A fork. By hand it gets too dirty when your fingers get all slimy.
This never made sense. Chopsticks are economical but if you're not skilled you're just wasting the rice. Small spoon also means you probably like it, but not much, otherwise you'd take a big spoon, or a big fork.
What I don't agree is all other sauces, arrangements and rolls, other than ketchup.
Doesn't anybody else just buy a pack of rice, cook it in a pan, not one of those machines, serve it in a dish and.. just eat it?
I treat it seriously, because where I am eating a pack of rice, an Ethiopian child has to resort to goodness knows what to have a fifth of a pack to not starve.
And I presume, when having it after a workout (any other time), it's followed by a Stella Artois? Or at least a cup of tea with milk?