

If this isn't the end, what's meant of learning.
Mar 8, 2021
All this talk of how amazing cats are aside...
No religious determinism if you please...
After we CTB, what is waiting, after everything that has come before, what should we expect???

After suicide, what do people seriously think happens until a time where time is irrelevant...

I'm super curious.
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Mar 22, 2020
I'm super curious too.
There are so many theories but I think it's either eternal nothingness or we log out from this simulation and find "the real world".
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If this isn't the end, what's meant of learning.
Mar 8, 2021
I like that, I've articles about the 'simulation' theory, V interesting
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Dec 21, 2020
I'm super curious too.
There are so many theories but I think it's either eternal nothingness or we log out from this simulation and find "the real world".
Would you be disappointed if there was a "real world"? Do you think you'd still be you?
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Mar 22, 2020
Would you be disappointed if there was a "real world"? Do you think you'd still be you?

As long as I'm still myself I wouldn't be disappointed but I would like to know why the hell I decided to experience this hell.
I bet the "real world" is quite perfect and boring and that's why they created this flawed simulation.
It's just like videogames, we play them when we're bored because they're funny and help us to kill the time.

On the other hand, if I happen to be just the memory of another guy, I'll be really mad although maybe, I won't even be able to do that because I'll be worth nothing and probably won't exist anymore.
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Dec 21, 2020
As long as I'm still myself I wouldn't be disappointed but I would like to know why the hell I decided to experience this hell.
I bet the "real world" is quite perfect and boring and that's why they created this flawed simulation.
It's just like videogames, we play them when we're bored because they're funny and help us to kill the time.

On the other hand, if I happen to be just the memory of another guy, I'll be really mad although maybe, I won't even be able to do that because I'll be worth nothing and probably won't exist anymore.
I guess I worry about that because if I'm still me, I probably have the same problems. I still won't like myself. Doesn't seem like there would be any relief, and I would just end up having to CTB again? Lmao.

Plus some people have great lives so... It's not flawed for them. Unless we have perfect lives back there and just want to experience a shitty one? Who knows lol.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I find some of the theories quite interesting about this, but I believe there is just nothing. Just like how before we were born time existed and we weren't there, I think we return to that. I find it comforting, just the thought of eternal peace like falling into a deep sleep. I feel as though a lot of these religious theories are people thinking their existence has some kind of deeper meaning. If there is an afterlife I don't want a part of it.


Apr 14, 2021
I think it's simply the end of existence. The idea that it would somehow go on forever, I find it hard to imagine anything more horrible than that.
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Debbie Northampton U

Oct 22, 2020
We are eternal spirits experiencing a human life unfortunately. There's another thread about this which is interesting. I don't actually think I want eternal life even if it is full of love and warmth. Because there just has to be a downside somewhere.


Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
All this talk of how amazing cats are aside...
No religious determinism if you please...
After we CTB, what is waiting, after everything that has come before, what should we expect???

After suicide, what do people seriously think happens until a time where time is irrelevant...

I'm super curious.


I'm certain of it.
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Mar 14, 2021
I was not here for billions of years then i was born and lived here for a few years then i died and will probably go back to where i was before i was born IN OTHER WORDS WE ARE ALL GODS WHO WANTED TO COME HERE FOR THE EXPERIENCE

I'm certain of it.

Debbie Northampton U

Oct 22, 2020
I was not here for billions of years then i was born and lived here for a few years then i died and will probably go back to where i was before i was born IN OTHER WORDS WE ARE ALL GODS WHO WANTED TO COME HERE FOR THE EXPERIENCE

Who on earth would want the experience? So you're sat in your pure energy non-body and after a while think, oh I'm bored, I think I'd like to try a human life where I'm kept captive for years and then murdered, yes, that's what I'll do.
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This_sux ✓

This_sux ✓

Forever alone
Aug 6, 2020
I'm actually believing the simulation theory in 50%. It either ends or not, honestly I don't care.

Also entering "the better life" after death seems nice. Im an atheist, but I still like guessing what happens next


Apr 17, 2018
I once had a lucid dream where my 'soul/spirit/aura' flew out of my body and it was pure bliss and peacefulness (a very unique feeling that's undescribable). I hope that's the other side.


If this isn't the end, what's meant of learning.
Mar 8, 2021
Thank you for contributions.


May 15, 2020
I don't trust anyone or anything waiting for me on the other side of this lifetime. They are my enemy by default. If, at any time, any entity thought this lifetime was good or necessary or for my "growth," our relationship is now severed. I have experienced the love. Not worth it. I will never trust anyone again, not least of which anyone who tries to use the argument that the absolute hell I endured on this earth was in any way "good for me."


If this isn't the end, what's meant of learning.
Mar 8, 2021
Bored Cat GIF
I entreat the next life


Apr 2, 2019
My mother used to tell me when I was a child that we are all eternal souls who live on earth for awhile (why? she didn't say why...) but that this life is only a part of a bigger existence we aren't able to comprehend. She truly believed this and I guess hearing that as a child it stayed with me and I 'believe' that now as well, though I've grown dubious as I've grown up.

I mention the above because my mom and I also used to discuss life/death a lot, especially in her final years when she was so ill (and I was so terrified of that day coming when she'd not be here anymore). She told me she wasn't afraid of dying because there was more than just this short, physical existence and that our souls continued on to another kind of existence after death. She honestly viewed life as precious, but still only a blip on something larger, something incomprehensible to the human mind.

So one time when she'd been in the hospital, she had an incident of dangerously low blood sugar during the night. She told me that when it was happening, it was like she 'stood up from the bed, and walked over to the window in her hospital room and watched the nurses and medical personnel work on her'. I asked her what did she feel like, and she said she just felt peaceful. Not sick or anything. She said this went on for awhile and then suddenly, she just was 'back in her body', waking up with the nurses around her. I know that her 'experience' might have only been a biological thing as a result of her low sugar, or a dream, whatever...but I like to think it was a genuine experience and indicated that we are something besides and beyond just a bag of meat that is nothing once our life flickers out. But then i think: yeah, sure. So I guess I'm just conflicted. lol

The other thing though that I always think about (a LOT, actually) is something that happened to ME the morning after my mom died. I live four hours away from her, and she was in the hospital when she passed but ironically was meant to be discharged the day of her death (she died around 12:30 a.m.) to go home to hospice care. I could tell though when I spoke with her on the phone that last evening she probably wouldn't make it until morning, and I couldn't believe I'd not gotten a chance to see her one last time. The last time I'd seen her was like four months before. But on the phone that last night she just sounded so out of it, and kept saying how 'tired' she was and just wanted to sleep. So I told her I loved her and I'd see her soon, knowing I probably wouldn't.

My family called me around 2 a.m. to tell me the news. Of course that night for me was long, and hellish. The next morning I went into the bathroom and was just standing there looking into the mirror, still in shock, and thinking "my mom is gone". My mom was like my only friend and was my biggest source of support as I struggled through years of mental health and chronic physical health issues myself. I felt completely adrift and afraid and alone at that moment. So then I walked about 4 feet over to the bathroom scale and this...thing...suddenly flicked against my leg and fell onto the floor. At first I thought it was a bug. (this was in July and so - bugs get in here often) But when I bent down to see what it was, I discovered it was this small bird charm that'd fallen off a bracelet of mine MONTHS before. There was NOTHING on my that that charm could've caught on, it wasn't in my pocket and fell just somehow DID drop onto the floor, right at my feet, at the very moment. I'm sure there is a logical explanation as to how it got there - meaning, I don't believe it suddenly materialized there out of nothingness or anything supernatural like that. But I **DO** believe the reason it appeared then, at that moment on that day, was it was my mom trying to tell me she was finally free from her sick body, and she was OK. She loved birds and I've read many times birds are a symbol of hope, sent by a deceased loved one. I want to believe it's so, and that bird charm was a message from my mom.

Still, I waver constantly on what happens after death. Do we go on, elsewhere, somewhere better? Or do we wink out, like a candle flame? I can't seem to TRULY, 100% commit to believing one way or the other yet. But I guess I lean more towards thinking there is more beyond this physical existence, out of desperation to make sense of why we're here at all and also the fervent hope that I'll see my mom and other loved ones again someday.

This long post didn't really contribute much to this discussion I guess. But I felt the need to write it out and share. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read it all. <3
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If this isn't the end, what's meant of learning.
Mar 8, 2021
My mother used to tell me when I was a child that we are all eternal souls who live on earth for awhile (why? she didn't say why...) but that this life is only a part of a bigger existence we aren't able to comprehend. She truly believed this and I guess hearing that as a child it stayed with me and I 'believe' that now as well, though I've grown dubious as I've grown up.

I mention the above because my mom and I also used to discuss life/death a lot, especially in her final years when she was so ill (and I was so terrified of that day coming when she'd not be here anymore). She told me she wasn't afraid of dying because there was more than just this short, physical existence and that our souls continued on to another kind of existence after death. She honestly viewed life as precious, but still only a blip on something larger, something incomprehensible to the human mind.

So one time when she'd been in the hospital, she had an incident of dangerously low blood sugar during the night. She told me that when it was happening, it was like she 'stood up from the bed, and walked over to the window in her hospital room and watched the nurses and medical personnel work on her'. I asked her what did she feel like, and she said she just felt peaceful. Not sick or anything. She said this went on for awhile and then suddenly, she just was 'back in her body', waking up with the nurses around her. I know that her 'experience' might have only been a biological thing as a result of her low sugar, or a dream, whatever...but I like to think it was a genuine experience and indicated that we are something besides and beyond just a bag of meat that is nothing once our life flickers out. But then i think: yeah, sure. So I guess I'm just conflicted. lol

The other thing though that I always think about (a LOT, actually) is something that happened to ME the morning after my mom died. I live four hours away from her, and she was in the hospital when she passed but ironically was meant to be discharged the day of her death (she died around 12:30 a.m.) to go home to hospice care. I could tell though when I spoke with her on the phone that last evening she probably wouldn't make it until morning, and I couldn't believe I'd not gotten a chance to see her one last time. The last time I'd seen her was like four months before. But on the phone that last night she just sounded so out of it, and kept saying how 'tired' she was and just wanted to sleep. So I told her I loved her and I'd see her soon, knowing I probably wouldn't.

My family called me around 2 a.m. to tell me the news. Of course that night for me was long, and hellish. The next morning I went into the bathroom and was just standing there looking into the mirror, still in shock, and thinking "my mom is gone". My mom was like my only friend and was my biggest source of support as I struggled through years of mental health and chronic physical health issues myself. I felt completely adrift and afraid and alone at that moment. So then I walked about 4 feet over to the bathroom scale and this...thing...suddenly flicked against my leg and fell onto the floor. At first I thought it was a bug. (this was in July and so - bugs get in here often) But when I bent down to see what it was, I discovered it was this small bird charm that'd fallen off a bracelet of mine MONTHS before. There was NOTHING on my that that charm could've caught on, it wasn't in my pocket and fell just somehow DID drop onto the floor, right at my feet, at the very moment. I'm sure there is a logical explanation as to how it got there - meaning, I don't believe it suddenly materialized there out of nothingness or anything supernatural like that. But I **DO** believe the reason it appeared then, at that moment on that day, was it was my mom trying to tell me she was finally free from her sick body, and she was OK. She loved birds and I've read many times birds are a symbol of hope, sent by a deceased loved one. I want to believe it's so, and that bird charm was a message from my mom.

Still, I waver constantly on what happens after death. Do we go on, elsewhere, somewhere better? Or do we wink out, like a candle flame? I can't seem to TRULY, 100% commit to believing one way or the other yet. But I guess I lean more towards thinking there is more beyond this physical existence, out of desperation to make sense of why we're here at all and also the fervent hope that I'll see my mom and other loved ones again someday.

This long post didn't really contribute much to this discussion I guess. But I felt the need to write it out and share. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read it all. <3
Bored Cat GIF
thank you for sharing, I too feel spiritually, if not skeptically about things. And fervently await things, like a reduction in the cost of tuna fish, and especially proof of the afterlife
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May 26, 2019
Considering that neither I nor anyone I know remembers their former lives, I don't believe in reincarnation. Add in that a variety of religions have very different views of a concept of afterlife, I don't believe any one religion has a chance of being correct than the another one. So, I think we all fade away into nothingness, if for no other reason than entropy.

I've yet to be convinced otherwise.
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Apr 2, 2019
Bored Cat GIF
thank you for sharing, I too feel spiritually, if not skeptically about things. And fervently await things, like a reduction in the cost of tuna fish, and especially proof of the afterlife
If there is an afterlife I hope it'll be full of free tuna for you! :) <3

Debbie Northampton U

Oct 22, 2020
My mother used to tell me when I was a child that we are all eternal souls who live on earth for awhile (why? she didn't say why...) but that this life is only a part of a bigger existence we aren't able to comprehend. She truly believed this and I guess hearing that as a child it stayed with me and I 'believe' that now as well, though I've grown dubious as I've grown up.

I mention the above because my mom and I also used to discuss life/death a lot, especially in her final years when she was so ill (and I was so terrified of that day coming when she'd not be here anymore). She told me she wasn't afraid of dying because there was more than just this short, physical existence and that our souls continued on to another kind of existence after death. She honestly viewed life as precious, but still only a blip on something larger, something incomprehensible to the human mind.

So one time when she'd been in the hospital, she had an incident of dangerously low blood sugar during the night. She told me that when it was happening, it was like she 'stood up from the bed, and walked over to the window in her hospital room and watched the nurses and medical personnel work on her'. I asked her what did she feel like, and she said she just felt peaceful. Not sick or anything. She said this went on for awhile and then suddenly, she just was 'back in her body', waking up with the nurses around her. I know that her 'experience' might have only been a biological thing as a result of her low sugar, or a dream, whatever...but I like to think it was a genuine experience and indicated that we are something besides and beyond just a bag of meat that is nothing once our life flickers out. But then i think: yeah, sure. So I guess I'm just conflicted. lol

The other thing though that I always think about (a LOT, actually) is something that happened to ME the morning after my mom died. I live four hours away from her, and she was in the hospital when she passed but ironically was meant to be discharged the day of her death (she died around 12:30 a.m.) to go home to hospice care. I could tell though when I spoke with her on the phone that last evening she probably wouldn't make it until morning, and I couldn't believe I'd not gotten a chance to see her one last time. The last time I'd seen her was like four months before. But on the phone that last night she just sounded so out of it, and kept saying how 'tired' she was and just wanted to sleep. So I told her I loved her and I'd see her soon, knowing I probably wouldn't.

My family called me around 2 a.m. to tell me the news. Of course that night for me was long, and hellish. The next morning I went into the bathroom and was just standing there looking into the mirror, still in shock, and thinking "my mom is gone". My mom was like my only friend and was my biggest source of support as I struggled through years of mental health and chronic physical health issues myself. I felt completely adrift and afraid and alone at that moment. So then I walked about 4 feet over to the bathroom scale and this...thing...suddenly flicked against my leg and fell onto the floor. At first I thought it was a bug. (this was in July and so - bugs get in here often) But when I bent down to see what it was, I discovered it was this small bird charm that'd fallen off a bracelet of mine MONTHS before. There was NOTHING on my that that charm could've caught on, it wasn't in my pocket and fell just somehow DID drop onto the floor, right at my feet, at the very moment. I'm sure there is a logical explanation as to how it got there - meaning, I don't believe it suddenly materialized there out of nothingness or anything supernatural like that. But I **DO** believe the reason it appeared then, at that moment on that day, was it was my mom trying to tell me she was finally free from her sick body, and she was OK. She loved birds and I've read many times birds are a symbol of hope, sent by a deceased loved one. I want to believe it's so, and that bird charm was a message from my mom.

Still, I waver constantly on what happens after death. Do we go on, elsewhere, somewhere better? Or do we wink out, like a candle flame? I can't seem to TRULY, 100% commit to believing one way or the other yet. But I guess I lean more towards thinking there is more beyond this physical existence, out of desperation to make sense of why we're here at all and also the fervent hope that I'll see my mom and other loved ones again someday.

This long post didn't really contribute much to this discussion I guess. But I felt the need to write it out and share. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read it all. <3
I also believe in what your mum believed in - although I'm still not 100% certain. Like you, I've had supernatural experiences, actually with other people. This thing attached itself to me when I was a teen and followed me to another house. Swear this is true. And so, since then, I've always known there is more to life than what we see. But I don't know why, if these spirits wanted to give us a message, why can't they do it more clearly? I know it's something we don't understand yet but where are these spirits interacting with us?
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If this isn't the end, what's meant of learning.
Mar 8, 2021
we're almost manifestations of OUR OWN thoughts aren't we :'')


May 29, 2020
i don't know what may or may not be on the other side but it has no bearing in my decision to kill myself
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
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Debbie Northampton U

Oct 22, 2020
On another thread? Are you a mod?


we all go home eventually
Jul 4, 2020
Physicists tell us that the universe is mostly dark matter and dark energy, which interacts very weakly with regular matter. They don't know what it is, but it's effects are evident everywhere.

The deeper we look into matter at a quantum level the less sense everything makes.

Yeah. There's more going on than we can know in this form.

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