

would like to follow that butterfly
Aug 23, 2019
Hi Ish,

Of course we could still evolve, if we don't destroy ourselves before. Humanity evolve in technology, but not really in the potential of our mind. We're still too much locked in a box.

Thanks for my avatar, yes I'm romantic, maybe sometimes too much :ohhhh:
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Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
Here's my problem with any mainstream religion at the moment whether it be Abrahamic, Hindu or any of them. Seem a few thousand years ago God or the gods depending on your faith, were really active. Burning bushes, sending angels to deliver messages because whatsapp wasnt around yet, prophets galore and whole bunch of other stuff. What have we had in the past 2000 years? Nothing, nada, zilch and the answerphone. So if he destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for being wicked places, then technically he should be striking down every major city on this planet. If there was ever a time that he should make a little call to us has been in the past 300 years with the atrocities that humanity has done to itself. Maybe send an emissary with a "People, we need to sit down and have a conversation" thing. And that goes for all religions
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Jul 20, 2019
Hi Ish,

Of course we could still evolve, if we don't destroy ourselves before. Humanity evolve in technology, but not really in the potential of our mind. We're still too much locked in a box.

Thanks for my avatar, yes I'm romantic, maybe sometimes too much :ohhhh:
When people still believed that the earth was flat
the horizons seemed limitless and endless.
At the time of discovery and recognition of the fact that the earth
is a lump similar to a ball turned out,
that we are in a trap with no way out.
The 60s, 70s and 80s of the 20th century and our conquest of space
run out. Telecommunications satellites, prose
science fiction, film productions, futurology, UFOs
that's the only thing humanity can afford. For now, science and atheism in this way they build FAITH of people in illusory possibilities.
And not only Pharaohs to strengthen faith in "the state
of the dead "built monumental monuments and created
the "media" industry for this purpose.
The possibilities of the human mind (consciousness) depend on
the senses. Applying the theory of evolution to human
he developed new possibilities - additional senses
it takes a lot of time.
Technology is another box in a box.
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Jul 20, 2019
Here's my problem with any mainstream religion at the moment whether it be Abrahamic, Hindu or any of them. Seem a few thousand years ago God or the gods depending on your faith, were really active. Burning bushes, sending angels to deliver messages because whatsapp wasnt around yet, prophets galore and whole bunch of other stuff. What have we had in the past 2000 years? Nothing, nada, zilch and the answerphone. So if he destroyed Sodom and Gomorah for being wicked places, then technically he should be striking down every major city on this planet. If there was ever a time that he should make a little call to us has been in the past 300 years with the atrocities that humanity has done to itself. Maybe send an emissary with a "People, we need to sit down and have a conversation" thing. And that goes for all religions

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah (סדום ועמורה) is
supplement to the Commandment(לא תנאף) - Do not cause anger.
It is a specific imposition of TABU on other sexual relations
than marital(including incest) and other than for procreation purposes.
Humanity has always been cruel to each other. This is due to
from our survival instinct. Ever man is so small
micro-space. The more God in each of us (self-awareness)
the better we understand ourselves and other people (surroundings).
There are many emissaries, but so far particularism is dominating.
Will it ever rise and be a signpost to humanity
something like Religion (Science) - Universalism Of The Earth?.................?..........

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Jul 20, 2019
The construction of any buildings requires knowledge of GEOMETRY.
Göbekli Tepe, Turkey, around 10,000 BC


  • Göbekli Tepe, Turkey, around 10,000 BC.jpg
    Göbekli Tepe, Turkey, around 10,000 BC.jpg
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would like to follow that butterfly
Aug 23, 2019
The construction of any buildings requires knowledge of GEOMETRY.
Göbekli Tepe, Turkey, around 10,000 BC
From what I remember, isn't it the most ancient known civilization ?
Beautiful monument.
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Aug 28, 2019
I think that God is just a term we use for what a group of people views as the idea way to behave, and the idea of heaven and hell is quite simply how your community regards you.

It is possible to measure the collective good and bad of a society versus another, and in some ways measure the quality of one God versus another.

However, artists are true Gods, and few live long enough in this world. Only Christian teachings contain the stories of Jesus Christ, and while he did not practice an artistic craft, his act was perfectly artistic and always in absolute respect to the subject matter at hand.

It's sexy being an artist (Jesus knows), but it's a short life.
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Jul 20, 2019
Do you mean that Jesus was a performer?
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Jul 20, 2019
One more symbol.
Long ago, philosophy was the highest science.
Currently, it is cognitive science.

Zrzut ekranu20190920105723


Jul 20, 2019
Love - a beautiful word. Love is not black and white, it is
between two colors, black and white - is grey.
Infinitely many shades of gray.
Everyone loves in their own way, for example:
Father - conditionally, Mother - unconditionally.
The father loves his son differently, differently daughter .
In most cases, love is the commodity it has
the term of validity.


Jun 27, 2019
I am too drunk to answer this question and I didn't read the thread... but. What does God look like??? God is the conglomeration of all things. This can't be pictured in the mind. It can only be experienced. God is one and God is all. He can't be arrived at through philosophical speculation or any other means, He can only be understood by His grace alone. God is unity, we are multiplicity... but in reality we are one and the same. It is only the appearance of multiplicity that we appear to be separate. We are the universe staring into a mirror. If you see multiplicity then you are multiplicity, if you see unity then you are unity. But unity/multiplicity are just distortions of the truth, which is one and the same. "I" and "you" exist only in our minds. In the eyes of God there is only ONE, which exists everywhere at all times. This might be blasphemy or nonsense but idgaf, it is what I believe.
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Jul 20, 2019
In general you are right, I will only add:
His (God's) grace = this perception (through the senses)
and understanding (through mind self-awareness).
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Aug 28, 2019
We are the universe staring into a mirror. If you see multiplicity then you are multiplicity, if you see unity then you are unity. But unity/multiplicity are just distortions of the truth, which is one and the same. "I" and "you" exist only in our minds. In the eyes of God there is only ONE, which exists everywhere at all times.
Beautifully written.
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Jul 20, 2019
God can be compared to human speech
and letters. It's such tangible proof of His existence.
Speech and writing are only appropriate for people.
There are many different languages and alphabets, but among
this diversity is the Only One method.
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Jul 20, 2019
Richard Dawkins:
"I formulate the hypothesis of God much more carefully: it exists
a superhuman, supernatural intelligence that designed and created in the intended way
The universe and everything that exists in it, including us.
The purpose of my book, Imaginary God is to defend the opposite opinion:
any creative intelligence complex enough to design anything,
it can only be created as the end product of an extensive process of gradual evolution. "
Richard Dawkins' problem is his thinking
- thinks logically, analytically and very thoroughly about the topics of creation and evolution
natural rights, etc.,
but he cannot realize the fact
why he thinks at all and why he can think.
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would like to follow that butterfly
Aug 23, 2019
Richard Dawkins:
"I formulate the hypothesis of God much more carefully: it exists
a superhuman, supernatural intelligence that designed and created in the intended way
The universe and everything that exists in it, including us.
The purpose of my book, Imaginary God is to defend the opposite opinion:
any creative intelligence complex enough to design anything,
it can only be created as the end product of an extensive process of gradual evolution. "
Richard Dawkins' problem is his thinking
- thinks logically, analytically and very thoroughly about the topics of creation and evolution
natural rights, etc.,
but he cannot realize the fact
why he thinks at all and why he can think.

The mystery of our world that emerged from eternal nothingness.
The mystery of consciousness.
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Aug 12, 2019
Its a tough subject. I have been thinking lately about near death experiences and how that relates to god. And I can't come up with any logical conclusion, it is very puzzling. NDE's just pose more questions. Why do people who die see their relatives who they have never seen in their life? What is the purpose of that? Lots of evidences point to that it is real but still you can't be sure. The only thing I can come up is that God is just everything. It consists of everything that exists in the universe and somehow has the certain order of things and it is all entwined in the endless circle - ouroboros snake. There is a certain logic to things, animals die and then get born again to feed and then die again. But is there a purpose to this? Tibetan book of dead talks about the purpose of this, I think if I remember correctly the goal is to become liberated from the karmic cycle, but then after you read that you go "ok and what then"? I dunno...
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Jul 20, 2019
I referred to NDE phenomena in a post:
Old knowledge (religious texts) have it that they contain
intellectual achievements of past generations. You can receive them
literally, but it is more purposeful to confront this
knowledge with contemporary knowledge and based on these two sources formulation of conclusions.
Liberation from the life cycle described in Buddhism = nirvana
it is a state when our body and mind are not functioning.
In fact, it reaches this state at the end of its life
every man. Buddhism speaking of different incarnations
leaves the implication that this only applies to one
human life. Everyone has consciousness
individual (unique). As far as probability
the same gene combination is possible
(an individual would be born, being a perfect copy in the sense
physical - body, body).
It is not possible to reappear the same
circumstances that shape individual awareness
(psyche + individual memory).
People (humanity) also have collective consciousness
(clan, national, cultural, etc.)
After the death of a person, his individual consciousness disappears
(it's like removing the operating system and the BIOS from
computer), and the body (computer) is subject to natural recycling.
While the operating system can be replicated, cloned,
transfer to another computer, media - this is not possible
in the case of living organisms.
It is possible in the case of consciousness to transfer through
memory of specific data for next (living) generations.

Perhaps this is the goal of evolution - cloned
a human (genotype) after maturity would have been deleted
consciousness, and in its place uploaded consciousness from the previous one
body. It is difficult to give opinions on the capacity of human memory
brain and how many such subsequent transformations the human brain would be able to bear. It's Just Science Fiction.
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Jul 20, 2019
AWARENESS in people appeared in a way not seen in other species during evolution. Undoubtedly, animals also have
awareness at the individual stage and herd.
However, for people except we can easily see individual consciousness and collective consciousness. Collective consciousness is the awareness of belonging to a group (family,
community, nation, human species, and worldview awareness.
It is known that the development of consciousness in people related
was with a change in the size of the brain and enabling organs
issuing articulated sounds - human SPEECH.
Next came the creation of the transfer system
information which is SCRIPTURE. That civilization would be possible
and its development, it was necessary to introduce a system of rules
- LAW.
These three things (speech, writing and law) form the basis
A monotheistic GOD existing in human minds.
Humanity discovers - deepens its knowledge of the universe
and about myself. This knowledge is constantly verified about
new arrangements based on SPEECH, SCRIPTURE AND RULES
The statement: "If God had not yet been discovered, it would take a day to find him." is wrong in itself.
It results from the assumption that God exists because I do not understand.
The opposite assumption - thank God I am able to reason
and get to know. Understanding and learning is sometimes a "flash of genius" or a long and arduous process.

There is a fundamental difference between individual consciousness and collective consciousness.
God "living forever" manifests in collective consciousness.
In individual consciousness, unfortunately, but these relationships do not look so promising.
A human with a sense of alienation from a group due to factors such as old age, illness,
disability, otherness etc. is left to itself. It starts to apply
principle of natural selection. There is no mercy or reward.
SS Forum is a group of people rejected from other social groups because of another
perception of the reality of life. Is a natural defense response of units
in the face of danger, we belong to a group because there is no place for us in others social groups.


Jul 20, 2019
Awareness in terms of quantum physics.
"Many scientists, who are still part of the mainstream of science, are not afraid to openly state that consciousness can, next to space, time, matter and energy, be one of the basic elements of the world - maybe even more fundamental than space and time. Excluding the spirit by nature can be a mistake. "
Jeremy Hayward spoke these words
nuclear physicist and molecular biologist from the University of Cambridge.
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