I haven't received my packaged, but for me, ordering felt like a relief on my end of years of pain and sadness…
I understand guilt tripping and the affects of it as I've been abused and dealing with such turmoils for years and despite how badly parted it feels to do this to others who may care, it makes me feel like this is the one thing that truly does care about me as I don't truly know what is real and have had so many traumatic experiences, and I wouldn't have the words to explain it fully if I didn't go through these, as I was also pro choice since I was very young and would perhaps state another mindset into this, but that's just what it is…
I feel utter relief and peace from my choice, and it will be peaceful much sooner from here on out for me
Also, I truly am deeply sorry you are on the cage with three hard hitting thoughts… I truly wish I knew what could be done :((
Perhaps, journaling? But truly, find a friend here who won't make what your drug dealer did to you, and equally, your son… how old is he? I truly hope it doesn't ever revolve anyone who will be hurt by our choices, but all things that has also happens… sadly never ends the cycle of torment and pain one feel after getting hurt and wish family members weren't involved much into these situations :(( the hurt of this world is so real and why so badly I wanna leave the pain it carries… it's so much for me to deal with realistically because no one gets their happy ending…