perseverance is inevitable success
- Dec 8, 2022
- 193
The number of people who are saying that people in this community are monsters because they are senior members... so ridiculous. It's almost like suicidal people are trapped by their survival instinct or don't have the physical resources to do it. I've had suicide in the back of my mind for already three years... It's almost like if suicide was so easy to do, there wouldn't be a forum for talking about it because we would already be dead by now. Of course, it may be inevitable that there could be people on this website encouraging others to commit suicide for a thrill, but I honestly haven't personally encountered anyone on this forum who was actively encouraging someone else to commit suicide. People act like the people on this website are all sick people who want to see others die... like of course, take a few examples of psychopaths and then generalize an entire damn community. The fact that people are saying that we are inherently encouraging suicide by providing the resources for one to kill one's self is just ridiculous--it's those people who are forcing people... they force people to live while not giving them the proper resources to recover and are instead providing resources to the purpose of "exposing" this website. Like, if they really damn cared, why aren't they saying how they're donating to suicide recovery resources? Exactly. They're so full of bullshit. People need to start realizing that their personal experience of recovery is so damn irrelevant (Oh, I recovered, and I'm so thankful that I'm not on it because I would be so vulnerable and blah blah blah!) and that people are convinced by the ideas in the community NOT because the community is manipulative and malicious... IT'S BECAUSE IT MAKES DAMN SENSE. Tantacrul has good intentions but a horrible execution. It's people who think they know everything who think that they know what's best for others when you really could be so screwed up and aren't bothered to live any longer. I don't know why it's so horrible. Ridiculous.