
Aug 18, 2020

Today I read a German science article how US media was and is corrupted by the fossil fuel industry. The article I linked is similar.
ExxonMobil bought very expensive advertorials in the New York Times. These articles looked like written by a journalist however actually they were ads by the company.

They are also responsible for how devastating the current climate crisis is. But not only the NYT, also the L.A. Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and in a way bigger magnitude Fox News. Though all of them have the label official and trustworthy news sources on Youtube. They posture themselves as fighter against fake news. However I don't want to imply that they all were similar bad. Fox News is way worse than the other outlets.

It would be interesting to see what the world would look like if Al Gore won the presidency. Maybe he had more votes though the supreme court stopped the counting from what I have heard.
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