As it is clear from the BBC article, they only seek to destroy and censor this site.

As a result of the recent comments given to the BBC by their spokesman; We will no longer be including the hotline in any official capacity on this website.

The excerpt in question is listed below:

2020 02 12 09 39 46

We will no longer be officially supporting or endorsing any suicide hotlines or chats. Proceed with your own risk if you do decide to go this route.

We will always support those that recover and we'll offer as much support as we can, don't mistake this decision with not caring, as we do, but organizations that seek to censor information go against the core values of this forum.

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Jun 12, 2018
I support that decision. They're labeling us as a suicide-forum anyway, so what difference could it even make. They don't care that we lift people up in this forum. They don't care that we have a whole subforum dedicated to recovery. They don't care that the members in this forum are very supportive and understanding in nature, regardless of the background, story or identity of a person. And since I registered in this forum back in 2018, I've received more genuine support and empathy in this forum than anywhere else ever in my life. No doctor, psychiatrist or therapist could ever come close to this kind of honest and sincere support. Just look at my threads, they're the living example of this, you won't find one negative comment in them. People respect my choices and try to help me out as much as possible, in consideration to my situation. It's a shame they're trying to tear us down and destroy this wonderful community for us.
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Nov 30, 2019
The samaritans hotline is useless for people who are seriously suicidal. The amount of lies that they post on their website about suicide borders on insanity.
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Nov 3, 2019
As it is clear from the BBC article, they only seek to destroy and censor this site.

As a result of the recent comments given to the BBC by their spokesman; We will no longer be including the hotline in any official capacity on this website.

The excerpt in question is listed below:

View attachment 27049

We will no longer be officially supporting or endorsing any suicide hotlines or chats. Proceed with your own risk if you do decide to go this route.

We will always support those that recover and we'll offer as much support as we can, don't mistake this decision with not caring, as we do, but organizations that seek to censor information go against the core values of this forum.

Is it possible for the UK govt to ban this website. Do they rights?
As it is clear from the BBC article, they only seek to destroy and censor this site.

As a result of the recent comments given to the BBC by their spokesman; We will no longer be including the hotline in any official capacity on this website.

The excerpt in question is listed below:

View attachment 27049

We will no longer be officially supporting or endorsing any suicide hotlines or chats. Proceed with your own risk if you do decide to go this route.

We will always support those that recover and we'll offer as much support as we can, don't mistake this decision with not caring, as we do, but organizations that seek to censor information go against the core values of this forum.

Didn't they see the recovery forum which helped to prevent so many suicides. Without this forum, many people would have committed suicide.
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Is it possible for the UK govt to ban this website. Do they rights?

They can, but there are easy ways around bans such as changing your DNS, and/or using a VPN/Proxy.

A ban would just serve as a deterrent but people can get around those too.
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Jan 4, 2020
I know some folks find The Samaritans helpful but I never have, just condescending. I vowed would never try them again and never have. SS is such a helpful place, dont know what would do now without here to come. Its so sad and infuriating that noone takes time in the outside world to actually come on here and view everything and see what a good place this is, just assume we are all here to promote and encourage one another to take our lives. Its about time decent and helpful websites/forums are applauded and respected, not the crap we have to endure.
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Dec 22, 2019
I'm kind of glad it's off the site really. I mean I've seen some niche numbers that do help (ok, they're also pro-choice basically too), but really specific in who they help), but almost all the other numbers seem to be a "help" as in "everything but help".

I thought it was nice in a showing the site wasn't a 'pro-suicide' as people thought..... But it doesn't take long being here to realize the sire really is pro-choice, and it has a lot more people that are around longer than they would've been otherwise.... this entire site is basically a suicide hotline!
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Oct 14, 2019
I highly dislike the fact that there are rude to us. We are a good website why are they bad for us?
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Ready to embrace the peaceful bliss of the void.
Feb 4, 2020
When you cannot censor something, you muffle it instead in the hopes that it will suffocate. Sad that they are taking this somewhat authoritarian route as it takes away from the voice of those in need rather than offering alternatives, such as this site, as an alternative. And by suppressing others free will, as governments often do, no matter how "benign" they think they are being, it does far more irreparable damage in the long run. They irony here is the problem will be exaberated rather than solved. Shame....

P.S. I am referring to governmental and authoritative institutions, not places like this. Just in case that was not clear.
I highly dislike the fact that there are rude to us. We are a good website why are they bad for us?
Because they choose to isolate and focus on only the aspects the deem "wrong" instead of seeing the whole picture. Other words, they ignore the good this place does because it doesn't help their agenda.
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No capacity

Feb 5, 2020
I honestly think The Samartians are pointless. I see the signs on every railway track. I see the number everytime I google. I see it in every news article where the cause of death is suicide. How many truly suicidal people think calling a stranger who does nothing but listen is going to honestly help / deter them.
Waste of money in my opinion. Would love to hear just one success story of someone who was really going to kill themselves and not just having ideation or "seeking attention" and then thought hey, I want to die but let me call the Samaritans instead and then they lived happily ever after..... *said no one, ever*
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Jan 27, 2020
These hotlines are mainly to prevent impulsive suicides, people that are serious in their intentions won't be "saved" by a phone call, lol.
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Jan 30, 2020
This place is a sacred haven, treasured by those that use it and feared by those who do not understand
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Is it possible for the UK govt to ban this website. Do they rights?

Didn't they see the recovery forum which helped to prevent so many suicides. Without this forum, many people would have committed suicide.
Yes the UK, USA , and other countries can ban this website. Australia already banned it last year.

Censorship is wrong.They don't want to allow us even one website where we can talk to like minded people.

If you censor knowledge you create a false reality.

Additionally this website is a needed resource. Using this site many can escape unbearable pain and suffering caused by cancer or other nightmare situations.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
The Samaritans attitude puzzles me. Once again I'll say what they told me.
They said they are pro choice, they would not stop a suicide, they would not call the police on a caller. Theit attitude here in the UK surprised me.
Odd that they would take such a stance, it really seems to go against what they have told me.
I realise others have had bad experiences with them but I usually found them to be good to talk to, just for someone to listen, nothing else.
And this is ME I'm usually the first to moan about how crappy some service is.
Very odd. I guess they have to be seen to be acting in a certain way.
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Apr 30, 2019
Would love to hear just one success story of someone who was really going to kill themselves and not just having ideation or "seeking attention" and then thought hey, I want to die but let me call the Samaritans instead and then they lived happily ever after..... *said no one, ever*

Google "the Samaritans saved my life", quite a few articles out there (altho I agree with the decision to remove the number)

there's a seat for every ass as they say !
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Deep Breaths
Aug 25, 2018
I definitely support this decision, 100%

(Gee, smooth move, Samaritans, you talked yourselves right off this site. Maybe you should stick to answering phone calls and leave the politicking out of it.)

These hotlines are mainly to prevent impulsive suicides, people that are serious in their intentions won't be "saved" by a phone call, lol.
This is an astute observation.
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Jan 17, 2020
The Samaritans attitude puzzles me. Once again I'll say what they told me.
They said they are pro choice, they would not stop a suicide, they would not call the police on a caller. Theit attitude here in the UK surprised me.
Odd that they would take such a stance, it really seems to go against what they have told me.
I realise others have had bad experiences with them but I usually found them to be good to talk to, just for someone to listen, nothing else.
And this is ME I'm usually the first to moan about how crappy some service is.
Very odd. I guess they have to be seen to be acting in a certain way.
Same, they've been great for me the very few times I've used them. It's amazing what talking can do for you when you're in that pit of despair; it's like an objective light is shone on the dark pit in your mind for a while. I personally think they're a fantastic charity, but of course your mileage may very much vary.
To the people saying the Samaritans aren't used by the "truly suicidal" can you stfu? Seriously, Callie used them herself and where is she? Oh right, dead.
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Dec 20, 2019
I agree and am supporting this :) If we're gonna get a bad rep anyways, why include this hotline? Plus, it's pretty much useless. At least in my opinion. I get so frustrated and become impulsive that it almost feels like no one can stop me. Like their fake words can stop me from going through with some form of plan. The kindness and acceptance of others here on this forum that will listen to me are those who can calm me down. They fully get where I'm coming from because we're all in the same boat on this forum. We don't feed each other fake words. We speak with care, empathy and love.
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Queen of the night
Dec 9, 2019
As it is clear from the BBC article, they only seek to destroy and censor this site.

As a result of the recent comments given to the BBC by their spokesman; We will no longer be including the hotline in any official capacity on this website.

The excerpt in question is listed below:

View attachment 27049

We will no longer be officially supporting or endorsing any suicide hotlines or chats. Proceed with your own risk if you do decide to go this route.

We will always support those that recover and we'll offer as much support as we can, don't mistake this decision with not caring, as we do, but organizations that seek to censor information go against the core values of this forum.


The government is evil! Truly evil! Most of us here have nothing and nobody in the world nor do we have safety to talk and be understood. This evil scum government needs to start improving its mental health services, not bullying sites like this which is actually supportive to people who need it.
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Remember. I am ALWAYS right.... until I’m not
Apr 28, 2019
As it is clear from the BBC article, they only seek to destroy and censor this site.

As a result of the recent comments given to the BBC by their spokesman; We will no longer be including the hotline in any official capacity on this website.

The excerpt in question is listed below:

View attachment 27049

We will no longer be officially supporting or endorsing any suicide hotlines or chats. Proceed with your own risk if you do decide to go this route.

We will always support those that recover and we'll offer as much support as we can, don't mistake this decision with not caring, as we do, but organizations that seek to censor information go against the core values of this forum.

Excellent . Who needs them. They can stay on their island and we stay on ours. I have absolutely no problems with this.

They can also have all our pro lifers.
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Dec 17, 2019
Samaritans answer "get a job" actually pushed me to ctb -- I was in the hospital the next day (wasn't planning to)

I appreciate venue might help some , but they are doing malpractice when it comes to serious distress.

SS had changed its rules , behaviour , tone ; I don't see that with NHS or Samaritans . Who is the blind ?
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Empty Smile

Empty Smile

The final Bell has rung. Goodbye to all.
Jul 13, 2018
I've always seen them as a joke anyway. When you talk to them, they aren't giving you their sincere feelings, they are reading shit off a piece of paper that sits in front of them.

Do you really think they give a fuck about you? To them, it's an 8 to 4, five day work week.

I bet you a hundred bucks, when their phone rings, the first thought they have is, "Great, another fucking depressed fool..."
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Feb 12, 2020
Attacking forums like this, restricting access to things that people have used to peacefully CTB, refusing to give people, even old/very ill people, a choice. None of that will help lower the rate of self-euthanasia, because none of those action tackle the issue that is at the root of most instances of self-euthanasia. All they are actually doing is causing more suffering to people who are already suffering a great deal.

I'm sorry about that the Calin's family has had to go through. If Calin had never found this website, she STILL would have CTB. It's not the website that caused her to do it, it is the circumstance surrounding here life that made her developed the strong desired to have it stop at that point of it.

This is similar to the "War on Drug" initiative that happened in the US. They government started treating addicts like criminal, and if you had even half a gram of weed you would get locked up for years(hyperbole). In the end if was a giant failure, yet we can't help it be repeat the mistakes of the past. Because humanity's memory is too short.....:hmph: okay done ranting
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
In hospital, I informed the samriations if I was let out of A&E and I knew the area well enough I would find the nearest high point and jump, I didnt know the area, they did not know this though... they told Docs I was fine, I was then let out and left to walk 30 miles home alone at 1am..>
The smartians can go jump , useless organisation with no real clue
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How did I end up here
Jan 26, 2020
I have also had good experiences with them, having someone to call through to when I'm in despair or having a full blown panic attack has been great.

However I haven't ever needed to be talked down when I have called
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Aug 18, 2019
As it is clear from the BBC article, they only seek to destroy and censor this site.

As a result of the recent comments given to the BBC by their spokesman; We will no longer be including the hotline in any official capacity on this website.

The excerpt in question is listed below:

View attachment 27049

We will no longer be officially supporting or endorsing any suicide hotlines or chats. Proceed with your own risk if you do decide to go this route.

We will always support those that recover and we'll offer as much support as we can, don't mistake this decision with not caring, as we do, but organizations that seek to censor information go against the core values of this forum.


Marquis dont take the phone number of the site.
They trashtalk like that it is not reason to take their number of. That is even more reason for them to point the finger at this site when you do this.
So just leave the number on, we are better than that.
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Feb 12, 2020
I've always seen them as a joke anyway. When you talk to them, they aren't giving you their sincere feelings, they are reading shit off a piece of paper that sits in front of them.

Do you really think they give a fuck about you? To them, it's an 8 to 4, five day work week.

I bet you a hundred bucks, when their phone rings, the first thought they have is, "Great, another fucking depressed fool..."

I don't necessarily think that's true, I believe most of them are good people who genuinely care about the well being of those who call in. I just think that this is one of those instance of well intentioned people doing things that are counter productive to what they are actually trying to achieve.
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Deleted member 1465

Jul 31, 2018
Marquis dont take the phone number of the site.
They trashtalk like that it is not reason to take their number of. That is even more reason for them to point the finger at this site when you do this.
So just leave the number on, we are better than that.
That is an interesting observation. Maybe leaving the number up there is actually a better way to respond? Dunno, but it's a thought. It may indeed send the message that we are better than that.
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Aug 23, 2019
Totally agree with your decision. The muggles of those in their wonderful life are fortunate enough not to feel the need to search such things but I have personally witnessed this site pull people from the brink of suicide to recovering. Without that site these people would have ctb. Hiding and labelling this site is Potentially doing the one thing they claim they want to stop !
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Dec 28, 2019
I agree with @Berlin76.

Removing the Samaritans' info seems like a knee-jerk reaction that's ultimately going to do more harm than good for this forum.

This site is being criticized partially because it is "vulnerable people trying to help other vulnerable people". Providing the Samaritan's hotline at the top of the page provided visitors with access to trained volunteers in addition to (not instead of) the support from their peers.

It really doesn't matter if callers ultimately found them helpful or not. Having the info on here certainly helped the image of this forum. Taking it down will achieve the opposite.

As the saying goes, don't cut your nose off to spite your face.
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