

Jul 20, 2019
The problem of understanding and imagining god.
Most of the early and primitive cults began by personifying and giving personality to the gods and naming them.
These gods had zoomorphic or human shapes, had human weaknesses, defects, etc. This trend indicates that from the ancient
To the present, even Christianity succumbed to this temptation. Everyone knows that Christianity was born in
based on the basics of Judaism, but very few already see in it the influence of Hellenic culture after previous conquests
Alexander of Macedonia, as a result, it is a resultant of these two concepts of god "in the image and likeness."
The first monotheistic religion was initiated by Abraham - Judaism according to this concept is God's all, he is everywhere, he knows
everything, etc., even his name is unknown.
According. The Old Testament man was made on day 6 from the earth dust - clay and breathed life into it. The vast majority of people
believers are inclined to think that God has made a figurine and revived it, meanwhile this claying
the humanity of making clay vessels and using them, bricks and using them to build settlements, and the thing
the most important tab with bills and cuneiform writing (it gave the opportunity to transfer intellectual property to people).
So we see that day 6 lasted according to human estimation of time, what more than a few thousand years. God's likeness is to be understood
more as possibilities in the sphere of the intellect - similarity, not a physical image (matter). There is even a scientific theory that similar inventions
created in a similar period of time in independent centers that are not in contact with each other.
The second very important thing is that practically every religion uses the language and writing system proper to itself,
Judaism - Hebrew, Islam - Arabic, Christianity - depends on the faction (Greek, Latin, Coptic), etc.
In the Old Testament there is talk of the Tower of Babel when people wanted to match the god, and he mixed up their tongues by nullifying the plan.
Nowadays, a kind of Babel tower is the internet with the possibility of google translate in the browser and it turns out that the language
it is no longer a barrier to communication between people, and yet the vast majority of people think subconsciously with stereotypes imposed
in their youth, not seeing the need to verify them throughout their lives. Knowledge is at your fingertips, no one cares about
its level, the authorities and value systems are falling. Religions in their traditional message are wobbling, they can not stand
in a confrontation with reality. Almost people are brushing against divinity, but they forget that the divine plan exists.
Humanity continues and develops, but it consists of individuals and these are deadly and substitutable. As far as we can
to understand the origins of life on earth and its evolution, in the case of the creation of the universe, we move on probable theories.
The human ego is not able to overcome the barrier imagining how matter was created from a non-material thing. We are able to imagine
the omnipresent consciousness shaping humanity, can such consciousness exist by itself? - we will never know as people,
because human consciousness limits the matter of the body. Intellectual memory is still present in the living part of humanity, young people are still young
they teach and deepen, and the old ones leave, the older the more alienated from the present. Is the global access to knowledge and information
has an impact on the growing number of suicides in the world in recent years, it is slowly stopping to inform about it in the media and the Internet, and the information that appears quickly disappears without a trace.
Another thing is something
such as justice in the human sense does not exist, the law of creation is the law of natural selection, the law is innumerable
number of gene combinations, it is not important for the plan to create that healthy, defective, transgender, etc. are born
that in psychology is shaped the psyche that determines the adult life, parents are notis chosen .
Proper God? - the concept of good and evil makes no sense without reference to the subject. Not everything is good for everyone.
Being aware of our own imperfections, whether physically or mentally, the intellect forces us to seek solutions
when we begin to see the hopelessness of the individual's position as a human being, there is an awareness of where he really is
we find and what we mean is the bonus of the plan of creation - the forbidden fruit - we tasted you can die conscious, free will,
sky - non-existence (nothingness) is just beyond the instinct of survival. Life is a hell but not everyone is aware of it
this matter, the sooner the better for you. God is simply a strategist for whom humanity counts, not man.
The example that I give may not be the most appropriate for the elites who rule the world - How many people had to die, including Jews during
World War II, in order to revive the state of Israel, even the Third Temple of YadWeSZ was built - the Hand of the Name - God exists, unexplored
there are his paths, he does not need worship in the old edition (victims of burnt, priests, etc.), but our memory and consciousness are needed.
If God is one, it is in a way an initiator of changes in the present which shape the future. Will good overcome evil? - such
something will never happen, one needs the other to exist. Everyone comes to this world and is not able to change laws
who govern it, you can only be aware of it or not.
Whether for the god who is the omnipresent consciousness, single acts of committed suicides matter - definitely not, though everyone
people participate in collective consciousness, but each thinks individually and takes action, based on his thinking
everyone has a strong survival instinct. Even collective suicides like in Massada, Jonestown, Uganda (2000) and others are usually related to
religion, their scale though huge, however, in relation to the entire living human population is negligible even insignificant.
It frightens only those who live in pro life, somehow strengthens the will to live. The susceptibility of a group of people to manipulation is puzzling.
In any case, suicide is an act of individual will, and death is always death, suicidal or natural releases from suffering and pain of life.
"Merciful God" led humanity to the invention of sodium pentobarbital and its use in the humanitarian way out of life, so improved
version of CYKUTY (hemlock + opium). Who is really interested in preventing access to this method for all? - the same ones who convince us
that our life is not our property.
I would like to emphasize that there is my personal view, I do not intend to impose it on anyone, I do not want to offend anyone, I send a lot of empathy and
understanding for forum members.

p.s. - I do not even have the strength to cry, and I do not even think about fighting.
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Jul 20, 2019


"GOD" - (I will use logic concepts here to facilitate understanding) is a basic collection covering literally everything,
matter, the laws that govern it, but also immaterial things - thought, ideas, etc. Literally everything that we know as
humanity and what we do not know. Few people take into account that as people we are limited by our senses
and the brain. Measuring instruments for examining ourselves and what surrounds us are adapted to our cognitive abilities,
which in a way is in itself an insurmountable barrier, and can even lead us to wrong conclusions.
Unfortunately, but even probably our imagination is limited (example - a journey in time - how was it?
- it's impossible, sooner neurosurgeons will be able to transplant the brain - condition if they do it in 1 minute).
Such a god is the supreme god, and regardless of beliefs, he exists even in unconscious atheists. A multitude of subsets
of various religions and religions (including atheism) in the collection of Religions God does not bother, it may even be
a desirable state. God is like UNIVERSE.

"Religion" - practically all aims at guiding the group, community, society, nation to ensure durability
humanity as a species, from religious practices derive origin social engineering, media influence, cybernetics,
manipulation etc.

"Man" - man as a unit is only a substitutable element, for GOD more important is humanity (a subset of the set of life).
Everyone, without exception, as an individual is selfish. Egoism this is synonymous with survival instinct.

"Human Soul" - what it really is - It's nothing but a psyche shaped from the day of birth and memory (inseparably connected
with time). The memory and personality of the individual disappears after the function of the brain has ceased.

"Good and Evil" - these concepts can not exist alone, that is, one without the other, and both have a relative value in relation to
a subject without which they practically do not exist. An example of a farmer wants to rain and a tourist to sunny weather.

"Suicide" - this is probably the only act of free will available to man, the loss of one element has no major impact on all humanity.
Every life ends in death anyway, regardless of the desire to survive.

"Life after death" - in fact after death you can only exist in the consciousness of living people, so "live" for example: Jesus, Lenin, Einstein, etc.
for his contribution to the intellectual achievements of humanity. The average person exists after his death in the closest consciousness
families and friends, in subsequent generations, knowledge gradually marginalizes.
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Jul 20, 2019
2019 08 05 145841

GOD, eternal rest, give me,
I trust in You and I place my hope in you.
Happy to you who are freed from worry and sorrow life.
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Jul 20, 2019
For those who want to learn more about the above topic, I recommend the text Religion carries a message ?. at the link -
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Jul 20, 2019
Humanity experiences the existence of a god through consciousness (mind).
The vast majority of humanity believe in god (in general).
We have a specific facts state
of which it is such that the vast majority people of "God exists."
Even atheists have consciousness (mind).
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Jul 20, 2019
I'm still trying to imagine what GOD looks like
I try to consider all facts available
people resulting from scientific and intellectual achievements,
including various concepts of "His" vision arising from
of different religions, I also consider my own imperfection
arising from the senses and mind that
limit me like any other man.

The concept (representation) of "GOD" could be that, consisting
of the elements constituting unity (EHAD):
1. Existing in the minds (consciousness) of living beings
realistically, i.e. physically. This kind of symbiosis. Beings
living real would be lethal, while existing
in their consciousness it would exist "all the time" and develop
along with their civilization. This "immortal" would not feel
suffering of physically living beings. Theoretically it's possible
but foreign to us because we depend on the body.
It would not bother "him" that because of beings
carnal would be understood in different ways depending
from the culture and language they use, and independently
from their state of consciousness. Diversity among the living
is a necessary condition for continuous further development.
2. I can't imagine how or if it "feels"
inanimate matter, I suppose a kind of "consciousness"
of this matter are the laws and principles known to humanity
which rule and keep it in the shape we know.
Do we know all the laws of matter? - no.
3. Everything that lies beyond the limits of human cognition.
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Jul 20, 2019
Nirwana (expiry)
Death is not painful for those who have no attachment or unfulfilled desires,
even by hanging. Life is eternal for them.(They live as BUDDHA in
consciousness of the living - they become BUDDHA)

Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam Punarapi Janani Jatare Sayanam, Iha samsare bahu dustare Meaning:
I am entangled in this cycle of birth and death; time and again I experience agony and being in the womb.
It is very difficult to cross this ocean of earthly life. Please, take me across this ocean and give me liberation.

To be born is a worry; to be on earth is a worry; the world is the cause of worry and death;
all childhood is a worry, as is old age; life is a worry, failure is a worry;
all actions and difficulties cause worry; even happiness is a mysterious worry.
God's creation. The end of Consciousness is freedom. Consciousness is used by the mind. End of Mind is freedom from our soul.
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
30A45C38 7887 43AC 9ABD 738FCC24A4B2

No....just kidding
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Jul 20, 2019
I'm still trying to imagine what GOD looks like
I try to consider all facts available
people resulting from scientific and intellectual achievements,
including various concepts of "His" vision arising from
of different religions, I also consider my own imperfection
arising from the senses and mind that
limit me like any other man.

The concept (representation) of "GOD" could be that, consisting
of the elements constituting unity (EHAD):
1. Existing in the minds (consciousness) of living beings
realistically, i.e. physically. This kind of symbiosis. Beings
living real would be lethal, while existing
in their consciousness it would exist "all the time" and develop
along with their civilization. This "immortal" would not feel
suffering of physically living beings. Theoretically it's possible
but foreign to us because we depend on the body.
It would not bother "him" that because of beings
carnal would be understood in different ways depending
from the culture and language they use, and independently
from their state of consciousness. Diversity among the living
is a necessary condition for continuous further development.
2. I can't imagine how or if it "feels"
inanimate matter, I suppose a kind of "consciousness"
of this matter are the laws and principles known to humanity
which rule and keep it in the shape we know.
Do we know all the laws of matter? - no.
3. Everything that lies beyond the limits of human cognition.

Wyobraenie Boga
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Accomplished faker
May 30, 2019
Hey, I resemble that ^ remark...

B52FEA99 6DA6 44CE B38E BA050E11E37E
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Jul 20, 2019
For comparison, I present the symbolism (letter pictorial) God - the universe with the earth in a central point,
the sign comes from the beginning of our era.

3 wymiary
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No life, no problems
Aug 11, 2019
Most of "christian" symbols arent actually christian in origin.
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Jul 20, 2019
Rightly said ^ and another -


In other terms -

Uroboros 1
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Jul 20, 2019
In this forum, Kuolema reminded an interesting quote from Tolstoy:
"God is ALL infinite. Man is only his finite manifestation.
I will develop it as follows:
God is the infinite Everything that man knows is a finite part.
God Himself really exists. Man really manifests. He in time, space and matter.
The more the manifestation of God in man (individual life) unites with the manifestations (life) of other beings,
the more man exists. Unification with the lives of other beings is achieved through love understanding
(ability to empathize with other beings ).
God is not love, but the more love there is, the more man reveals God and the more he really exists ...
We recognize God only when we are aware of His manifestation in us. All conclusions and guidelines based on this
consciousness should fully satisfy both our desire to know God as such and our desire to live
based on this recognition. "
Like the moon is the Self. See it at all. Diversity is a product of faulty vision (understanding).
Because there is only one moon, so there is only one Self in all (complete consciousness is the full moon,
this consciousness in which the moon is not visible - it is self-awareness - the ego (I) of man).
I also mention that the human self as the moon only reflects the light of the sun - Human Attempts to Imagine Part of God.
In addition, this human self can not be greater than it is (man is limited by his senses, brain).
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
The first monotheistic religion was initiated by Abraham - Judaism according to this concept is God's all, he is everywhere, he knows
everything, etc., even his name is unknown.

The second very important thing is that practically every religion uses the language and writing system proper to itself,
Judaism - Hebrew, Islam - Arabic, Christianity - depends on the faction (Greek, Latin, Coptic), etc.

The example that I give may not be the most appropriate for the elites who rule the world - How many people had to die, including Jews during World War II, in order to revive the state of Israel, even the Third Temple of YadWeSZ was built - the Hand of the Name - God exists, unexplored
there are his paths, he does not need worship in the old edition (victims of burnt, priests, etc.), but our memory and consciousness are needed.
If God is one, it is in a way an initiator of changes in the present which shape the future. Will good overcome evil? - such
something will never happen, one needs the other to exist. Everyone comes to this world and is not able to change laws
who govern it, you can only be aware of it or not.

Just a few questions/comments:

1] YHWH's name wasn't unknown; it just wasn't spoken except by the high priests. And Abraham's religion wasn't monotheistic; there were other gods, but they weren't as red-hot as the *right one*. One term for the almighty used in Hebrew prayers is even plural (Elohim).

2] What about Aramaic? And when you say "practically every religion", you mean that some religions *don't* use languages that are "proper for themselves". Can you tell us which ones you mean?

3] When you say "the elites who rule the world", who do you have in mind?

4] You're using a translation software, aren't you. It's making mistakes like saying "deadly" when you mean "mortal", or spouting "example - a journey in time - how was it? - it's impossible, sooner neurosurgeons will be able to transplant the brain - condition if they do it in 1 minute", which I can't understand at all. It makes it very hard to follow you.

I like the unconscious atheists, though. 8]
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Jul 20, 2019
I see your point, @Soul^^^^

1.YHWH name is in itself - I AM THAT (Which) I AM has the power to do it, since I am it is impossible not to be.
The realities in which it manifested itself (the culture of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine) were such that magic was widely believed in
and spells. Spells are known as words, language and writing. It was thought that even a god could be killed by inverting the name, blurring
name etc. example from Egypt - ATON.
The plural (Elohim) results from the properties of a language Hebrew, however, this is an exception and always in the liturgy
means the same One God.
2. The translation from the original is not enough, even the most accurate. To understand translation, you also need to understand
the reality in which he repeated: Aramaic was the language of the street, and Hebrew was the language of the liturgy.
3. I mean people.
4. The brain without blood supply dies within 4-5 minutes. A transplant within 1 minute would have a chance of success. Sorry for the language whose
I use forum, English is not my native language, I use google translate.
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Jul 20, 2019
I want to thank everyone who said
in this thread for questions and comments.


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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
I see your point, @Soul^^^^

1.YHWH name is in itself - I AM THAT (Which) I AM has the power to do it, since I am it is impossible not to be.
The realities in which it manifested itself (the culture of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine) were such that magic was widely believed in
and spells. Spells are known as words, language and writing. It was thought that even a god could be killed by inverting the name, blurring
name etc. example from Egypt - ATON.
The plural (Elohim) results from the properties of a language Hebrew, however, this is an exception and always in the liturgy
means the same One God.
2. The translation from the original is not enough, even the most accurate. To understand translation, you also need to understand
the reality in which he repeated: Aramaic was the language of the street, and Hebrew was the language of the liturgy.
3. I mean people.
4. The brain without blood supply dies within 4-5 minutes. A transplant within 1 minute would have a chance of success. Sorry for the language whose
I use forum, English is not my native language, I use google translate.

Thank you, ish. I'm interested in the issues you're discussing and I wish google was a better translator. I bet more people would respond to you if it were easier to get at your meaning.

Yes, Elohim is used in prayer to mean Adonai Echad, but it's also evident from the Torah that there were other gods around. I don't think worshipping just one of many existing gods really counts as monotheism, does it?

So ... what language(s) do you consider proper for Christianity? Does it depend on the century? What about the Latter-Day Saints? (I'm just curious.)
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Jul 20, 2019
Thank you, ish. I'm interested in the issues you're discussing and I wish google was a better translator. I bet more people would respond to you if it were easier to get at your meaning.

Yes, Elohim is used in prayer to mean Adonai Echad, but it's also evident from the Torah that there were other gods around. I don't think worshipping just one of many existing gods really counts as monotheism, does it?

So ... what language(s) do you consider proper for Christianity? Does it depend on the century? What about the Latter-Day Saints? (I'm just curious.)

Thanks for showing interest. I am not an authority
with academic titles. But it was my life that forced me to
searching and they became my passion. From own experience
I know that even an accurate translation is not enough to understand
sense of the text, you also need to know the realities
in which the original was created, sources that inspired the author, etc.
The history of ancient Israel is a constant struggle for livelihood for
monotheism, in the cultural melting pot of Israel and Judah, slavery
Babylonian and diaspora time after the fall of the Second Temple. Yes for diaspora Judaism,
his followers confronted with all sorts of others
of religion and concepts contained in them, and the most important is that in Judaism all the time language the liturgy is Hebrew.
Christianity quite early on the uprisings brought ideas in many languages - Aramaic, Greek, Arabic, Coptic, Syrian, Armenian, Georgian, Latin, etc.
Islam adopted a different tactic, with conquests won
territories introduced religion with a liturgical Arabic language.
In my opinion, all the above-mentioned religions speak of
one and the same God, and the source of differences is exclusively
language and culture.
In Judaism is even the doctrine reincarnation (of the soul) and even secular Judaism.
Everyone can adopt a "blind" attitude in their own lives faith, or follow the search path. You should search everywhere,
also in modern science.
As for age - man learns through your whole life.
I was born and I live in Poland, a country where
the culture of Slavs and Jews influences each other,
it's over 1000 years. When I started learning Hebrew
I realized how many accretions are in Polish,
not to mention cultural heritage.
(When the state of Israel was established at one of the first meetings
The Knesset decided on the official language, - Polish or Hebrew
voted in favor of the Hebrew language by a majority of 1 (one) voice.)
For over 500 years in Poland and its culture of Slavs and Jews,
also worked Islam culture through the Tatars, such a melting pot
cultural and traces of it are also in Polish.

Monotheism is more a way of understanding God.
Judaism is not there with this problem
"Szema Israel, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad"
(listen to Israel, the Lord (is) God, the Lord (is) One).
In Islam there is a saying about infidels (kafir) - they add to God
Christianity introduces confusion and chaos, 1 in the trinity
(son-man, God, Holy Spirit), (son, Father, Holy Spirit)
(son of God, God, Holy Spirit) etc.for in the text interpretation on also has influence of iconography.
In some paintings the Holy Spirit is depicted as a woman or as Satan.
In my opinion the definition of the Trinity -
(1) God
(2) present in consciousness= Holy Spirit
(3) human (people).=son-man
This is due to the specificity of the Aramaic language, which Jesus Nazarene used, and this is what he meant by - One God.
He it this way - he talked about God.
Buddha was probably thinking of many gods -
many aspects of one God, and speaking of becoming a Buddha he had on thinks most likely a man reaching a state -
full consciousness regarding self.

The Mormon Doctrines (LDS) are quite loose and inconsistent in terms
a logical,this mixture of any interpretation of Old and New
Testament and revelations. Rational and empirical analysis of this
ideas are not logical, followers are rather "blind believers"
Over 16 million followers is quite a lot.
Latter-day Saints (LDS) - I understand it this way - the end of the world is everyday, but not for everyone,
every day someone dies and makes accounts with his life - every day someone is born and stays salvation between women.
God needs a variety of denominations, people etc.
The Church (meaning - community, community) of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - community and community is nothing
other than the integration of like-minded people and the way to
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Nobody exists on purpose. Come ctb
Apr 19, 2019
1.YHWH name is in itself - I AM THAT (Which) I AM has the power to do it, since I am it is impossible not to be.
The realities in which it manifested itself (the culture of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine) were such that magic was widely believed in
and spells. Spells are known as words, language and writing. It was thought that even a god could be killed by inverting the name, blurring
name etc. example from Egypt - ATON.
The plural (Elohim) results from the properties of a language Hebrew, however, this is an exception and always in the liturgy
means the same One God.

People see lots of things. People used to believe earth was flat because they saw a flat horizon. Them seeing some sort of manifestations doesn't make it any truer. They could just be high on incense.
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Jul 20, 2019
People see lots of things. People used to believe earth was flat because they saw a flat horizon. Them seeing some sort of manifestations doesn't make it any truer. They could just be high on incense.
I respect your view.
However, I see it this way:
There is information = bit (1)
No information = bit (0)
Few experience the Déjà vu effect - in our mind the conflict between the feeling of "familiarity" and the knowledge that we cannot know the situation.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
Thanks @ish - I need to digest what you'e written, but wanted to say I agree with a lot of it. The existence of other gods than YHWH seems to me to fade out of Jewish (or rather Hebrew/Israelite) thinking; I'm not sure when, but there's evidence that the Hebrews perceived other gods way early, before the fugitive Arameans went down to Egypt.

Meanwhile, Polish culture and Jewish culture have indeed influenced each other a lot. I don't like karp po żydowsku but I do enjoy the fact that Jews call it Polish-style carp.
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Jul 20, 2019
Thanks @ish - I need to digest what you'e written, but wanted to say I agree with a lot of it. The existence of other gods than YHWH seems to me to fade out of Jewish (or rather Hebrew/Israelite) thinking; I'm not sure when, but there's evidence that the Hebrews perceived other gods way early, before the fugitive Arameans went down to Egypt.

Meanwhile, Polish culture and Jewish culture have indeed influenced each other a lot. I don't like karp po żydowsku but I do enjoy the fact that Jews call it Polish-style carp.

As for carp in Jewish style - a national dish of Poles consumed during the Christmas Eve (December 24, Adam and Eve's name day)
- the most celebrated holiday of the year in Poland. Such a solemn Shabbat - candles on the table, wafer (maca) traditional dishes, singing Christmas carols, gifts, etc.

Jews in Poland and not only in Poland celebrate Passover the most - Exit from Egypt - traditional dishes, maca, seder, Hagada, etc.
Israel's exit from Egypt is nothing more than a transition from the hieroglyphic system (holy signs) * to the letter system (alphabet).
This is what this festivity is about.
Before World War II Jews in Poland asked , "Who are you - Israel (people, people), Levita (priest's helper) or Kohen (Cohen Gadol)?

* Hieroglyphs-a syllabic writing system, another syllabic writing system is cuneiform.

Muslims in Poland as around the world for the most important festivity Id al-Adha (Kurban Bajram "Festivity of Offering") - a traditional dish from a live animal (sheep or cow; slaughter halal = kosher),
the meat is divided into three equal parts and eaten at a joint feast, recites the Koran, visits the mosque and gives money
poor and for charity. This holiday concerns the offering to God by Abraham (Ibrahim) of his son Ishmael (Isma'il). It was also described in TORA. In religions Proto-Canaanite, Proto-Palestinian and Phoenician, child sacrifice to God was not unusual.
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Jul 20, 2019
Most of "christian" symbols arent actually christian in origin.
3 wymiary

The universe with the earth in a central point - the earth at the intersection of coordinates (vertical height with a hook Which means "suspension",
length and width Arranged in the letter X means Hourglass -Time. All dimensions together mean space.
[With reference to the symbolism of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, at the intersection of the coordinates there is the sun (a circle with a dot in the center) (also refers to the concept of time).
Coordinates arranged in a letter X described by a circle mean "determinativ". The vertical coordinate means an inverted (to the right) shepherd's staff = GOD scepter]
All this is defined by the term ABSOLUT = GOD. The outer circle alone means the possibilities of human cognition (the universe suspended in the absolute).
In Slavic mythology a similar sign defined Perun the Thunderer = Nordic THOR = Greek Zeus = Proto-Palestinian Baal, El.
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Jul 20, 2019
As for carp in Jewish style - a national dish of Poles consumed during the Christmas Eve (December 24, Adam and Eve's name day)
- the most celebrated holiday of the year in Poland. Such a solemn Shabbat - candles on the table, wafer (maca) traditional dishes, singing Christmas carols, gifts, etc.

Jews in Poland and not only in Poland celebrate Passover the most - Exit from Egypt - traditional dishes, maca, seder, Hagada, etc.
Israel's exit from Egypt is nothing more than a transition from the hieroglyphic system (holy signs) * to the letter system (alphabet).
This is what this festivity is about.
Before World War II Jews in Poland asked , "Who are you - Israel (people, people), Levita (priest's helper) or Kohen (Cohen Gadol)?

* Hieroglyphs-a syllabic writing system, another syllabic writing system is cuneiform.

Muslims in Poland as around the world for the most important festivity Id al-Adha (Kurban Bajram "Festivity of Offering") - a traditional dish from a live animal (sheep or cow; slaughter halal = kosher),
the meat is divided into three equal parts and eaten at a joint feast, recites the Koran, visits the mosque and gives money
poor and for charity. This holiday concerns the offering to God by Abraham (Ibrahim) of his son Ishmael (Isma'il). It was also described in TORA. In religions Proto-Canaanite, Proto-Palestinian and Phoenician, child sacrifice to God was not unusual.
Jews - refers to nationality, but there is no Jewish state. Jewish language - Yiddish, ladino, a whole bunch of local dialects.
The Jew is the same as any other man (gentile - not Jewish)
Israel-refers to nationality, the state was from the capture of Palestine to the fall of the Second Temple, later the diaspora, and modern Israel,
there is no such thing as an Israeli language.
An Israeli is "the one who fought God" (Jakub, Yaakow), the term is general, it does not specify the purpose, it just talks about fighting. No
it results from him whether he fought against God or alongside God. In my opinion, it is about the internal struggle of man on the
ego (nature) - consciousness. Knowing yourself.
Hebrew-refers only to the language "Lashon Kodesh - Holy Language", there was never a Hebrew state, there is no such thing
like Hebrew nationality. I met with the definition of Hebrew - "the one who crossed Jordan and planted a tree".
In my opinion, it is about changing the approach in thinking so as to find relationships between everything and everything to learn
self. (similarity to the ZEN ideology).
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would like to follow that butterfly
Aug 23, 2019
I also mention that the human self as the moon only reflects the light of the sun - Human Attempts to Imagine Part of God.
In addition, this human self can not be greater than it is (man is limited by his senses, brain).
I like thinking about it.
In our modern societies, we live in the age of the positive thought. We have this irrational idea that we could accomplish anything, and that human brain could embrace everything.
But is a dog's brain able to understand what a supernova is ? There necessarily are things that we will never discover.
It's a matter of humility.
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Jul 20, 2019

I am also of the opinion that people have not yet discovered all the possibilities. However, he realizes
from the fact that progress has been made in just the last
150 years, is only a few generations. His main reason is
revolutions, two world wars and the so-called Cold War
(this forces change and force progress).
About 200 million years were needed from scientific hypotheses regarding how the human brain changed and the formation of speech organs. At this scale, we are no different from people who lived several thousand years ago.
Technology sets us apart. Instead of developing"telepathy sense "- we use smartphones etc. Technology and its development brings a lot of threats. Will Humanity survive another 200 million years - it's hard to say.
I am also of the opinion that it is better to stand on the side - conscious humbleness.

P.S. Your avatar is very feminine and romantic.
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