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That's the hell I live with
Apr 19, 2018
I've had weed and Lsd.
I had Lsd for the first time in ages yesterday, and it made me feel so good.
I like it as it makes me get out of my own head.
The first time I tried it I got very suicidal and nearly walked off but was brought back.
Now it's this morning after and I feel tingly still but I just want to do it again tonight or at least get high / drunk so I can escape but I've been told no until my next day off. _.
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
Meth was very dangerous and I quickly quit that because I noticed how quickly I was forming a dependency. Coming off even after just a week or two of use was painful. I had decided never to use it again after the final time.

Adderall which is similar to meth but legally prescribed was especially addictive for me. I ended up with a very long term addiction to that but am now 3 months and a week sober from that. It was fun for awhile but ruined my life and I never misused the medication. I took less than the recommended amount but it didn't matter because it's goin to fuck u up wether u have ADD or not. The body was not meant to be dependent on speed forever.

Weed especially before legalization was amazing. I don't feel like the weed is the same as what I bought in the black market. I have wanted to quit but so far I have struggled. I still use it though not heavily.

Lsd was fun but I can't tolerate the comedown and hangover. It is enjoyable but I did have one bad trip and I never wanted to risk it again. I was suicidal for a couple days after. I was also on adderall at this time so my brain chemicals were already not at a healthy level.

Mushrooms were really fun and I recommend trying, but there is a comedown with them too. You might not feel so hot the next day. It depends how much u take. It was an amazing trip. I think everyone should try at least once.

Extacy my first time was amazing, but it can cause permanent damage to your chemical stores. You can ruin your ability to experience happiness and be more prone to depression down the road. It can be years later that the effects show up.

That's the only ones I've tried. Sure I've taken some pain pills but those were not addictive for me. I didn't experience that desire to seek them out or continue to take them. I think some people are more susceptible to certain chemicals obviously. That's why different people tend to get hooked on different things.
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Macc Lad

Macc Lad

Jan 22, 2019
acid in the late 80's , early 90's.......it was fucking wonderful!


Apr 8, 2019
Weed I use pretty much most days. Calms me down and helps me sleep. Also helps me become introspective and think about things
MDMA - My drug of choice. Although I've stopped taking it as I don't go out anymore and can't deal with comedowns
Acid- love it as the visuals are unreal, but it lasts long (like 8-12 hours)
Shrooms are like acid but don't last as long. Less visuals too
I like coke but it's overrated. Quite expensive and fiendish
Speed is like coke but dirtier and a worse high. Also disrupts sleep

Benzos, I love them as it's just like being wrapped in a blanket where you have no worries.
Codeine is nice but a bit weak on it's own


Mar 20, 2019
I use weed daily (legally). It's a trade off. It seems like it worsens my anxiety but helps a lot with the depression. If I didn't use marijuana I'd probably spend most of my time in bed feeling sorry for myself. When high I like to at least do some things.

I did a few heavy LSD trips last year and it provided me with a new level of introspection which definitely helped my depression. I have some tabs set aside for whenever I feel up to doing it again.

Like 10 years ago I grew shrooms but I wasn't a big fan of them mostly because they upset my stomach badly.

I've done a pretty good job at staying away from hard drugs. I don't smoke and rarely drink. Just marijuana and occasional psychedelics.

I do plan on doing DMT soon. I've heard a lot of positive things about it
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Feb 8, 2019
Oh I wish I could still get drugs, I miss drugs, I love drugs more than life.

Weed- ok not for me anymore I was a major pot head when i was young but after i started doing heavier drugs I could never go back. I try every few years but its for sure not for me anymore.

Coke- Amusing, worth doing i guess but I agree with guy above, overrated

Acid- Amazing, every single time amazing. Ironically i'd be afraid of having a bad trip now even though I've never had one and spent many years of pretty regular use.

Shrooms - A great way to waste away while doing nothing. Fun experience but for some reason I can neither walk or stop laughing after an hour so need to be housebound.

MDMA - My drug of choice, yes please give me so much more. No high is like your first high but even the 100th is a great way to spend a few hours feeling so much better about everything. Any drug dealers on SS? i need a hookup lol

Benzo's are damn delicious. They make me more functional than most other drugs and i'd argue more coherent then when sober just on account of it easing my thoughts a bit.

Opiate's - really only mess with RX stuff, or used to but also delicious for me its almost like a super mild mdma high which is ok in my book

Those are the big ones i've done and the only one's i'd do again. Never done heroin or meth but if the opportunity ever arises, I might but probably not to much of a coward these days.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
The only drug that I have had that I really enjoyed were opiates. I only like downers because they calm me and make me completely relaxed. All of these were prescribed for pain, usually when I was in the hospital. I also enjoy alcohol. Anything that calms my nerves so I don't have to feel anything. I tried Marijuana for pain, but it didn't really do much for me. Benzos also never really helped me either. I had a horrible reaction to MDMA as a teen, so after that I pretty much avoided drugs. I don't think I have the tolerance level for them.


Apr 3, 2019
Tried weed a couple of times, smoked and in edibles. Neither of those times felt a thing. Beer has a stronger on me.


Apr 2, 2019
Marijuana. I'm a huge advocate for herb. I smoke weed all day, everyday. "Perma-stoned" haha. Everything about it, I love. The act of smoking is more fun than just BEING high, in my opinion. Hitting the bong is my favorite hobby.

LSD. You don't know till you know, gotta try this one, man. My first trip was .. ugh I have no words. It was beautiful and magical, I was literally hearing colors and seeing the vibrations that were permeating my room via my megaboom speaker. My tapestries came alive and I danced freely, my soul became music and I was just.. gone. Completely out of my head. Beautiful.

Cocaine. Not my favorite just because of how short the high is for how much money you spend on it, plus, it's VERY easy to obtain shitty coke. It just makes me hyper and talkative, and 100% down to go streaking through a public school at 11 am. Not good for me lol..

Ecstasy. Aka, X, disco biscuits (my fave to call it), or molly.. etc etc. Super fun. I'm not a raver, so I always took it alone but I would just vibe to music in my room and exercise hella. It made me EXTREMELY happy and loving, I couldn't stop smiling. I have to say though, the comedown is AWFUL!!! It feels like you're going to die, every time. Your body starts shaking and sweating and you get EXTREMELY depressed (yeah, I thought it couldn't be any worse than usual.. was wrong). My heart rate slowed to a terrifyingly low pace and my mind was racing. I thought I'd have a heart attack at any moment.

Mushrooms. I love mushrooms, but I can no longer take them around other people. Someone caused me a very anxious trip last time, he wouldn't SHUT THE FUCK UP, so now I don't enjoy company while on them. But I take them in the woods, near my favorite spot, in my favorite tree, at my favorite beach. It's perfect. Everything is swirly and pastel-like. It all looks like a wooshy Bob Ross painting that's alive and softly dancing. Love me some magic shrooms. Smoke weed while on them though, as the anxiety peaks around the fifth hour.

I think that's about all I have to offer.

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