incapable of shutting up
- May 2, 2024
- 653
I feel like it's possible, but just out of my grasp. It's a different kind of suffering that losing all hope (though both are terrible.) Life's dangling a piece of meat on a string just out of my reach so I keep running, letting me take just enough bites that I'm always starving, but never starve to death. I should just stop, but I can't. I want there to actually be something good for me here. I don't know why I can't stop chasing something that doesn't exist, when I know it doesn't exist. It's childish and it makes me seem naive, I know it does. I probably am. I just can't stop no matter what I try
I need to set a date, but I'm scared. A voice keeps telling me to keep holding on for no reason, because I want something I can never have
Methinks I'm sobering up. That's not good! I'll have to fix that. I'll run out soon, though. If I close my eyes, the number in my bank account can't hurt me, right? :)
I need to set a date, but I'm scared. A voice keeps telling me to keep holding on for no reason, because I want something I can never have
Methinks I'm sobering up. That's not good! I'll have to fix that. I'll run out soon, though. If I close my eyes, the number in my bank account can't hurt me, right? :)
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