I won't tell you what to do,just know that it is as addicting as it gets and once you start you'll probably need more willpower than you'll ever have(considering that you most likely deal with depression,considering this site's demographic) to quit it,I've been struggling with this BS for a long time and every single place I go that has people who struggle with SH they tell you not to do it,hell,even in this pro-choice site,people advise against it.I won't lie,if you are feeling like shit it will feel better for a little while but I want you to know what you are getting yourself into.I know shit must be pretty bad for you rn for you to consider it,been there done that,but please,think it through,I now feel as bad as I felt before starting it but have to deal with both my thoughts and this addiction now.If you need to talk to someone,I'm here.If you read through this and will still do it,don't cut too deep,clean the skin before and after cutting,put a gauze on the wound and apply pressure untill it stops bleeding,don't check the wound very frequently;prioritize sterile stuff to cut and know your anatomy a bit so you don't risk cutting something you didn't mean to