

Oct 17, 2023

I'm going to be discussing topics that include mentions of sex and intercourse. If you're not comfortable reading anything related to it, this is me advising you to turn away. Thank you for opening the thread regardless, and have an amazing day!

I am a new user on this forum, only being here for about 3 days now, and I've learned a lot about how so many of you think about death, and how despite the fact that we share so many similar views, we don't all necessarily think the same way, despite having the same goal. That is to say, regardless of what we want after we die, we're all riding the same bus, just getting off on different stations. Having found this forum has been one of the most liberating things I have ever experienced. You wonderful people stray away from judgement, and try your best to sympathize; for that reason, I have vowed to share my own thoughts as earnestly as I can, because there's probably nowhere else in the world that I can share these thoughts, and I came here to die, not to live with regret.

All that being said, I wanna make my views clear so that there is no confusion. I am fixated on dying someday soon, right now if it was possible, but I lack the means to do so reliably, so for the time being, I am enjoying life to my most earnest desires, without violating anyone's consent. Besides videogames and food, one of the many things I've craved from my life is love, both a physical sensation and an emotional one.

It has not been terribly difficult to meet people, and thanks to me always applying my sincerity to my words, it seems some of them have been able to trust me greatly, and for that, I am very thankful. As someone who has made it their existence to live as honest to my desires as I can, there's no greater honor than a friend accepting my words as truthfully as I can deliver them, because they are the truth, and nothing but the truth, likewise, I do the same for them. Naturally, some of these relationships have been more intimate than others, some might've even been loving, but one thing is clear, many times it's happened that I've desired someone, physically, and they've reciprocated those feelings too, usually, these people have been friends, all of whom as stated previously, have accepted my honest words and internalized them, and we've bonded over them. It was beautiful, it was intimate. At least in theory.

It's hard to type this next part, please try and put yourself in my shoes. It's embarrassing to feel so naked in front of so many strangers, but I will continue.

Every single time I've tried to have intimate sex with anyone I deeply care about, my own body fails to react the way I want it to. That is to say, my own penis does not get erect/stay erect. There is no underlying medical condition which I am aware of, and in any other circumstances, it works just fine. I understand that after reading that sentence, you might feel this problem is trivial, or even that I'm being melodramatic, but I implore you to stay in my shoes for this next part.

What should be in the eyes of myself and the other person an act of intimacy and connection becomes spoiled by the fact that regardless of my own desires, my body does not react the way I want it to. The following then happens all the time: I try to explain the situation to the other person, and they claim to understand, but their eyes tell a different story. They look at me with mistrust and betrayal, sometimes they vocalize their own insecurities and claim that I lied to them, that I don't find them attractive, that I don't "really like them," as though everything I had said before, regardless of how long we've known each other, is suddenly meaningless. All of that trust, all of that emotion I had poured into my expressing myself to them, discarded. All in one instant. And why? Because my body, my own body, regardless of my intention, did not react the way I hoped it would. Here I am, at my own most vulnerable, quite literally naked and exposed, being berated for something I have no control over, while they feel justified in doing so, and worst of all, betrayed.

The feeling is indescribable. It's sickening. It's nauseating. Yet those words are far too tame to even describe 1% of how I felt in those moments. Me, someone who values their honesty, being dismantled over something I have no control over, while the person I care about does so with what they believe to be perfect justification.

Perhaps, in a sense, my body isn't lying to me or them, perhaps someone who truly loves me would never dare use their insecurities as a weapon against me. There is some truth in that. Looking back in
retrospect, I'm glad I didn't give them anything; had I done so, and learned they were capable of hurting me this much, I might've regretted it even more than what actually happened.

Even so, after ALL of that being said, I have no given up on finding someone who understands me, whom I know I can love, and who loves me, regardless of whatever irregularities I may or may not have with my body. I will not let the hurt they inflicted on me get in the way of the love I could find. They will not define me.

If you read this far, thank you so much. Regardless of what you think of my situation, I hope you at least understand how difficult it was for me to share this. I will admit, it's not the most concise thing I've ever written, but I have a feeling it won't be the last time I ever write about it, but this is the first, and I feel proud for taking that step.

Thank you everyone, have an amazing day!
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bpd | adhd
Oct 5, 2023
I hope one day you find what you're looking for. šŸŒ¹
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Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
Every single time I've tried to have intimate sex with anyone I deeply care about, my own body fails to react the way I want it to. That is to say, my own penis does not get erect/stay erect. There is no underlying medical condition which I am aware of, and in any other circumstances, it works just fine.
Yeah, I went through this as well. I don't know if it was because of alcohol or because of a lack of faith in myself but I fixed it. After it happened for the second time I decided to try things differently. The third time I went in sober and I also took Cialis. Please note that some times later I went in drunk and without taking any Cialis and the problem did not manifest again. I think the problem was psychological.
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Oct 17, 2023
Yeah, I went through this as well. I don't know if it was because of alcohol or because of a lack of faith in myself but I fixed it. After it happened for the second time I decided to try things differently. The third time I went in sober and I also took Cialis. Please note that some times later I went in drunk and without taking any Cialis and the problem did not manifest again. I think the problem was psychological.
I neglected to mention this, but I also take cialis, and the issue didn't fix itself. I'll look into stronger pills, however, it saddens me to an extent that I require it at all. I know it's not something I should be ashamed of, and over time, I'll come to terms with it, but for now, I will mull over it while I outgrow this insecurity.
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I'm at peace... Finally.
Mar 16, 2023
Very beautifully written. Thanks for sharing. My hope is that you, one day, find the means and can peacefully, painlessly (as possible), leave this existence. I, too, have a strong desire for sex. I've satisfied most of my fantasies. Yet, I've found very little love. I enjoyed reading this.
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Apr 3, 2023
You're not alone in suffering from episodes of impotence, and the cruellest thing about it is that each time it occurs reinforces thoughts of future"failure", which become a self fulfilling prophecy. I put "failure" in brackets because it's important you try to stop thinking of this particular physical reaction (or, more precisely, lack of it) as you being in some way inadequate. If you can get an erection at other times there is nothing wrong with your kit. And, since most males have experienced erections on inconvenient occasions, you already know that sexual desires stem from the mind, not the body.
Maybe you'll find you do better if you try to avoid being in situations where you feel intervourse is expected of you, I'm not sure what to suggest except to promise you that your honesty isn't likely to bother any of us anonymous folk here.
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-flying rat
Apr 16, 2023
Im sorry that sounds like torture
not embarassing, and youre not the only one that struggles with shit like this
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Some place nice

Some place nice

This world makes me sick
Oct 18, 2023
I am a sensitive person so I have amplified emotions. I can't find the love that I crave, and when I went into this thread I knew there might be a time where I get mad. I love to read how people find love, but reading about how you trusted those people who would just hurt you like that just made me rage. I've been betrayed a lot in the past, as many of us have, so I know that feeling all too well. I am so deeply sorry for what you have gone through, but Idk how much this means to you, I am so proud of you for taking that first step. you are truly a brave person. Sorry if I got a little much but I hate seeing other people hurt other people like that.
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Aug 10, 2023
Thank you for sharing. It could not have been easy to be so vulnerable & share such an intimate facet of yourself. Especially given all the toxic ideas that are perpetuated in our society about the aspects of our sexual lives & behaviour.
I'm sorry that you've felt shame around this. Sadly, I can imagine people, especially young & inexperienced people taking this as something negative about themselves or your relationship & dwell on their own insecurities rather than try to understand & sympathize with what's happening.
As SVEN too mentioned, I do not think there's anything wrong with you (and I would encourage, as hard as it may be, to not think that way too) just because your body reacts this way in such situations.
We're all unique creatures, with different needs, desires & reactions. It could have to do with your thoughts, or the vibe, or so much else. I would encourage you to keep exploring no matter what! šŸ˜Š Those who couldn't understand, weren't meant to be!
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Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
@GreenMarsh I think @SVEN is right. I don't know what was wrong with me but maybe this idea of "failure" was what was keeping me back. It was all good when I met the right girl, for both of us, but especially for her. : )

Anyway, be very careful! don't push it with the drugs! Who knows what you might damage!?


Jan 20, 2023
I know it sucks and it's humiliating, but if you can find the right partner, they'll care for you regardless. (Of course, I get why trusting someone to tat extent is probably its own can of worms at this point.) It's nothing to be ashamed of--nobody is 100% in control of their own body. I'm sorry people who don't know better have made you feel like shit for things out of your control. You deserve better.


Sleep With A Baseball Bat
May 18, 2023
extremely nsfw but my partner has a difficult time ejaculating and usually we just pivot to doing something else besides penetration. I really enjoy just giving him a massage or just fooling around, doesn't mean I'm enjoying it any less
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Kill me
Oct 15, 2023
The unfortunate thing is other people DO define you no matter what you define yourself as.

If every person collectively treats you the way they define you then it really doesn't matter what you yourself believe. Your life and all interactions will be limited by other peoples definitions of you, not your own.

Personally that's why I'm ctb. Even if you want to be good but society says you are bad then everything will be limited to you as a bad person regardless of your own definitions. You could only do good things for people for the rest of your life and you will still be bad no matter how hard you try.

They will manipulate you and gaslight you and then when you freak out about their ignorant self-righteous manipulation YOU are the bad guy. See how that works? We define you as bad, treat you as bad, tell others you are bad because you refuse to be gaslit.

Ready to go somewhere I can be good. That is a grave.
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Blue Elephant

Blue Elephant

Sep 22, 2023
extremely nsfw but my partner has a difficult time ejaculating and usually we just pivot to doing something else besides penetration. I really enjoy just giving him a massage or just fooling around, doesn't mean I'm enjoying it any less
I actually never came once in three years of having sex with my ex. : ) But I always made her happy, one way or another. And I enjoyed it too.

The unfortunate thing is other people DO define you no matter what you define yourself as.

If every person collectively treats you the way they define you then it really doesn't matter what you yourself believe. Your life and all interactions will be limited by other peoples definitions of you, not your own.

Personally that's why I'm ctb. Even if you want to be good but society says you are bad then everything will be limited to you as a bad person regardless of your own definitions. You could only do good things for people for the rest of your life and you will still be bad no matter how hard you try.

They will manipulate you and gaslight you and then when you freak out about their ignorant self-righteous manipulation YOU are the bad guy. See how that works? We define you as bad, treat you as bad, tell others you are bad because you refuse to be gaslit.

Ready to go somewhere I can be good. That is a grave.
THIS! Is exactly why I decided to CTB as well. There is simply too much evil in the world, there are simply too many ignorant evil fools pressing against me and it doesn't matter where i go, how far I run and for how long because they are everywhere. Human race is collective stupidity.

The grave will be better than sex! It will be freedom.
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Oct 17, 2023
The unfortunate thing is other people DO define you no matter what you define yourself as.

If every person collectively treats you the way they define you then it really doesn't matter what you yourself believe. Your life and all interactions will be limited by other peoples definitions of you, not your own.

Personally that's why I'm ctb. Even if you want to be good but society says you are bad then everything will be limited to you as a bad person regardless of your own definitions. You could only do good things for people for the rest of your life and you will still be bad no matter how hard you try.

They will manipulate you and gaslight you and then when you freak out about their ignorant self-righteous manipulation YOU are the bad guy. See how that works? We define you as bad, treat you as bad, tell others you are bad because you refuse to be gaslit.

Ready to go somewhere I can be good. That is a grave.
I've been staring at this comment for a while now, unsure of how to respond, or if I even should. I know your words come from a place of hurt, nonetheless, considering you decided to share them with the intent of me reading it, I have just as much of a right to react to them as you do to share them. With that being said, I'd like to chime in with my own views and nothing more.

It's true that people do define us no matter what, but we also define others involuntarily at times. It's ingrained in human nature to try and understand people, and in doing so we try to -for better or worst- assign them definitions we understand and are comfortable with. Despite the fact we as people are inherently hard to define to others and ourselves, we tend to be categorical to a fault. It is fine to make mistakes like these, but you should be aware of that fault, and work to be more understanding. That goes for everyone in the world.

Secondly, it does matter how I define myself, even if literally all 7,999,999,999 billion other humans on earth put me in some wrongful, horrible category, how I see myself defines how I conduct myself. For instance, I see myself as a "man", and even if for some reason, others were to disagree, it does not invalidate my identity which I associate with that word, because while we can't ever truly, easily define ourselves, we are the only ones who can ever hope to come the closest to understanding our truest, most inner desires. No one can tell you what you are, even if everyone else says you are something you're not, it does not invalidate your own sense of self.

I know I am an honest person because I express myself as honestly as I can, even if sometimes my wording is flawed, my intent remains that of honesty, regardless of what the people I mentioned in this story have said. It's true that they hurt me by thinking otherwise, but their reason to hurt me comes from a place of hurt of their own. They're insecure, they feel as though I've failed them. The reason why they couldn't accept my words over the reaction that my body had was because their vision was clouded by their pain, and that does NOT justify the way I was treated, but they are not demons, they are human, and they are flawed, and I was not too different from them at some point myself.

My reason to CTB is not out of some hatred for humanity, I am also human, and as evil as we can be sometimes, we are also capable of good. For every bad person I've encountered in my life, I've met someone willing to love me just as much as I love them, if not romantically, then in other ways. I wish to die because I do not believe that human life as is under our current global regime allows for humans to be the best version of themselves. I don't like the way the world is, but it's the human experience that makes it interesting, and I hope that whenever I inevitably die, I will go somewhere were I can share my love with others, and they can do the same for me, without being bothered by things like money, or housing prices, or poverty, or disease, you get the point.

That is all, I hope your day is tolerable
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Oct 13, 2022
Just want to let you know I read this and give you some hugs. I'm sorry you're struggling with this. I have sex issues too but no penis and mine are from trauma. Thanks so much for being an honest person; it is so appreciated.
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
Well, when you say it works under normal circumstances, perhaps even without the Cialis (?), then to me it sounds like you're putting yourself under too much pressure. Possibly a trust issue too and of course the consistent embarassment just enforces this. You probably dread that moment before it even gets going, because you know what's about to happen and the reaction you're likely to receive, especially with a new partner. Everyone would have a problem under those circumstances, because those feelings are an absolute turnoff. Unless I'm completely underestimating the issue here, I'd say you need a partner who you're perfectly comfortable with, who won't make you feel embarassed or humiliated and give you enough time to properly get intimate with one another, and then it really should work fine.
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Kill me
Oct 15, 2023
Just want to let you know I read this and give you some hugs. I'm sorry you're struggling with this. I have sex issues too but no penis and mine are from trauma. Thanks so much for being an honest person; it is so appreciated.
Yeah I have some issues too. It's probably why no women want to be with me long term even if I try everything.
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Oct 4, 2023
This is a surprisingly common problem among people, I can assure you that. There can be many different reasons for it because we are all different, finding out what it is for you will be tricky but I hope you will find it.

I've always had similar issues from the perspective of the opposite gender, never being in the mood for anything sexual even if I desire a person. I've mostly given up on finding a partner personally because most people want sexual intercourse, but I hope you won't have to lose that hope because of your issue. There are so many people out there, I pray you can encounter someone who matches with you and will be open and understand you. There is so much more to life and meaningful partnership than having sex.

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