land zelfmoord pleegt. Zelfmoordpreventielijn 113 liet dat uitrekenen. De organisatie wil structureel meer aandacht voor preventie. "Het staat nu niet hoog op de prioriteitenlijst."
Maybe someone who speaks Dutch on here can tell more about what's written in there, but that's the summary.
What are your thoughts?