
New Member
May 27, 2023
I remember hearing about this thread not too long ago. Around that same time I watched a video that I found pretty damn fascinating. it made me think about suicide from a different perspective and I was wondering if anyone here had seen the same video. I don't want this to come off as a "don't do it" but I'm genuinely curious if this video or others like it may have helped someone out there.



Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I think that if someone didn't want to ctb any more then I doubt they will be on a suicide discussion. But anyway I don't really know what that is and from what you are describing it sounds like a cringe pro-life video which is certainly something that is best avoided.

If you are here on this forum to "save" people then you are in the wrong place, this is a pro-choice forum to support people's decisions to die, it's not a place for pro-lifers to post pro life content. So many in this world actually want to die and some empty words won't take away the fact that wanting suicide is a perfectly logical decision in this world. So if you plan on writing insensitive pro-life platitudes in other people's threads then just don't, people come here to escape from drivel like that. If you love life then just go and enjoy it, people on here don't need to read pro-life garbage, it's not the point of the suicide discussion. If you want to "help" so badly then there's the recovery section for that, anything about "helping" people should just stay in that section as the people in there are the ones who want to stay here. Toxic positivity should have no place in this section.
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Apr 3, 2023
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
No. I don't even have the energy and patience to listen to such pro life stuff.
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Jul 23, 2022
When someone develops the same torturous medical issue I did, then I'll put some stock in their opinions on what value I should assign life.
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May 27, 2023
If you are here on this forum to "save" people then you are in the wrong place, this is a pro-choice forum to support people's decisions to die, it's not a place for pro-lifers to post pro life content. So many in this world actually want to die and some empty words won't take away the fact that wanting suicide is a perfectly logical decision in this world. So if you plan on writing insensitive pro-life platitudes in other people's threads then just don't, people come here to escape from drivel like that. If you love life then just go and enjoy it, people on here don't need to read pro-life garbage, it's not the point of the suicide discussion. If you want to "help" so badly then there's the recovery section for that, anything about "helping" people should just stay in that section as the people in there are the ones who want to stay here. Toxic positivity should have no place in this section.
True, I really don't like it when people tell me oh life is great and enjoy it …. Like okay for you it is and for me it's not….. I just want to see posts from people who wants to complete ctb like me… This is like heaven on earth for me, where I'm around people that share the same views as me … I read somewhere that this site had over 10 million page views in September 2022, it just shows how a lot of people really want to escape this world……
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May 26, 2023
I remember hearing about this thread not too long ago. Around that same time I watched a video that I found pretty damn fascinating. it made me think about suicide from a different perspective and I was wondering if anyone here had seen the same video. I don't want this to come off as a "don't do it" but I'm genuinely curious if this video or others like it may have helped someone out there.

If someone is about to end it all after years of misery or whatever it may be how and why would a video of all things be the thing to change them around. I have been sat down in a room with one other with ideas of don't do it trying to be pushed into my brain for hours. Why just why would you even bring this up no just no. You must be one of tantacruls little minions lol
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Mar 31, 2022
no clout chaser on youtube is gonna magically convince me my life is actually great, i should just shut up and here take these 40 hotlines for countries you don't even live in so i can seem like i care about you, and if you dare speak up you're getting locked UP buddy
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Oct 31, 2021
Not really but they can confort me into "i can always ctb someday" and postpone the decision to act on it.
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Jan 6, 2023
I agree, "it's not the point of the suicide discussion. If you want to "help" so badly then there's the recovery section for that, anything about "helping" people should just stay in that section as the people in there are the ones who want to stay here. Toxic positivity should have no place in this section."

Not that it's not ok to be pro-life, but that the Suicide Discussion section is the wrong place for this kind of post. It's ok to pro-life, but there is a time and place.


Mar 12, 2023
I hate to jump on you, since everyone already is, but this video says nothing about people with physical and metal ailments that cause such pain that they are disabled from it. Disabled, from pain. What 'way of looking at it' are they unaware of?
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a cat at heart.
Jun 1, 2023
I remember hearing about this thread not too long ago. Around that same time I watched a video that I found pretty damn fascinating. it made me think about suicide from a different perspective and I was wondering if anyone here had seen the same video. I don't want this to come off as a "don't do it" but I'm genuinely curious if this video or others like it may have helped someone out there.

No. I've watched that video and it's very clear to me that this person either A.) has never genuinely dealt with severe depression and suicide ideation or B.) went through a small phase of depression and thinks that's just what depression is. The man is literally saying "enjoy the suffering" tf kinda suffering is he enduring where he can enjoy it??? who can enjoy suffering when you've been suffering for your whole life? this video is honestly an embarrassing attempt at trying to be relatable to people dealing with these kinds of things. waste of time watching it.
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daydreaming the pain away ☆.。.:*・°
Sep 9, 2023
i just watched this video and it just made me feel ashamed of myself. he makes it sound like suicide is a coward's act, like it is so brave and intellectually/morally superior to live on and "scorn" the suffering.

i do not disagree that people who have overcome their suicidal urges and bettered their lives are brave in some way. but the video fails to address the extent of the suffering of many suicidal people. it describes the example suicidal person as a regular joe who goes to work, comes home and enjoys beer/entertainment, and then comes to the conclusion that life is meaningless because they're thinking one day and can't understand the philosophy of seeking happiness. like, really? some of us can't even fucking get jobs, and you really don't know what you're asking by telling someone to enjoy suffering.

i appreciate his attempt, but it's unintentionally condescending too.
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Efilist, atheist, pro-right to die.
Jun 8, 2023
So, I take it that he is a pro-lifer. Not that calling yourself Sisyphus is not something of a dead giveaway already already (I bet he is probably one of those people who think we must imagine Sisyphus as happy).

And I like how ctb is called a cowardly act (granted, he is entitled to that opinion). First of all, in order to kill yourself, you generally need to have suffered enough, and endured a lot. Then, after that, even in a world where the right to die was a thing, you still would need to overcome your survival instinct, and face your fear of the unknown, even more so if you still have some lingering belief that there might be an afterlife (e.g. fear of going to hell). Doesn't sound that cowardly to me.

But even if it was, why do I have to be brave? To accomplish what? To prove something to others or to myself? To meet needs that do not need to exist, while always risking falling into the meatgrinder if I fail? Bravery might be good when you have to achieve a goal that you believe is worthwhile, or to reduce reduce suffering in the workd, like saving people from a burning building, but why should I be brave about life? Again, for what purpose? This "bravery" bs is a retarded argument, and I don't buy it. I don't care about bravery for the sake of it, I care about not suffering, and death achieves exactly that goal.

Not only that, ctb prevents future problems for yourself as well, without any cost in deprivation of pleasure, whereas by staying alive you can always be vulnerable to situations that might be bad enough for you to make you want to die.
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Jun 20, 2023
Who's to say that if Sisyphus could've thrown himself off the mountain, he would've chosen not to? Sisyphus had already died. He was in Tartarus, which is pretty much hell— being punished by the gods. Even if they'd let him jump, he couldn't have died... again... while in the afterlife. Sisyphus probably had to find some way to cope with his situation, because he was stuck in it forever. Enjoying the suffering would be the only way he could avoid an eternity of misery.

Sisyphus didn't have options. I do.

I'm also not really sure what the point of scorning the suffering would be. A show of mental fortitude, engaged in for personal gratification and lasting a couple of decades before the inevitable occurs? Hardly a worthy cause, imo.
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Sep 10, 2023
On Suicide mainly talks about Albert Camus and nihilism. It is not about depression nor mental health. It is about philosophy and the point of life.

"... many of the concepts Albert Camus discusses as solutions to the issues of whether or not someone should kill themselves should be considered as ways to rid oneself of a bout of suicidal nihilism and not clinical, neurologically induced depression." - An excerpt of the text at the beginning of the video.

I don't mean to say that suicide, and the ideation of it, that stem from nihilism are invalid. Sisyphus 55's feelings are valid, as are anyone else's, but it is clear that this video isn't about wanting to die; rather, it is about a means of ending the futility that comes with living. Many of the things he says, such as, "don't end it because you got confused", "don't surrender to the absurdity", and "every individual has the potential to be happy", are just anti-nihilistic platitudes.

His video, the desire to simply not exist, makes his feelings much more apparent.

In that video he states that, "All that's needed are a few carefully drawn out plans and more often than not some substance of pacification." He simplifies suicide to an absurd degree. He describes it as an act anyone is capable of, regardless of their experiences with mental health.

I can sympathise with his feelings of pointlessness and wanting an escape, but I find no comfort in his videos.
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Sep 12, 2023
I remember hearing about this thread not too long ago. Around that same time I watched a video that I found pretty damn fascinating. it made me think about suicide from a different perspective and I was wondering if anyone here had seen the same video. I don't want this to come off as a "don't do it" but I'm genuinely curious if this video or others like it may have helped someone out there.

Nope... I honestly found it kind of dumb.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
Do I get to skip this video if I already read "The Myth Of Sisyphus" a bunch of times?

To the extent that I find Camus' essay comforting, it's because he had actually seen some shit, unlike your typical toxic positivity twatwaffle. I personally can't follow him to the "choose life out of spite" point, although I certainly see how he got there. I think it's easier to turn your back on nihilism when you have a reasonably appealing alternative, such as blowing up railroad bridges to prevent Hitler from using your country as a staging ground for attacks on Northern and Central Europe. If you imagine Sisyphus's rock flattening the Wehrmacht every time it rolls downhill, then defiantly embracing the Absurd might sound like a good deal to you, too.

The problem is that for most of us, the choice between meaningful and meaningless suffering is not that clear. Enduring pain might be worth it if it lets you demonstrate just how much you hate The Man. But what if you don't know who The Man is in your situation? What if he might actually be you? What if every person and every ethical position is equally repellent? It's a lot harder to be happy in your fruitless toil if you're struggling against something less inherently loathsome than the Third Reich.
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Jun 29, 2023
I usually don't like such videos but at least this one gives a different perspective on living that I usually don't see in anti suicide videos. I am unsure about the youtuber's take on it but I love the writing of Albert Camus. I was thinking about making a thread on absurdism and how suicidal people view it. I read the Myth of Sisyphus and rather than it helping me want to live I feel like it's more helpful for the present moment. To me it's just a comforting perspective on nihilism, I'm not really sure how to explain it but I feel like although the whole essay is on the topic of suicidal, it's not necessarily a solution, but just a way to face it. There's no reason to worry about the big meaning of life, just worry about what's in front of you. Although, my suicidal thoughts are still there, but at least I don't feel as scared of those thoughts. But that's not from this video.. it's from Albert Camus, but since the topic came up I just wanted to talk about it lol.
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Jun 20, 2023
On Suicide mainly talks about Albert Camus and nihilism. It is not about depression nor mental health. It is about philosophy and the point of life.

"... many of the concepts Albert Camus discusses as solutions to the issues of whether or not someone should kill themselves should be considered as ways to rid oneself of a bout of suicidal nihilism and not clinical, neurologically induced depression." - An excerpt of the text at the beginning of the video.

I don't mean to say that suicide, and the ideation of it, that stem from nihilism are invalid. Sisyphus 55's feelings are valid, as are anyone else's, but it is clear that this video isn't about wanting to die; rather, it is about a means of ending the futility that comes with living. Many of the things he says, such as, "don't end it because you got confused", "don't surrender to the absurdity", and "every individual has the potential to be happy", are just anti-nihilistic platitudes.

His video, the desire to simply not exist, makes his feelings much more apparent.

In that video he states that, "All that's needed are a few carefully drawn out plans and more often than not some substance of pacification." He simplifies suicide to an absurd degree. He describes it as an act anyone is capable of, regardless of their experiences with mental health.

I can sympathise with his feelings of pointlessness and wanting an escape, but I find no comfort in his videos.
I think it's slightly misleading to name it On Suicide. I'm willing to bet that most people who ctb do it out of distress caused by their personal circumstances, often including psychological illness— not just out of nihilism.
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King or street sweeper, dance with grim reaper!
Jul 18, 2023
On Suicide mainly talks about Albert Camus and nihilism. It is not about depression nor mental health. It is about philosophy and the point of life.

"... many of the concepts Albert Camus discusses as solutions to the issues of whether or not someone should kill themselves should be considered as ways to rid oneself of a bout of suicidal nihilism and not clinical, neurologically induced depression." - An excerpt of the text at the beginning of the video.

I don't mean to say that suicide, and the ideation of it, that stem from nihilism are invalid. Sisyphus 55's feelings are valid, as are anyone else's, but it is clear that this video isn't about wanting to die; rather, it is about a means of ending the futility that comes with living. Many of the things he says, such as, "don't end it because you got confused", "don't surrender to the absurdity", and "every individual has the potential to be happy", are just anti-nihilistic platitudes.

His video, the desire to simply not exist, makes his feelings much more apparent.

In that video he states that, "All that's needed are a few carefully drawn out plans and more often than not some substance of pacification." He simplifies suicide to an absurd degree. He describes it as an act anyone is capable of, regardless of their experiences with mental health.

I can sympathise with his feelings of pointlessness and wanting an escape, but I find no comfort in his videos.

Yet another person, trying to convince people that it is objectively good to embrace existing over non existing... but what do they use to persuade the viewer of this objective perspective? Their own subjective experiences of the world around them. How THEY feel about things around them. "Moments of the sublime, pure awe in the face of something larger than myself... I'm nothing in the presence of a beautiful song/piece of art etc etc" These are highly subjective experiences and feelings.

It is ridiculous how many people take this dumb approach... basically "look, I'm happy existing, so YOU shouldn't kill yourself..." Like we're all just some hive mind, and we can just plug into how someone else feels and experiences this life in some symbiotic manner. It's nonsense, and shows a profound lack of understanding regarding how people can experience the same life in markedly different ways.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Personally- I don't enjoy anything that tells me I 'have' to do something- I 'have' to fight. We don't- that's a choice. Of course- if you have anything in you that still wants to fight- great. Suck up all that suffering. Enjoy it. Tell yourself it's making you stronger. Become a masochist. Have fun. I think you have to be in a frame of mind to be open to that though. Otherwise- it's unlikely to work.

It was an odd video. It started off I think quite accurately depicting the suicidal mind- everything is ultimately pointless- so, why should I bother? But it never really answered that question to my view. It just moved into- you need to fight and learn to enjoy the suffering. If we were immortal- that would be the best option but- we're not. How are you really going to convince people to enjoy struggling in life when they don't believe the reward will be worth it and would rather die anyway?

It always results in: 'You HAVE to'. 'You have to accept the absurdity of the situation. You have to accept your lot in life. You have to accept that- despite trying- you may still fail. You have to accept pain and suffering is a part of life. You have to make the best of it'. Do I really? No- I have a choice.
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Jul 4, 2021
I remember hearing about this thread not too long ago. Around that same time I watched a video that I found pretty damn fascinating. it made me think about suicide from a different perspective and I was wondering if anyone here had seen the same video. I don't want this to come off as a "don't do it" but I'm genuinely curious if this video or others like it may have helped someone out there.

I love the swing back of this video, initially It's tempo is suicide is okay, then swings back to, if suffering is okay for you, then life's okay

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