

Dec 27, 2019
Is there anyone who doesn't have a mental illness anymore? If everyone saw a psychiatrist (of course most don't), I don't think there's a single person on the planet who wouldn't be diagnosed with something.

Love yourself? There's a mental illness for that
Hate yourself? There's a mental illness for that
Too sensitive? There's a mental illness for that
Not sensitive enough? There's a mental illness for that

I could go on and on but the point is, EVERYTHING is a mental illness these days. I don't think there's anyone on the planet who wouldn't classify as 'mentally ill'. What even is 'normal'? A damn robot? Oh wait, robots have no emotions. That's a mental illness too. Lol.

I feel like mental illnesses are just ways to categorise people these days. You think or act differently to me? Mentally ill! Who even has the right to decide what is or isn't 'normal'? Maybe I'm the normal one and I'm not 'too sensitive', maybe everyone else just isn't sensitive enough.

Obviously mental disorders where the actual brain is affected or modified in some way are different, that's not what I'm referring to. I'm mostly referring to the amount of personality disorders there are and how easily people are (mis)diagnosed. I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder within 15 minutes of seeing a psychiatrist. The same psychiatrist who told me, a grown adult, that my parents (who live in a different country and I have basically no relationship with) 'are in charge, the same way an army general is in charge of their soldiers'. I swear to god that's a direct quote. What a fucking freak. Anyway, I've done extensive research and don't have the symptoms of BPD. Not that he would know since he didn't even ask the questions required to make a diagnosis. He just plucked it out of his ass because I'm suicidal and have no relationship with my abusive parents, so of course I must have a mental illness. Lol.

It's a joke how quick diagnoses are thrown around, simply because someone isn't behaving the way society has conditioned/brainwashed them to.
I'm yet to meet the perfect personality that doesn't show any symptoms of any mental illness. Maybe people are just different and have different personalities, and not everything is a fucking mental illness? Shocking concept.

Idk if I'm making any sense nor what the point of this post is, just had to vent. I mean no offence to anyone who's suffering with any kind of mental illness

Edit: this thread is an interesting read
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F*ck this sh!t I'm out
Dec 30, 2019
I think it's when a person leans to the very extreme is when they get diagnosed with a "mental illness". Sure, loving yourself is good, but it's different when you think of yourself superior to other people. Moderation is what is "normal".

It's not the same as when homosexuality was considered a mental illness, because before society saw it as bizarre and weird. So they called gay people sick and attempted to treat them. Now it isn't anymore considered an illness.

I guess another factor that people consider in naming mental illness is how much it harms others. Depression and anxiety can impact a person's ability to do simple tasks. Homosexuality however is someone's attraction preference. Gay people are harmed because society shuns them, not because of homosexuality itself.
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read Dostoyevsky
Jun 15, 2019
i've said this before and i'll say it again: mental illness diagnoses are, excluding the extreme cases, a way to control people. if you have a diagnosis, a lot of doors are closed for you permanently; certain careers and the legal right to own firearms are some examples that i am aware of in my own country. in some countries your privacy can be invaded through routine "welfare checks". now doesn't that term just sound dystopian? knock knock, Big Brother would like to check if you're still alive so you can pay taxes!

but of course, i have a diagnosis, so none of my opinions are valid! if you are mentally healthy please do discredit this post as the rambling of a lunatic! /s
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Dec 27, 2019
I think it's when a person leans to the very extreme is when they get diagnosed with a "mental illness". Sure, loving yourself is good, but it's different when you think of yourself superior to other people. Moderation is what is "normal".
No one lives. their life in complete moderation though. For example I have a lot of resentment for my parents who physically and mentally abused me for almost 2 decades. I'd say that's a completely justified response to the situation. Apparently not, apparently that makes me mentally ill.
I've never met anyone who always has their emotions completely balanced, and has no symptom of any mental illness. Perhaps because that would be perfection, and perfection doesn't exist.
Also I highly recommend reading the link I added on the end. It explains my far better than I did
i've said this before and i'll say it again: mental illness diagnoses are, excluding the extreme cases, a way to control people. if you have a diagnosis, a lot of doors are closed for you permanently; certain careers and the legal right to own firearms are some examples that i am aware of in my own country. in some countries your privacy can be invaded through routine "welfare checks". now doesn't that term just sound dystopian? knock knock, Big Brother would like to check if you're still alive so you can pay taxes!

but of course, i have a diagnosis, so none of my opinions are valid! if you are mentally healthy please do discredit this post as the rambling of a lunatic! /s
THIS. I saw the psychiatrist I mentioned in the postz in the hospital after a suicide attempt--so of course I was going to be diagnosed with something regardless of my mental state. Can't have the rest of society thinking a perfectly sane person made a rational decision to end their lives, must label them as mentally ill before they succeed.

I was treated like shit by all the doctors and nurses. They actually violated countless medical guidelines, but of course my complaint went nowhere because I'm 'mentally ill' and 'must be remembering things wrong'. Now that I wrote that, it got me thinking maybe that's the reason I was diagnosed with a 'personality disorder' I very clearly don't have...

There is no person on earth who has completely balanced emotions at all times. I think if psychiatrists wanted to, they could find a so called mental illness in everyone. I completely agree that it's a control tactic and also money motivated, as mentioned in the thread I linked
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In my beginning is my end.
Aug 25, 2019
I agree partially with what you're saying but some people really do have mental problems. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 years ago because I started having manic episodes pretty regularly. I can't really explain a manic episode other than it's almost exactly like being possessed. You do the stupidest shit for days, sometimes weeks, and you don't even know you're doing anything wrong. Then you have to live with the shame of what you've done. What I'm getting at is what I have is more than a diagnosis, unfortunately it's a real thing.

As far as agreeing with you 100% about other "mental illnesses," it's true. I've known plenty of people who were diagnosed out of thin air. My sister has been diagnosed (as her main mental illness) as 1st Borderline, then Bipolar 2, then major depression. I never got that. It's like they pulled those diagnosis's out of their asses to profit off pain and suffering.

Has anybody seen where the CDC declared excessive gaming as a mental illness? Ridiculous. That can be fixed easily, even without medication. It's called get off your ass and do something. Tbh it's a slap in the face that all these stupid diagnosis's get thrown around while I'm having manic spells and ruining my life more and more each time. It's disgusting.
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Aug 12, 2019
That is the nature of having a mind. We all have some sort of mental problems. I think illness comes into play when it starts really affecting your life.
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
Some many people abuse the words mental illness/mental breakdown/mental well being, it's almost become watered down and never truely taken seriously any more.
I had a full blown mental break down last year (the first of a few) I was on the edge, self harmed, nearly through my self off a bridge, went missing for hours, was in a seriously bad place, BUT I refuse to call it a mental illness, yet someone close to me had a bad day because her shopping didn't turn up and apparently she was in the midst of a breakdown as she needed it for a party,
Now whilst I understand people deal with thing's differently, and yes to her that was a serious issue, It's basically saying her issue was the same as mine... because anything health related with the word mental in it now is used for anything and everything in life.
In the UK there has been campaigns about mental health and stigma and people being afraid to talk out, to the point now social media is saturated with mental health posts
Prob totally off topic but meh!
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Final Escape

I’ve been here too long
Jul 8, 2018
It didn't use to be like this lol! It's when special interests get involved in the healthcare system with destructive private agendas to control the people. Many people are not truly mentally ill, they have been traumatized in some way. I began to have depression at age 13 but I mean of course I would be depressed because I was basically left to fend for myself as a kid. There were no healthy role models so I could come out a healthy functioning adult. When the state or other unrelated people take over the raising of your children, they just aren't goin to turn out that great on average. We need healthy adult role models to be there guiding us and invested in our future. Instead we are surrounded by other kids mostly during the school years. How are u supposed to learn adult if u are surrounded by people who have as little life wisdom as u do lol! I never got any useable life advice from public school teachers. Like wisdom of things to avoid or real life knowledge.
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Jan 14, 2020
I agree that diagnoses just seem thrown around nowadays. I'm talking to a psychologist friend and he agreed that doctors seem quick to throw a diagnosis at a person instead of considering alternatives. He also makes a good point that many clinicians seem to use the DSM as a checklist, when that's not how it's meant to be used at all. It's supposed to be a reference, but what ultimately makes something clinical/pathological is the degree to which it affects their functioning and/or causes significant distress.

I find it worrying that you were diagnosed with a personality disorder so quickly by someone who doesn't know you. People act like we're dartboards and the diagnosis is the dart lol. How many can we throw at someone to try and get a bullseye

I do want to clarify I'm one of the many people diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and depression. But I agree with the diagnoses, because they make it rather difficult to function and they're just torturous. I also want to say I didn't go through any sorts of traumas or difficulties like others on here, these issues have just been a part of my life for 19/12 years respectively. There's no actual reason I'm like this; this is simply how my brain is. Just responding to your initial question in the title, I suppose.
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Sep 27, 2019
i've said this before and i'll say it again: mental illness diagnoses are, excluding the extreme cases, a way to control people. if you have a diagnosis, a lot of doors are closed for you permanently; certain careers and the legal right to own firearms are some examples that i am aware of in my own country. in some countries your privacy can be invaded through routine "welfare checks". now doesn't that term just sound dystopian? knock knock, Big Brother would like to check if you're still alive so you can pay taxes!

but of course, i have a diagnosis, so none of my opinions are valid! if you are mentally healthy please do discredit this post as the rambling of a lunatic! /s

Political dissidents regularly got branded as mentally ill in the USSR.

The DSM is basically written by drugs companies.

Power and profit... same old.
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Apr 27, 2018
Mental Illness is the defining characteristic of human beings imo .

Culture in all their forms bends everyone into neurotic strange behaviours.

The fact that no-one admits this , or even begins to entertain the notion , is why societies are so screwed up.

We are all mad .
( People don't like this idea much " I don't have the soul cancer , I'm healthy ! " ... Yeah Right . )
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Aug 21, 2019
That isn't any coincidence. Big Pharma has got to make their bux some how.
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