For sifferent reasons, I am stucked in a similar situation : my feelings have not even slightly changed over 5 years now, and this is where my suicidal thoughts xome from.
I am going to therapy, and I would like to share with you a short but enlightening conversation I had with the psichologist (which I wrote on this forum a couple of times). I have asked : "Why do aome people develop suicidal thoughts, and others, facing even harder situations, do not?". The answer : "Millions books have been written about, we still do not know". This answer was positive to me, because made me understand that sometimes we are fighting with something we have no control over and that is bigger than us. So, those people are not eight saying or thinking it is up to you. If you, or I, or anyone, could decide, we would decide to feel better. The point is that some things are bigger than any will power or decision - because these things are rational, pain is emotional.
I am trying to see these thoughts as a part of me that is trying to tell me something, and listen to that part.
Though, it is hard stuff.