
Nov 4, 2020
I been saying this for a while now. Yes this world is a video game and we all have our own video game component to it. You dont need to go peek into a blackhole to figure that out. Believe me. Introspection is a much better way of knowing it and right from the source of it all
View attachment 86749
Specifically to black holes, the hologram theory is basically a way for loss of information not to be violated. The idea is like a hologram (a 3d image projected onto a 2d surface), all the information about what is in the black hole is contained in the event horizon (the actual black thing you see).
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
I recognize & respect people's personal liberties and right to expression in a way that does not cause harm to others totally. Yet, that does not stop me from wondering why could it be important for someone to derive enjoyment from showing off their 'intimate' gesture in public with other people watching around them. Is it to make other people who can not get a partner for themselves for one reason or another feel less about themselves? Is this either considerate or sensitive to those kind of 'less fortunate' people in that department? Does this tell of a good character on the person who portray such inclinations & behaviors? Wouldn't 'intimate' gestures and acts, be more appreciated and cherished between two people when they are done away from all the strangers peeking eyes? If someone is truly happy & satisfied with their 'love' life and their partner, would they be inclined to derive enjoyment by seeking attention that comes from outside of that relationship itself? My point is this. Is this an example of a type of healthy relationship dynamic that we all should aspire to? Should we choose superficial gestures of 'love' rather than a deep, sacred and honored intimate moments in private away from peeking eyes of strangers? I am sorry but you can not have it both ways because it is a contradicting dynamics and think about it for a second. This is not an attack on personal liberties of people as much as it is a case study about the reality behind cues that comes from people and we take for granted without questioning its psychological underlying which I think would be very helpful for us since this is put on for all of us to consume as another pop culture tabloid sensation so I am not going out of my way to nitpick at someone personal choices but rather I am having the appropriate reaction which is my right when I have something shoved down my throat on my news feed to say what I would like to say about it and this case i think it is helpful for me to point the intentions behind sharing such a news unworthy type of piece so We may as well dissect it and learn a valuable listen from it rather than just continue scrolling mindlessly like most of us do these days out of boredom without connecting things we are exposed to our gut feeling and what it tells us about what feels right or wrong about everything. This is how we are supposed to always think. With the cerebral mind but first and foremost with our gut feeling that is always right when it can not deny a truth presented to us
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
This is just the beginning of whats to comeโ€ฆ


Nov 4, 2020
For me, a visit to xhamster or pornhub :wink:
Screenshot 2022 02 15 231944
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Nov 4, 2020
Screenshot 2022 02 14 034748

Reminds me of this scene from the Jim Carrey movie "Liar Liar"

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Reactions: Foresight, GrumpyFrog and Snake of Eden
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
This guy has some sense into him. Even billionaires moguls can be just as good of humans if they tried hard enough to open their heart and at some point give up all that absurd wealth for everyone who needs it. It is truly never too late for anyone turn the ship around once the will is there.
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
Do not buy things you do not need or truly desire from your gut level. This is excessive and the times of such mentality are going to be over soon so better to be prepared by roughening oneself up!



Nov 4, 2020
Just don't call them your bf/gf. That's creepy if you've only gone out a few times...

Also, the article fails to define 'dating.' It's definitely not a cut and dry of a term as is used to be. I may be older, but even I know hanging out isn't going on a date or dating. Hooking up isn't dating either.
Screenshot 2022 02 18 112844
  • Wow
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
Good luck with that arsehole
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
It looks extremely pathetic when you are so materially wealthy yet there is no one who dares tell you how perpetually stupid you sound whenever you open your gaping mouth
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
Well at least he has his hundrends of millions from the deal. Doesn't he?
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
And what implications are in sight for such scientific endeavor that will benefits the collectives of humanity that we have not already figured out yet we do not use it although we are so capable of transforming lives of majority of people to the better as to reduce their survival mode dominance which is conducive to suffering & pain and let them be able to switch to thriving & spiritual growth mode. We really can do it but the few on top if the cursed hierarchical pyramid are the ones who have the say and do not desire it so. Then they point their dirty finger at us while pointing three at themselves that we are the ones responsible for trashing the planets!! Ha
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
Yeah, if I had enough to retire in luxury and never work again, you could delete everything I ever produced. When we're dead, it doesn't matter anyway.
I very much hear you my man. but trust me on this that You do not want hundreds of millions sitting on soul. It is a burden that only them can feel. Otherwise I wish you have enough to live the way you truly feel at inner equilibrium state which conducive to true sense of wellbeing & happiness. This is what people should aspire for and then whatever extra they make they should hand it over directly to others who are struggling. Thats how it should be done pure & simple
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
Congrats your royal highness


Nov 4, 2020
I very much hear you my man. but trust me on this that You do not want hundreds of millions sitting on soul. It is a burden that only them can feel. Otherwise I wish you have enough to live the way you truly feel at inner equilibrium state which conducive to true sense of wellbeing & happiness. This is what people should aspire for and then whatever extra they make they should hand it over directly to others who are struggling. Thats how it should be done pure & simple
I agree with this, with a slight twist. I think people should try to accumulate as much as they can during their lifetimes, but then the majority of it goes back to the public when they die, and not their heirs.

Consider Bezos and Musk. If they were capped at let's say $10M, they would never get the compounding to accumulate what they have. So when they die, maybe $9M goes back to the public. Let them keep building wealth, and when they die, maybe it's $500B+. I'm cool with the money being tied up for 30-50 years if it means thousands of times more comes back when they die.
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
I agree with this, with a slight twist. I think people should try to accumulate as much as they can during their lifetimes, but then the majority of it goes back to the public when they die, and not their heirs.

Consider Bezos and Musk. If they were capped at let's say $10M, they would never get the compounding to accumulate what they have. So when they die, maybe $9M goes back to the public. Let them keep building wealth, and when they die, maybe it's $500B+. I'm cool with the money being tied up for 30-50 years if it means thousands of times more comes back when they die.
Why wait until the croak? Isnt it better they experience the benefits of handing out their wealth while still alive and bring into them the sacred flow and experience what true inner state of equilibrium feels like? I am sorry but i do not agree with this type of thinking at all. People in need can not afford to wait until some rich person kicks the bucket. There is no reason for it what so ever๐Ÿ˜
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
We are officially out of serious issues to tackle as to dedicate so much brain power and resources into making faster charging gadgets as it shows that we truly have our priorities straight in a good order (smh)
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Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
Because he is just too ahead of his time That i feel so sorry for him & his dreams of virtual paradise that he so wants to manifest it for the world people out of his sincere loving goodness
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
The rich will stop at nothing including stomping on everyone & everything that stops in their way if no one will dare to stop them by any means necessary. This is unfortunately how humans work



Nov 4, 2020
Why wait until the croak? Isnt it better they experience the benefits of handing out their wealth while still alive and bring into them the sacred flow and experience what true inner state of equilibrium feels like? I am sorry but i do not agree with this type of thinking at all. People in need can not afford to wait until some rich person kicks the bucket. There is no reason for it what so ever๐Ÿ˜
My point is, what would help more, $10M today, or $500B in 50 years? That $10M is nothing. Wouldn't make the slightest difference. $500B can be used to find cures to diseases, completely upgrade the infrastructure of countries, and make huge, lasting improvements.

We can't be short slighted. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
These two have the worst luck in the world. It must be the stars or something. I genuinely feel bad for their kids.

Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
The saga of drama and misfortunes does not end with this family. I do not understand people like this who make it their mode of operation to bump heads with whomever they can!! I do not get it at all & I am very much fine with that
Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
I am very 'touched' by these 'people''s down to earth demeanor & 'genuine' expression of humility. You should too!!

Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
This is everything that is wrong about our current collective dual-reality while we as species are busying our dual-selves with latest trends, social media & celebrities obsessions, quantum related discoveries, workable nuclear fusion reactors, amassing material wealth from every possible source & even if we can get it from an ants hole.

Snake of Eden

Snake of Eden

โ€œYe shall be as gods..๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿโ€
Jun 22, 2021
Every 'love' affair that does not take into consideration the greatest dual purpose of life which is directing caring love exclusively to everyone & everything whenever possible instead of the false one self-worship being in the center of everything & anything, & seeking purist forms of truths when the true self which is the dual-self, in its ever conflicting parts about everything, can not deny a pure truth with the conscious mind inquires from it, and accept those pure truths despite not consciously liking them, that 'love' affair will not get the sacred love flow into it and ultimately the type of 'love' the two persons once had for each other will run out and turn into animosity especially if they completely disregarded other people's feelings & dishonored their sacred humanity by being selfish & insensitive in the beginning of their 'love affair'. This and others are for you all to research and see it for your dual-selves!!


In case you are curious as to what I am talking about & would love to know more check my other thread where I talk about this human phenomena extensively:


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