it's so difficult to explain. not only is there the constant violent urges, but also the bursts of uncontrollable actions. it's almost like something else takes over my brain and makes me do those self injurious things.
I'd definitely agree with others in regards to seeing a therapist at some point. It can be tough, but a diagnosis can really help to get specific treatments and to help you understand what's happening in your brain! (Ah oops- I didn't see that you responded again, I'll keep this part up but sorry to repeat it!)
In the meantime, I'd suggest grounding techniques for when you feel that vertigo feeling. Focusing on sensory input is a really good start already- If you're alone, you can try eating/drinking something and describing the flavor and smell to yourself, or listening to music and focusing on the various elements (Each individual instrument, what the vocalist's voice is like if there's a singer, the tempo, the lyrics...).
This link has a lot of good techniques. Personally, "mental" grounding methods are more effective for me, but physical ones work for many. I'm not sure where I picked this up from, but I like to play a game with myself similar to #13 on the list where I go down the alphabet and think of as many words starting with a letter as I can before moving onto the next.
Otherwise, if you still feel relatively in control and are having violent thoughts, I like to take my anger out on inanimate objects. Ripping papers to shreds or crumpling them, punching/squeezing pillows or throwing them at my mattress, or sometimes- Although I know this is perhaps weird- folding up a clean towel so I can bite down on it as hard as I can.
Hopefully that helps you a little, I'm not sure. I'm wishing you the best for dealing with this, either way.
also, i really like the pfp. it's weird but akechi has always been an extremely comforting character for me. akechi, ryuji, futaba, and shinjiro for some reason. just thought i woild mention it, it was very comforting to see him i guess.
Thank you! I'm glad it was a comfort! I don't find it that odd- I picked this pfp in the first place because I relate to him and take some comfort in that. Futaba as well, though I didn't end up using her as my pfp in the end.