Deleted member 1768

Aug 15, 2018
Somebody told me about Epley manever, its supposed to reset your ear fluid, of course I didnt hear about it from a doctor because he doesnt give a fuck but from people in support groups, I am now trying to do it on myself nad of course I have no idea what Im doing and just butchered myself even farther to the point everytime I open my eyes from my 30 minute sleep I need to hold on to the ground near my bed, noice, I want to fucking KILL MYSELF :)

Not better at all, when I lie down in my bed and feel myself doze off I start hyperventilating, because I know I will jolt up feeling like Im in a fucking slingshot and I cant take it.

Starting to think I found my dead boyfriends secret SS account, how long before I flip shit from no sleep
BPPV. These initials stand for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. BPPV occurs when tiny calcium particles (canaliths) clump up in canals of the inner ear. The inner ear sends signals to the brain about head and body movements relative to gravity. It helps you keep your balance.

BPPV can occur for no known reason and may be associated with age. If you can find a treatment video you can do this yourself. Believe me...it works. Good luck hon.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
BPPV. These initials stand for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. BPPV occurs when tiny calcium particles (canaliths) clump up in canals of the inner ear. The inner ear sends signals to the brain about head and body movements relative to gravity. It helps you keep your balance.

BPPV can occur for no known reason and may be associated with age. If you can find a treatment video you can do this yourself. Believe me...it works. Good luck hon.

As soon as Im good enough to stand up and leave my house Ill beg my grandma to do it, I need someone to hold my head in place cause when I start moving it my body flips shit, I want to throw up annd i mess my position. Did like half of that manever and bailed, fucked myself up so hard after that.
Should dope myself up to eyeballs with anti sickness and suck it up, its for my good
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Going Home

Going Home

Sep 21, 2018
So, heres the transcript of how Wonderful Doctors ™ treated me in the ER today

  • First they told me to take off my noise cancelling headphones. I said I have them on because my ears hurt and it makes sound painful. They told me ear pain doesn't work like that and to take them off or they wont talk to me. Then they asked me if I have an anxiety disorder and I answered that I don't, Im bipolar.
  • Then they asked what do I need, was I ever in quarantine or had contact with a covid case. I said I was in Germany for a few days and it was cold, no I have a bad cough and shortness of breath, but I don't think I had either of these, I also told them about the vertigo because it's the main reason I call.
  • They asked me why I was in Germany and I told them, to escape my parents. They asked me where I slept, I lied and said that at someones place.
  • We need to take you to the hospital to run some tests
  • What test will they be?
  • (exasperated) Do you always ask what exact tests you will have everytime you see a doctor?
  • You treat me like trash.
  • Its you saying this.
  • Last time I called ER for this I was threatened with a fine
  • I don't care
  • 4 YEARS AGO, I was told by paramedic to kill myself. This is illegal.
  • Then sue them, I don't care.
  • Do you care about anything?
  • Silence
  • Do you care about anything in this job??
  • Silence
  • If I were an old woman, say, with no history of mental illness, you wouldn't treat me like this!
  • 'Its not normal to wander in Germany. I think you need psychiatric help. Are you taking your bipolar medication?
  • Yes I do (lies)
  • What medication
  • Lithium, seroquel, lexapro
  • I don't think you take them
  • They don't work
  • You need a psych eval
  • No I don't, it wont change anything
  • Are you suicidal?
  • No
  • Im driving you to psychiatric hospital
  • I don't agree to this
  • Its my decision, you don't have to agree.
  • You want to section me because I have vertigo
  • Yes I do
  • Listen, its in your head, the symptoms of your mental illness. We are driving you to the hospital.
  • Im not suicidal and I don't agree.
  • Then get out.
  • And he handed me evaluation card that said all vitals were normal even though the only thing they did in that ambulance was put a pulse ox on my finger, that I should be investigated for bipolar psychosis in a mental hospital and that I was listening to music when they came.
It's horrible when people in authority especially in the medical field tell people to "kill yourself". For me the person said, "I need for you to kill yourself". It should be illegal. When you complain they say you're full of drama. Sorry that happened to you.


The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Yet theyre still out and about doing this shit to vulnerable people.
And I still have vertigo and its not getting any better, its getting worse every other day, but they dont care because I have a mental illness.

Privilege privilege privilege.


Apr 28, 2020
Yet theyre still out and about doing this shit to vulnerable people.
And I still have vertigo and its not getting any better, its getting worse every other day, but they dont care because I have a mental illness.

Privilege privilege privilege.
I'm in Germany too and I can say that in some emergency rooms you can get treated this bad. Possibly it depends also when you reach them; there are some opening hours when they accept more cases, and some other hours (week ends, night time) when they only take serious emergencies. Some emergency rooms instead seems to be more considerate.
I had once a bad eye ulcer during a week end and I reached the emergency; they told me that it was no emergency and to come in the next day. The next day they refused me again. I went to a police office to make a report and the police said they couldn't see anything to be reported.
Probably it would be easier to contact a doctor (family doctor); if you have a health insurance, it should pay for it
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Probably. But I dont think a gp is qualified to help when Im literally doubled over throwing up and cant sleep TT And he had no slots free this week anyway. I know covid and all, things get hectic, but they must really hate me. Maybe theyre trying to get back at me because the last time I called I signed out AMA soon after they took me in for tests because they harassed me verbally and made me panic. They kept telling me Im on drugs, asking what I took to be like this and that Im lying when I said I didnt take anything, and then when I said Im going to take antisickness pills and go home because apparently Im on drugs they threatened fines for pointlessly calling an ambulance. Or Im just inventing excuses not to see doctors anymore.
I wish I was making this up.
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Apr 28, 2020
Are you german? Do you know how the health system works here?
If you don't know which kind of specialistic doctor you need, you go to a gp. If one is refusing to receive you during one week (even if you have made clear that it is an emergency), you can try with others. Some do accept emergency and some have slots for that. Others are more bitchy.
A GP can also make a card to visit other doctors or possibly also an ER; once you have that, they can't refuse to do the exams that have been indicated by the doctor.
But if you know that your problem is related to a certain part of the body (neural? ears?), then you can ask directly for an appointment with a doctor with that specialization, without passing through a GP.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
Makes perfect sense, thank you. Maybe Ive been doing this assways.
Now need to convince myself to go T.T
Actually I got some referalls when I was asking for dizzy pills, to neuro and an ear doctor, but panicked and wouldnt go. They must be a few months olde now, so not legit anymore right? Sigh...
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Apr 28, 2020
I think you can still use them; it's anyway corona-time, so they could accept delays.
I tend to behave like you. When I get a bad symptom, I try to get a doctor's opinion as long as it is visible. But then when I get a card to visit a specialist, I don't have the same urgency any more as long as my condition doesn't become painful again; mostly because I don't have much trust in their diagnosis, having already tried several specialists.
Anyway if you haven't had a diagnosis at all, you should at least try. And especially describe your symptoms and, if they appear suddenly and not gradually, ask what you should do in case they come back (going to ER? perhaps with a written note from the doctor? Contacting the same doctor to show the symptoms when they are more clearly visible? Contacting the nurse of the same doctor and asking urgently for a prescription of a drug that the doctor has previously agreed with you? These are some options)


The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
(going to ER? perhaps with a written note from the doctor? Contacting the same doctor to show the symptoms when they are more clearly visible? Contacting the nurse of the same doctor and asking urgently for a prescription of a drug that the doctor has previously agreed with you? These are some options)
^ This.

The ENT gave me no diagnosis at all, gp, diagnosed me with 'Vertigo not specified', and Ive been avoiding doctors because they traumatized me. I fucking hate when I obviously have no control of my body and instead of helping me, they act smug and make fun of me. My problem is I need someone who they respect more to validate the problem for me


Apr 28, 2020
and the gp didn't give advices to do some exams or specialistic visits? Did you try to ask, saying it clear that you can't live in this condition?
If one doctor is not supportive, find another one. Read reviews on doctors online before deciding to choose one.
Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
It has been my experience that once you get a "negative" label attached to your medical chart, disagree with "common," or current methods of treatment... etc. You are no longer a person to be heard, but someone to deal with.

I am sorry you have gone through this. There are so many different causes of vertigo. A full physiological work up should have been done.



Apr 28, 2020
Germany is actually horrid for mental health literally exercise and ibuprofen is what my doc there suggested for ptsd that was so bad I didn't leave my flat for five months
It is! I went once to a doctor with 2 visible swollen fingers and a documented history of eye and hands inflammations. At the second visit, since he was unable to read the blood exams that he made me do, he started to go hysterical. I was holding a paper folder and he continued to ask if it was full of exams that I did for this medical condition. He threw me out without a diagnosis, with blood exams showing positive numbers and with a card for a psychologist saying that I was very uncorrectable and I was seeing every symptom as a disease.
I don't know what is wrong with certain doctors. They evidently have some mental issues themselves and they overexercise their authority, labeling other people as psychopaths. Just because they are idiots in their profession and they don't want to be contradicted.
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The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019
and the gp didn't give advices to do some exams or specialistic visits? Did you try to ask, saying it clear that you can't live in this condition?
If one doctor is not supportive, find another one. Read reviews on doctors online before deciding to choose one.

Yes he did. But I shoved all the referals in a bookcase and waited till they expired because the thought of doing these exams and getting sick for nothing gives me panic attacks TT
It has been my experience that once you get a "negative" label attached to your medical chart, disagree with "common," or current methods of treatment... etc. You are no longer a person to be heard, but someone to deal with.

I am sorry you have gone through this. There are so many different causes of vertigo. A full physiological work up should have been done.


Yes. Once a problem patient, always a problem patient. Not going to delve into my history but if they can read all about the stuff I u s e d. to do, then I can see how they would treat me as crazy because basically I shat in my own papers? If only I knew better than to put my problems on display and burn all bridges??

And I encountered doctors like this and even worse, yet they have all positive reviews? Theres a serious vendetta towards me or some serious bribes going on

Im sorry that I keep replying and replying but I just cant deal with this x.x
Weary Soul

Weary Soul

Soon I will be free
Nov 13, 2019
Im sorry that I keep replying and replying but I just cant deal with this x.x

It is ok.

I have gone through the same and am still fighting it (well not fighting anymore - I am done), but I get it. It is beyond frustrating.



Apr 28, 2020
I agree with this, and I find that they have a certain level of arrogance which makes them unable to look outside of their own perspective or even consider they might be wrong.

I don't speak German well at all and it was so clear my doc there would pretend to understand my english over just ask for me to repeat or try in german then he'd give me the wrong meds/make appointments i didnt need etc
Lol, that's completely my experience as well. I'm not german either, and I speak english with doctors. One doctor was not telling me if he could understand or not. But he wrote on the report to my GP: "I can't understand him well, because he has a bad english". Totally arrugant and unprofessional; I work with people from many countries, from USA to China. And I have no problem in being understood even from native speakers.
But I had the same issue with other 2 doctors that clearly told me: your english is so bad that I have problems to understand you.
Well, the problem is that they have never left their own country, so they only understand the german pronunciation of english.
My opinion about these doctors is that if they aren't able to speak english fluently, their medical knowledge is also extremely limited, because they have probably never updated their knowledge following the international medical research in their specialization (which is always in english). So they are probably unsuitable to follow highly complex medical problems.
Yes he did. But I shoved all the referals in a bookcase and waited till they expired because the thought of doing these exams and getting sick for nothing gives me panic attacks TT

Yes. Once a problem patient, always a problem patient. Not going to delve into my history but if they can read all about the stuff I u s e d. to do, then I can see how they would treat me as crazy because basically I shat in my own papers? If only I knew better than to put my problems on display and burn all bridges??

And I encountered doctors like this and even worse, yet they have all positive reviews? Theres a serious vendetta towards me or some serious bribes going on

Im sorry that I keep replying and replying but I just cant deal with this x.x
What is expired? The referrals to other doctors? I'm not sure that those have an expiration, since you can also take direct appointments with specialists without those cards.
Usually cards to buy drugs in pharmacy (all the drugs that are not "over the counter" and that are discounted by health insurance) do last for 2 weeks. But I'm quite sure that I didn't have problems even when I bought the drugs later than 2 weeks.
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Oct 11, 2020
I am so sorry that the medical community is such a piece of shit place that won't treat people for their problems. They instead tell you that it in your head and if you try a little the pain will go away, but fuck that. That is not true, they just want an easy way to get rid of you.
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Apr 28, 2020
I am so sorry that the medical community is such a piece of shit place that won't treat people for their problems. They instead tell you that it in your head and if you try a little the pain will go away, but fuck that. That is not true, they just want an easy way to get rid of you.
true. once you are out of the door, the pain is all yours and they have already forgotten about you


The Arsonist
Apr 7, 2019

4 more clinics, including one that was out of town, refused to see me
My vertigo drives me insane and Im unable to live
Got hooked on opiates and now Im permanently homeless after one last time begging my parents for help and being sneered at
Rehab refused to admit me because of covid, therapists send me away, hospitals send me away. Was thrown out of the hostel for immigrants I was living in for being violently sick for days and the 2 other once I visited refused to give me a room.
I am now back on the street and I have a friction mark on my neck from trying to hang myself off a bridge and almost suceeding
But the system isnt out there to hurt me. They arent basically neglecting me to death, nah.
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Apr 28, 2020
damn. Do you mean that you don't have a job and you have no money to pay for a room? There should be institutions that are supposed to help you in these cases.. I do not know in which German city you are, I could try to have a look if there is something, or ask to some german people that I know

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