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Aug 18, 2020
I have read roundabout 40% of all men are circumcised. I think the only good decision my parents have made during the time they raised me was the fact they did not do that in my case. My dad told me he thinks there are too many nerve tracts in the foreskin. This could ruin sex. Or make it feel worse. I have to say for a guy who does not get what a mania is or does not understand the subject I am studying despite the fact I always use very easy, basic terms he was pretty right on that. I am surprised. Sometimes my dad can surprise me but most of the time he is extremely ignorant and forgets things he does not like to hear.

One fact is clear: circumcision for women is a violation of human rights. And way too many women have to endure that.
In Germany only 10-15% men are circumcised. I think many Jews and Muslims are. Many people feel sexually less after one. But many medication for mental illness can also have sexual side effects. People who advocate for it say: the likelihood to get aids is way lower. It is better for hygiene. Some say it looks better.

Honestly this research took me a lot of energy and agony. I know it is only a short text. And I wanted it to be way longer.
But I have talked with my best friend about this topic to extend my knowledge and he described to me how the sex with his girlfrend feels. He was quite explicit in his descriptions. It gave me the feeling I should go to a prostitute. I had this idea because other people in this forum have done that. But I have some contra arguments for that.

And for me a complete suicidal loner without any chances to get a gf this research was kind of painful. I hope you appreciate this thread I do everything for good, interesting threads.

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Mar 28, 2022
There is nothing wrong with being circumcised or wanting to get circumcised as an adult, but it's absolutely vile to deprive a person of his right to choose. That's genital mutilation, pure and simple.

People who advocate for it say: the likelihood to get aids is way lower. It is better for hygiene. Some say it looks better.
It being better for hygiene is true, but guess what? You get all those health benefits from simply washing your penis. It's not rocket science and does not require cutting off your foreskin. As for it looking better, is that reason enough to change someone's body against their will? If someone thinks women look better with their feet cut off, does that mean they should be free to cut off their daughter's feet?
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Jul 13, 2022
fact is clear: circumcision for women is a violation of human rights.
Couldn't agree more. Not even most female genital cancers resort in a procedure as cruel and invasive as female circumcision.

As far as male circumcision goes, I don't have an opinion. I was circumcised at birth and never cared.
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Dec 6, 2021
My personal experience with adult circumcision is rather negative. I do find it vile to be done on new borns. Shouldn't be a thing at all unless very medically necessary.
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May 20, 2018
I wonder who first thought it was a good idea to slice up an infant's penis.
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Poor Stargazer

Poor Stargazer

See You @ The Singularity
Mar 31, 2022
Genital mutalation is abuse
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May 17, 2022
I think it should be left alone and up to the child to deal with it how she or he thinks when they reach adulthood.

Until such time, simply teach the child proper hygiene methods when dealing with the extra skin.
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Too short for Frederick William I’s Guards
Jan 18, 2022
One has to really play around with definitions to construe circumcision as something other than mutilation. Cutting off parts of a person when they've only just arrived isn't right, especially if it's for decidedly aesthetic reasons. From what I've read the health benefits are non-existent BS justifications for the ritual.
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On the brink
Jul 7, 2022
I wonder who first thought it was a good idea to slice up an infant's penis.
Jews, I think. According to the Bible, it was done so they could tell themselves apart from non-jews and preserve their racial integrity despite being geographically seperated. It should be noted that they circumcised their slaves too.
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Down in a Mirror
Feb 19, 2022
I think it's a terrible and worthless cultural/religious practice, especially when performed on infants. It's all the proof I need to know the God of Abraham is nothing but human invention. Truly "amazing" how this barbarism has become routine in the USA.
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Apr 5, 2020
Evil when performed on non-consenting infants. The scary thing is that there are still people who support infant circumcision.
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I was once a pretty angel
Mar 4, 2022
If it's not broken, don't fix it. My theory is that is done because parents don't want to clean their small children there. Like it happened with me, and then I caught infection when I was like 4 or 5 years old. And then my parents in their stupidity, decided that while we're at it, let's get him circumcised as well, resulting in an aesthetically horrible outcome since my foreskin was still swollen when circumcision was done. I was afraid of showing my dick to a girl until I got it fixed on my own initiative when I was like 19. I got adult circumcised then, and luckily it was fixable. I believe circumcision is a crime when done to small children. I get it that dick looks nicer when circumcised but it should be up to adult to decide if they want it done.
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Apr 5, 2020
I get it that dick looks nicer when circumcised but it should be up to adult to decide if they want it done.
I don't even agree that it looks better when cut
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Dec 15, 2021
At seeing penis with and without circumcision, not only can takes away some sensitivity but in my opinion it also makes it look smaller and worse.
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Never feeling love like that anymore
Mar 30, 2022
As I am an American, it is normal here.

I, in my quarter century on earth have never seen an uncircumcised penis. Not in school, public bathrooms. Most caucasian men in my area must be at least 80% cut with varying levels of 'technique,' or how much foreskin has been removed.

There isn't a particular desire either to see one in the flesh, I personally like familiarity when it comes to anatomy. I believe routine infant circumcision is bad for premature babies, it increases complications such as adhesions and poor scarring. But on a fully developed baby, in a family surrounded by men who have also been circumcised with a good result, I wouldn't want to be the odd one out. It has visual and cleanliness benefits, but I definitely understand the barbarism and the reasons there is inactivism against RIC. It should be a decision, but if it is a family tradition that hasn't affected anyone else in the family, why not? Some men circumcise really well and some don't. The ones that don't, should note to the doctor that the skin type in the family doesn't take to the procedure very well -- 'skip my son.'

I actually need adjustments on my 'equipment' per se, but Covid really dashed my plans to get some flaws fixed. So in a way, circumcision has been counterproductive for me as it makes me go to the doctor. I just want to visually look as appealing as the other cut guys. :mmm:
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Oct 15, 2021
Circumcision is genital mutilation. Simple. If an adult wants to do it on himself, that's his choice.
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Slowly Dying Inside
Jan 18, 2022
Not talking ethics here, but sexual comfort from a womans point of view. I find sex with an uncut man much more comfortable, not so much friction.
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Dec 27, 2021
Personally I wish that it would be left up to the child to decide when they grow older. The problem is that circumcision can't be undone, and can have serious mental ramifications when the child becomes a adult and realizes they didn't want to be circumcised, but there isn't anything that can be done to fix it.

Just leave it be really. But just my take on it.

(off topic rant)
What happened to Reimer is awful and I do not recommend looking for more infommation as it can be retraumatizing. In a quick summary, a botched circumcision led up to years of suffering and Reimer ctbing at 38.

There is the tragic case of the Reimer twins. One of the twins, David Reimer had a botched circumcision and some sicko "doctor" forced him to live with a female gender identity that Reimer did not identify with, all so this so called doctor could prove his research. To keep it short, but the doctor, ironically known as John Money, so yes, Dr. Money. Abused the twins in ways I do not ever recommend anyone with s**ual trauma to seach this case up any further.
The aftermath was David transitioned once he began to realize he did not ever feel like a girl. His twin overdosed on antidepressants, and two years later at the age of 38, David shot in the head himself with a shotgun.
This case is the reason why I myself am against forcing people to live and look in ways they do not want to all in order to appease to dumb roles and expectations. It is that fact that David never wanted to live as female, it was society that wanted him to so he could be "happy" and "not question his gender".
And now this case is often brought up by transphobes for their dumb shit even though what caused the tragic outcome is forcing people to live in a gender they do not identify with. Rant over.
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Oct 19, 2021
The biggest issue with circumcision is that some children get severly damaged by this and can not function sexually due to this- botched circumcision surgeries do happen and they ruin lives. It's a terrible this to risk ruining a person's sexuality as an infant.
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Aug 7, 2022
From what I've heard, there are medical cases where circumcision is needed. If a child has too thick foreskin that dirt is easily accumulated under it, a circumcision would be a more hygienic decision in the long run.
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Jul 23, 2021
I am a woman and I am really against circumcision for both male and female. I think it's mutilation unless there are serious medical issues it would resolve or if an adult is choosing it. I am North American but I live in Europe from the ages of 15-22, so yeah I was used to uncircumcised penises.


Just a random person
Aug 5, 2022
As an adult woman, it's surprising how many men I've known through out my life that have had to get circumcised as an adult due to different medical conditions and complications.


Feb 21, 2022
I have read roundabout 40% of all men are circumcised. I think the only good decision my parents have made during the time they raised me was the fact they did not do that in my case. My dad told me he thinks there are too many nerve tracts in the foreskin. This could ruin sex. Or make it feel worse. I have to say for a guy who does not get what a mania is or does not understand the subject I am studying despite the fact I always use very easy, basic terms he was pretty right on that. I am surprised. Sometimes my dad can surprise me but most of the time he is extremely ignorant and forgets things he does not like to hear.

One fact is clear: circumcision for women is a violation of human rights. And way too many women have to endure that.
In Germany only 10-15% men are circumcised. I think many Jews and Muslims are. Many people feel sexually less after one. But many medication for mental illness can also have sexual side effects. People who advocate for it say: the likelihood to get aids is way lower. It is better for hygiene. Some say it looks better.

Honestly this research took me a lot of energy and agony. I know it is only a short text. And I wanted it to be way longer.
But I have talked with my best friend about this topic to extend my knowledge and he described to me how the sex with his girlfrend feels. He was quite explicit in his descriptions. It gave me the feeling I should go to a prostitute. I had this idea because other people in this forum have done that. But I have some contra arguments for that.

And for me a complete suicidal loner without any chances to get a gf this research was kind of painful. I hope you appreciate this thread I do everything for good, interesting threads.

I hate the practice. Some of my favorite lovers looked like animals in the bedroom and I loved every second of it😎


Apr 19, 2022
I think circumsiuzed or not, the male genitials are gross.


My English could be bad :)
Aug 15, 2022
I will be forever mad at my parents for doing that to me.


Mining for copium in the weirdest places.
Jan 15, 2022
I feel like my dick got thicker with it, having it done in my 15ish years. I also lost like 50% of my sensitivity.

For the record, I think I needed it. It had started to hurt, as I had a small opening.
Not talking ethics here, but sexual comfort from a womans point of view. I find sex with an uncut man much more comfortable, not so much friction.
Makes sense, as a hooded member is what Nature intended.
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