

Jun 12, 2018
I have a question for people who suffer from the same mental illness. I was just recently diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I noticed the signs for that disorder (5/9 according to the diagnosis) a long time ago, some of them even in my early teens. But I never had it checked up and diagnosed, until recently. So the whole thing isn't that surprising to me... But knowing how this mental health disorder plays into my behavior, I started to think being borderline and trying to commit suicide can turn out really difficult. From what I understand, and this seems to be my experience as well, people that suffer from borderline personality disorder are driven by impulsivity and the best bet we have is probably leaving in such a moment of heat. Like, planning to ctb if you're constantly under the influence of quite intense mood changes, makes it really difficult to go actually through with it. How do other members who suffer from the same disorder perceive or handle this? It's not like I ever feel the desire to live. This notion doesn't exist in my spectrum of emotions, like ever. It's just that I don't always feel suicidal or confident(?) enough to drink N at any given time. Like, considering I was diagnosed with other disorders or mental conditions such as depression or gender dysphoria, I feel like it would be easier to ctb if I wouldn't suffer from bpd.
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Dec 4, 2019
i feel this so hard. i get these surges of being really driven to ctb, and that's when i attempt, but the rest of the time i don't have it in me even though i want it
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Jul 16, 2019
It depends. I have been diagnosed myself with Borderline but I'm not impulsive at all, I don't fear abandonment either, I am the one who leaves. I'm tense, I'm angry, I'm hateful sometimes but you can't see it, it's all internal. I don't act impulsively, never did, on the contrary I have a very practical mind, even too much sometimes. For others it's all on the outside, they can't control their emotions, they let their anger, their rage explode in front of everyone. Borderline is most of the time associated with the second but some of us are a mix of the cluster B so it's a bit more controvertial. Have you ever heard of Quiet Borderline ? That's me. Take a look.

Anyway everyone is different but you should start to know yourself by now. Are you impulsive ? Are you In or Out ? It seems to me you aren't impulsive at all, I say that without knowing you but when I read your posts I can see someone calm, who thinks clearly, who likes perfection, I'm sure you even check your posts twice before posting to be sure there is no grammatical errors :) So if you are like that too you won't have any problem with planning your end and doing it when you are ready. Your worst enemy is your resilience, it's very difficult for us to accept to lose, we can't just let it go, it's a long and painful road. We don't want to live but we can't accept to give up, to die.

I wish depression could take over once and for all, it would make things easier.
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Nov 7, 2019
The times ive attempted have been done impulsively whilst im in a drastic bpd mood swing. but it comes so quick in such a strong wave that i feel myself rushing to do something before my mood settles again (hence why i haven't yet succeeded, i haven't had the time or clear mind to be able to plan), its like all fears and SI cease for the time im seeing red and i cant think about what consequences my actions will have.
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Jun 12, 2018
It depends. I have been diagnosed myself with Borderline but I'm not impulsive at all, I don't fear abandonment either, I am the one who leaves. I'm tense, I'm angry, I'm hateful sometimes but you can't see it, it's all internal. I don't act impulsively, never did, on the contrary I have a very practical mind, even too much sometimes. For others it's all on the outside, they can't control their emotions, they let their anger, their rage explode in front of everyone. Borderline is most of the time associated with the second but some of us are a mix of the cluster B so it's a bit more controvertial. Have you ever heard of Quiet Borderline ? That's me. Take a look.

Anyway everyone is different but you should start to know yourself by now. Are you impulsive ? Are you In or Out ? It seems to me you aren't impulsive at all, I say that without knowing you but when I read your posts I can see someone calm, who thinks clearly, who likes perfection, I'm sure you even check your posts twice before posting to be sure there is no grammatical errors :) So if you are like that too you won't have any problem with planning your end and doing it when you are ready. Your worst enemy is your resilience, it's very difficult for us to accept to lose, we can't just let it go, it's a long and painful road. We don't want to live but we can't accept to give up, to die.

I wish depression could take over once and for all, it would make things easier.

Interesting. I can't take being abandoned - that's for sure. So in that regards I'm the opposite. I always had issues with that. But regarding your type of bpd, that makes sense to me. Thanks for the clarification, that helps me a little bit more to understand the disorder. I don't know that much about it. I focused on the gender dysphoria for most of my life and I never even expected to be diagnosed with bpd for most of my life. I'm also calm most of the time and that's how most people who know me would describe my personality, but I can get very emotional, on impulse - and it results in a complete mental breakdown very quickly. So I'm in charge of my emotions most of the time, but when I lose it, I ususally lose it completely, you know. I try to keep it inside me most of the time and it's very rare that people actually witness my anger or sadness. As you said, it's something I usually process internal as well. I am a very introverted person in general, I always was and I think that plays a role in how I show and process my emotions. I self-harm frequently though, that's how I compensate for all the inner chaos.

And thanks. Yeah, you got me there - regarding my posts in this forum. I always double and triple-check them, to make sure they're coherent and without many typos. So in that case, you're 100% right about me. I'm definitely a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my posts here in the forum. And I'd describe myself as calm and prepared most of the time.

Yeah, going through the exit is though. I'm definitely in a big dilemma right now, I hope I can overcome this some day and just do it, without any hesitation. I had more determination before I checked into the hotel back in March. And ever since that experience, I'm a bit anxious about the process because I fear that I'm gonna chicken out again. And it just crushed me when that happened last time and it makes you realize: it's really fucking difficult. And it's not like I'm missing out on anything either, if I was dead. Like, being alive and slowly realizing that all the months or years that passed, in which you were still alive, didn't change anything for your situation, kinda sucks. Like, I could have left 2 years ago and it wouldn't make a difference for me right now because I was in the exact same spot. Hell, I could have left 10 years ago and I'd still say it wouldn't make a difference because nothing happened that was worthy enough of staying alive during that time. As you said, I don't really want to live but I don't want to die either, which is a very conflicting situation. But yeah, enough ranting on my part.
It would definitely be easier if depression took over. I hope I can achieve a complete state of dissociation and apathy someday, that would make it very easy for my exit.

The times ive attempted have been done impulsively whilst im in a drastic bpd mood swing. but it comes so quick in such a strong wave that i feel myself rushing to do something before my mood settles again (hence why i haven't yet succeeded, i haven't had the time or clear mind to be able to plan), its like all fears and SI cease for the time im seeing red and i cant think about what consequences my actions will have.

Thanks for your input. That's my experience with the disorder as well. I can turn extremely suicidal very fast but the heat never actually last long enough to kick me over the edge. Mostly because my method needs preparation over the course of a few days so it's very hard for me to ctb on impulse. I also live at home, with my parents and it takes some time for me to get into a different place and do my method there - because I don't want to die at home. Maybe this is gonna be a little bit different once I move into my own apartment. I just wish that drastic mood swing, as you described it, would last long enough to let me ctb in that state.
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Apr 22, 2019
I can relate too ye all...
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Feb 14, 2019
I really relate to this. I have bpd and I really think the only way I'll be able to ctb is in a moment of impulse when I have been pushed over the edge. I never feel like living either it's just most of the time I'm either so deep in depression or so apathetic I never feel the strength to go through with it. My method also takes some amount of prep so I often worry I'll loose the determination once I'm trying to prep due to the severe mood swings. For me and I'm sure many here this is a long thought out decision. I might only be able to pull it off in a moment of impulse but it's something that's been on my mind for years. Having bpd is tough my heart goes out to all of you...it's such an emotional rollercoaster.
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Am I or the others crazy?
Dec 15, 2019
The older I get; the more I realize that I will continue to fail if I act on the impulses of my BPD...if I really want this I have to plan accordingly.
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Nov 29, 2019
I am 55 and was only diagnosed with BPD a few months ago.
Suddenly, so many things make sense.
Also, I am exhausted.
I don't fear abandonment, but I experience extreme guilt when I alienate people that I like. This happens a lot. 3 this week that I know of.
I'm able to control impulsiveness, but that's related to age and poor physical health.

Example: Yesterday, due to my erratic behaviour, a friendship of 25 years ended.
Coincidentally, my SN arrived 2 weeks early.

I felt impulsive ctb urges in the moment, but my physical limitations and lack of other medications stopped me from acting on these.

The borderline part of me is still thinking:

I found out that I destroyed a long-standing friendship (Actual destruction was in November, but my friend lashed out yesterday) and my SN arrived within hours. (Not expected until January)
Is this a sign that I am so horrible that coincidence is working in my favour for once?
Does the known universe want to rid itself of me?

I am sticking with my plan to CTB in a few months. This will make it easier for my husband.

In my experience, age, fatigue, wanting to spare a family member, and wanting to follow SN protocol allows me to plan ahead. I am grateful for that small mercy.
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Nov 18, 2019
Shit I love this thread. So impressed with how versed people are about this disorder that most docs get mixed up. I have been bpd in the past 110%, was diagnosed but my current docs don't necessarily agree, whatever. It could go either way. Impulsivity would make sense but I know it's the wrong way to go. Certainly wouldn't wish to get to a total dysphoric state. For me that was the result of years of mdd and not worth living through unless there's a silver lining instead of ctb
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
I have the same disorder, and I have had trouble with ctb because like u said I have to do it while I'm in active suicide ideation otherwise I can't go through with it. This is why I thought a partner might help. I really just don't want to be alone with my thoughts as I wait to drink the N or whatever method it happened to be.
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Should be Existinginhell
Aug 13, 2018
This is my problem with my method, (sn), I can't do the 48 hour regime as my feelings would just change with my mood, I need to do it on impulse. I hoping the stat dose will work for me. When I get the feeling I have to act, can't be waiting patiently for 48 hours after I get the urge.
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Am I or the others crazy?
Dec 15, 2019
Interesting...bc even when everything is "perfect"( whatever that means..) I still want to CTB- with the theory that; this moment is going to end due to my fuck ups so I might as well spare everyone the inevitable pain
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Jun 6, 2020
I feel I need to CTB, either by jumping off a bridge into water or getting hit any a train. The contstant up and down and spirals and triggers are too much. I am not cut out for this

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