This phrase ticks me off so much. I know plenty of people who loathe themselves yet can still get themselves into relationships. From what I can tell, it's not really hard work that gets you into relationships, but luck.
I think loving oneself can be difficult. Especially when you've dealt with trauma. It's not fun to be abused. It's not fun to be stalked or taken advantage of. It's not fun to be made fun of. It's not fun to be "made a fool of" or "making a fool of oneself" of "making a fool" of others. We as people are not foolish, we know from a very early age and well through adolescence and adulthood.
Society tells young people or people themselves to "love themselves" but when that becomes a push into a grandiose sense of self and existence, it can start to boil over into the realm of harmful to oneself or others.
We shame people for pride, we shame people for being humble, we shame people for being alive, we shame them for their bodies, we shame them for their minds.
There are some people who have been pushed over the edge too many times. We see it coming, but we cannot stop a fat ass piece of garbage store clerk from being selfish. From stealing from a person. We blame victims for being "upset" but we don't blame assailants for their behavior.
Society tells us to love ourselves but how do we do that when someone is cruel?
We can "point fingers" all day long but this goes back to failing to correct the problem that has occurred in the first place. We can blame ourselves, we can blame others.
Sadists are very real.
This "want me to trigger you?" crap is so very cruel.
We learn from our life experiences but unfortunately the system we have created has failed our society. They say times are changing, but since when?
When our schools and police departments are failing to protect victims of child abuse or adult victims of domestic violence and returning them to their abusers, there's a problem. Nobody "loves" these kids. It takes a village.
We tell kids to "protect themselves", but since when are they able to when they are "in care of" abusers? This is not a normal existence.
We say the same about adults. "Protect yourself."
How do you protect yourself from a violent offender who continues to offend?
Our system needs reform.
Instead of saying "get over it" or "you'll survive", I think the proper intervention and support needs to be available.
Love is "hard work" at times. It comes naturally and easily, but you'll find the occasional selfish person who says "work smarter, not harder." We've done this so many times in our households, in our society. We warn people about our experiences. Only to find them disregarded.
Instead of "How to piss someone off 101" - and "don't be a statistic" - the problem should be resolved in very simple ways.
Instead of "oh it's entertainment" - it is not entertainment.
Relationships are not difficult (regardless of a familial relationship, political relationships, a sexual relationship, romantic relationships, a peer relationship, roommate relationships, a business relationship, or otherwise.)
But people are. And choose to be.
To be loved is not to be abused. To be minimized, ignored, "questioned" and "invalidated" is absolutely cruel.
Arrogance is a problem.
We can be loved by others.
We can be loved as friends.
We can be loved as peers.
People say "good relationships" are "lucky."
In a way, they are.
But there's a limit to the extent those relationships are/can be/should be granted.
Don't hate yourself for not having a life partner. Hate the selfish society that plays their little games.