Thank you, sending hugs right back

sending you lots of support <3
Thank you, I really appreciate it
What I did was I started off doing a regular water fast, meaning I was drinking a substantial amount of water initially, then started to gradually reduce my water intake. My thought process was that abruptly stopping all foods and fluids is probably too much too soon, especially without medical supervision, and that doing it gradually would be better.
Not so sure if that's the case now, since it didn't work out anyway.
Am sorry this didn't go as you hoped for and am sorry for the unmanageable symptoms you went through. I hope all goes back to the norm quick for you. Try not to be hard on yourself, You were brave and strong enough to try and see it. Good luck with your SN and I wish you all the best in your future plans love
Thank you, that means a lot. I felt like a massive failure but do try to remind myself that most people wouldn't manage eight days with no food. Thank you for your support throughout this, I truly appreciate it
Hugs to you.

I wish you peace.
Thank you very much

Wow 8 days is no joke you seriously want to CTB. im waiting on my SN as well and wish there was an easy method in the mean time
Thank you. I honestly think if I were in overall better health and not chronically ill, I could have lasted a lot longer. I went without food for very long periods when I was younger. The willpower was there, but not the physical strength. I understand it's hard waiting on an SN delivery, and wishing there was something more easily accessible.
I respect the strength you have to attempt this. I was in a similar situation and wanted to attempt VSED until my SN arrived but I only made it a few days because at a certain point I looked suspicious. You got nerves of steel my friend, I hope you find peace
Thank you, I appreciate that. Unfortunately, it did get suspicious towards end. The weight loss seemed slow at first but ultimately I lost 10 lbs in a short period of time and that didn't go unnoticed.
I'm sorry it didnt work sounds like a really tough method but you did manage 8 days. Where there other symptoms you experienced from lack of food? It's ok if you dont feel like talking about it.
During the first couple of days I felt uncomfortable and lethargic with headaches, nausea and stomach cramps, but that's not uncommon. It wasn't unbearable though and have past experience with not eating, so expected it.
Around day 3, my appetite was completely gone. Towards the end of that day, I suddenly felt very exhausted, more than expected even as someone with chronic fatigue, to the point I was sitting in bed and slipping in and out of consciousness or awareness. I experienced chest pains that evening and every evening that followed (which never happened to me during previous fasts or periods without food, and wonder if it's due to a recent further deterioration in health), which I can only describe as a throbbing and squeezing sensation near the heart. This symptom seemed to only emerge in the evenings and would resolve after rest.
Days 4 and 5, I was just tired but otherwise felt okay. I felt a brief surge of energy on day 5, but it was short-lived. Around this time, I noticed my skin had cleared up and looked much better.
On day 6, this might be TMI because it talks about a bowel movement so I'll spoiler it in case people would rather skip it.
I had an unexpected bowel movement and it was almost pitch black, to the point I briefly worried about possible internal bleeding for a little while. I also vomited that day and my hunger increased briefly that evening.
On day 7, I left the house for the first time in a long while for an appointment and also to tick an activity off my bucket list that I thought I'd otherwise never be able to do. Retrospectively, I realise this may have been a huge mistake and that I should have stayed at home to conserve energy. I had transport arranged so barely walked anywhere or did anything, but it was still probably enough to take a toll, especially considering my underlying health conditions. I felt fairly okay though and had very few troubling symptoms that day otherwise.
Today started okay, though I noticed feeling weaker than before. After a little while, nausea started to kick in. Then when I got up to go to the bathroom I fell and collapsed (I only passed out for a few seconds though I think).
Hope ypu are physically feeling a little better. Sending best wishes
Thank you, I appreciate that
I wasn't originally going to share this much, but hope someone else finds this useful. I don't "recommend" any methods, but especially advise caution with VSED. To be perfectly clear, this was out of pure desperation since my disabilities prohibit me from utilising other methods, such as inert gas, drowning, jumping and hanging etc. And it's also very difficult to acquire SN here. I didn't do this because I think it's the best option, I did it because it was my only option. I'm desperate enough that if my SN doesn't arrive, I may very well try it again but with no water at all next time, because I think gradually reducing it is of little use in my case if I'm going to pass out anyway.