
Aug 18, 2020
Honestly I don't have in-depth knowledge on it. I am not really qualified to talk on it.
I barely know anything probably every average newspaper article is more sophisticated. But it is an interesting concept. Take my thoughts on it with a grain of salt.

The German wikipedia article is better than the English one. I am lazy I use google translator.

"Ambiguity tolerance is the ability to endure ambiguous situations and contradictory behaviors. People who are tolerant of ambiguity are able to perceive ambiguities, i.e. contradictions, cultural differences or ambiguous information that seems difficult to understand or even unacceptable, without reacting aggressively or evaluating them unilaterally negatively or – often in the case of cultural differences – unreservedly positively . The term plays an important role in various psychological and educational theories, especially in personality development (see also: I development and patchwork of identities according to Heiner Keupp) and social learning. Tolerance of ambiguity is also a prerequisite for a person's intercultural competence. According to studies, it does not correlate with a formal level of education."

I barely have knowledge on the implication on the human mind. But I read one newsaper article. lol.

I think personally I don't have a high score on this personality trait. The article said people who can cope with risks can also cope better with ambiguity. Though that is no statement vice versa. Not all people with risky behavior can tolerate ambiguity.

I think I am an extremely anxious person. I ruminate so much about the future. I always need an exit in order to cope with uncertainty. Due to the fact I experienced extreme pain I don't want to accept that this can repeat. I could imagine my thinking is pathological. Some mental health conditions can contribute to black-white thinking. Maybe I am affected by that. I just have a huge desire for security I am such control freak. I want to know my future, I want to predict it so that I am prepared for it. Not sure whether I am too pessimistic but my life did not contain that much positive so far. But admittedly there were also positive things which surprised me.

In the newspaper article they tried to demonstrate tolerance of ambiguity with several examples. For example people want to assign people into certain schemes. When a person is non-binary (gender) some people react with aggressiosn. Due to the fact it is something which is unknown for them. Something that might contradict their world view or moral beliefs.

I think there are a lot of examples in political and societal contexts for this. People search for easy answers. They classify people into good and evil. The whole culture war relies on that. The world today is so difficult and intricate. There are so many nuances one has to consider. It is impossible to know all the details on many issues. This is why the media relies on certain narratives to simplify the truth. One usualy cannot be an expert on several topics at the same time. This simplified understanding of reality can have benefits. It is easier in order to for a solution. One has too consider less nuances. Though of course it also has a lot of costs and can cause a lot of damage. There is also the confirmation bias and the echo chamber effect (often applied to the internet.). People decide for a certain understanding of reality which pleases them the most. But this is sort of unrelated to the main core of this thread.

I think one form of ambiguity intolerance is to say well voting does not matter, everyone is corrupt all of them are the same. I think many elites want that people become cynical on politics. There are some political strategies that rely on low voter turnout. Floating the political arena with enough shit, throwing so much mud there will stick something for sure. Fundamentalism seems to be the counterpart of ambiguity tolerance in some sense.

However too much ambiguity can have detrimental effects. If there is too much of it the result will be anarchy, chaos and corruption. There should be a consensus on certain rights or principles.

I think the ambiguity-level has to be balanced. I have huge problems concerning making a decision. It stresses me a lot not to know the outcome of important decisions. It stresses me a lot. I pressure me too much. The article said sometimes simple answers can be relieving for some people. It probably depends on the context and how important the question is. It is ambigous in some sense and I have ambivalent feelings towards it.

What are your thought on it? Maybe you have more knowledge than me on this topic.
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In the state of shock of what happened
Apr 30, 2022
The primary disease that contributes to the lack of acceptance of ambiguity is a personality disorder. Under normal circumstances, people are able to accept and integrate both good and bad traits in a person. But when this is not true, people are totally drowned in seeing a person (or a situation) in one-sided way, which causes extreme amount of mental pain.

The world is an extremely complicated place, where good people have some very bad flaws and bad people have some forgiving aspects to them.
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Feb 18, 2022
Oh boy. I just spent an hour having an experience that directly relates to tolerance of ambiguity. It's almost a necessity if you want to understand eastern religions. Try explaining something like enlightenment, taoism, Brahman, the Chinese concept of "heaven", etc. without having some amount of tolerance for ambiguity lol

Tiny Little Tree

Jan 25, 2021
I've definitely known people who absolutely cannot take "I don't know" or "maybe" etc. for an answer and will get angry if you do give those as answers, despite doing your best to explain why that's the truest answer you can give...


shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
The primary disease that contributes to the lack of acceptance of ambiguity is a personality disorder. Under normal circumstances, people are able to accept and integrate both good and bad traits in a person. But when this is not true, people are totally drowned in seeing a person (or a situation) in one-sided way, which causes extreme amount of mental pain.

The world is an extremely complicated place, where good people have some very bad flaws and bad people have some forgiving aspects to them.
Now see, I feel like someone who does a good job of perceiving and accepting both the good and bad of a person, but I don't think I have very good ambiguity tolerance with the examples OP gives in his quote of the German Wikipedia article.

That may be because it specifically mentions cultural differences though, and I am not by any stretch very respectful of tradition. I tend to be an unruly curmudgeon about every seemingly arbitrary rule I encounter and will ask questions about it to determine if it's BS by my eye or something worth obeying.

To actually answer OP, this topic instantly made me think of Autism and people who are on the spectrum. Oddly perhaps, I am skeptical of the validity of the diagnosis, but intolerance of ambiguity seems to be a hallmark of the condition and something I have observed in everyone I have met who has it.