

waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Just when you think you solved one problem, two more pop up and take its place. I think our problem is that we figured out how pointless life is too early. Most people don't come to this conclusion until they are old.

Life sucks and then you die. The end.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
Just when you think you solved one problem, two more pop up and take its place. I think our problem is that we figured out how pointless life is too early. Most people don't come to this conclusion until they are old.

Life sucks and then you die. The end.
I think it's less about realizing something and more about getting unlucky with genes and environment.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
I think it's less about realizing something and more about getting unlucky with genes and environment.

Only a small percentage of the population enjoys good genetics and wealth. Most people live in poverty and sickness.

The cycle continues as sick and poor people produce more sick and poor kids, etc.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Yeah, life is pretty much just suffering for the sake of it. It would be better to never be alive in the first place really. Life is a battle you can't win, you cannot predict the future so you don't know how bad things can get. I just prefer the idea of death, not having to deal with the burden of mortality would be great. And yet some people still don't see suicide as rational. I think I have been cursed with bad luck, but at least I see life for what it really is: the most pointless thing ever.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Yeah, life is pretty much just suffering for the sake of it. It would be better to never be alive in the first place really. Life is a battle you can't win, you cannot predict the future so you don't know how bad things can get. I just prefer the idea of death, not having to deal with the burden of mortality would be great. And yet some people still don't see suicide as rational. I think I have been cursed with bad luck, but at least I see life for what it really is: the most pointless thing ever.

This is why I don't like the argument "things might get better so you should stick around". Things could get better but more than likely things will get even worse.

People who say life gets better when you get older are liars.
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Apr 5, 2020
I do agree it's a problem that there's no apparent grand purpose here. However, at some point that would always have to be the case, I think. Say there is a god who has plans for us, you would still have to explain why his plans for us are what they are, eventually there'll be a layer that is simply foundational and without purpose - "his will is simply what it is without any reason". Personally, other concerns cause me a lot more suffering, like: the inevitability of disease (ageing!!), the possibility (inevitability?) of negative interactions with other people (in my case leading to my arrest - pivotal moment for me that really killed a lot of my positivity about life), and my apparently unending personal struggles with employment, which has meant poverty/dependence on others (which I hate) and ever-looming homelessness.

Other people's lives no doubt differ radically. I won't say life sucks, I'll say MY life has sucked (for ME, I don't care how other people assess it from the outside), and I don't want to see it play out any further, I have contempt for reality at this point.
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I predict...
Apr 28, 2021
This is why I don't like the argument "things might get better so you should stick around".
What these people mean is "Things might get better if you put in a whole lot of effort and get lucky, and even then there's no guarantee", but they only say the first part out loud.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
Say there is a god who has plans for us, you would still have to explain why his plans for us are what they are, eventually there'll be a layer that is simply foundational and without purpose - "his will is simply what it is without any reason".

There is no proof of a god existing. Even if you were to entertain the idea of a higher power/creator, evidence points to him/it not giving a flying shit about humanity.

What these people mean is "Things might get better if you put in a whole lot of effort and get lucky, and even then there's no guarantee", but they only say the first part out loud.

Why do these people pretend to care whenever the topic of suicide comes up? When their previous actions have shown that they don't. Words are cheap and empty.
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Apr 5, 2020
There is no proof of a god existing. Even if you were to entertain the idea of a higher power/creator, evidence points to him/it not giving a flying shit about humanity.
I agree, I'm personally agnostic but emotionally I'm completely opposed to the idea of a god, due to the overwhelming abundance of suffering on this planet. If he exists he's evil or he's very weak (by god standards).
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Life is just waiting for death
Mar 26, 2021
You are totally right. When you realize that life is pointless you are lost. Existential depression can't be solved.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
You are totally right. When you realize that life is pointless you are lost. Existential depression can't be solved.

Once you realize life is pointless and that suicide is a real option then there is no going back. It is a blessing and a curse to see through the grand illusion.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I think our problem is that we figured out how pointless life is too early.
Our problem is that we've figured out what the disease is, but we're afraid to swallow the bitter pill that cures it.


Mar 22, 2020
Problems love popping up when you least expect them.
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
I think our problem is that we figured out how pointless life is too early. Most people don't come to this conclusion until they are old.
It's awful, I wish I could reset my brain, maybe i would actually enjoy life. Sadly, that's not possible.
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
It's awful, I wish I could reset my brain, maybe i would actually enjoy life. Sadly, that's not possible.

I thought about what could make me happy. The only two things are if I got my health back and had my memories erased.

Sadly modern medicine is not yet capable of either. I wish I could be normal and enjoy life but it just wasn't in the cards for me.
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
I think every human being's life goal is to learn how to let go, to want nothing from this life and to just slip away. IMO, it's basically the main principle of Buddhism - to not grasp/cling at things.

Not that I'm great at that, but it seems like the universal human journey if you live long enough.

I have wondered if suicide is compatible with Buddhism, and most scholars say no (no surprise there, lol). They argue that suicide is still a form of grasping/clinging but in the opposite way; instead of approaching something positive, you're avoiding something negative (life's troubles). One even argued that suicide is the ultimate submission to Mara, their Devil/god of Desire/metaphor for evil.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I have wondered if suicide is compatible with Buddhism, and most scholars say no (no surprise there, lol).
Those bitches just don't want us to take the shortcut. Cobain found nirvana just fine, & I'm not talking about his band
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waiting for the bus
Mar 24, 2021
I have wondered if suicide is compatible with Buddhism, and most scholars say no (no surprise there, lol).

Isn't the main tenet of buddhism that existence is suffering? Then why is suicide frowned upon? I guess if buddhists started killing themselves en masse then the philosophy/religion would die out.

Funny how in the end everyone cares about suicide and death because it affects their own bottom line. Can't have less people to exploit and abuse because that would be loss of control and power.

This is why I am an antinatalist/promortalist. It is the only belief system/philosophy/way of thinking I found that does not require more victims erhm I mean followers. Everything else appears to be a complicated way to exploit people.
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