

Jul 7, 2019
I have everything I need except the one thing that could make my life worth living, and there doesn't exist a way for me to get it, I never had it, and never will even come close to it.


If I had it, at the very least I would also have the will to try and fix all the other problems I've encountered and get over the tallest mountains in my life, I would love, or rather, not hate myself as much and I would finally look at myself in the mirror without feeling sick to my stomach... at least that's what I tell myself.
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A Nameless Monster
Mar 7, 2021
All I had to keep me around was a vision of full control over life. This is my wildest, most precious fantasy because it translates to never experiencing vulnerability again and the annihilation of authority and hierarchy. It's a fantasy born of contempt, disgust, helplessness and malice.

Since this goal is completely unattainable, bordering on delusional, I'd rather die with it than watch it fade. Much harder said than done.
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Mar 27, 2021
The ability to talk freely. I have a stutter and it's ruined my life.

I'm pretty sure it does just come down to that one thing.
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Learn to fly
Jan 11, 2021
The ability to talk freely. I have a stutter and it's ruined my life.

I'm pretty sure it does just come down to that one thing.
Oh gosh :( my brother had a really bad stutter. He had some sort of therapy to help so now it's only really noticeable if he's stressed or excited
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shape without form, shade without colour
Jan 24, 2021
Unless I'm misunderstanding, isn't peace of mind something everyone wants but struggles to keep? It's the result (and arguably the cause) of nearly every other wish on the list.

As for me, I wish I were a different person with a better attitude and personality.
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Part Time NEET - Full Time Suicidal
Mar 29, 2020
wizard of oz tinman GIF

Who am I kidding, I need about two dozen different things.
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Apr 5, 2020
I don't think I can nail it down to one thing. I mean I can say 'happiness' but that's not really helpful to anyone. Some things I yearn for a lot are wealth, love, and eternal youth. The typical kind of things


live and let live or die
Dec 4, 2020
I see a pesistent tendency, not just here but generally in despondent people, to be able to pinpoint a single source for all the evils in their lives.

If only I had money, everything would have been fine.

If only I had romance, everything would have been fine.

If only I had wise parents, everything would have been fine.

If only I had something to do, everything would have been fine.

If only I had opportunities, everything would have been fine.

If only I had peace of mind, everything would have been fine.

If only I didn't have this addiction or disease, everything would have been fine.

Is this actually how it works? I was skeptical at first, but over time I do notice that if they someone gain the one thing they seem to be missing, they stop complaining. There's obviously truth to this. This amazing ability to identify The One Problem runs contrary to the general inadequacy of human self-analysis.

Why can't I do it, then? Where is my One Problem? Where is the dragon that I have to slay to put out this fire? I can't see it. Everything that I want and can name, I have. There's something that I need to have that cannot be named. I feel like a crayon stick figure trying to rise up from the paper and reach towards the sky. Whatever it is I want but don't have is in a dimension as inaccessible to me as the 3D world is to the stick figure. I can infer that it exists, but I can't begin to even imagine what it is, and I can never go there and experience it.

What is it the One Thing you don't have
once you have your own needs and wants taken care of there's always the needs and wants of others. no need to reproduce though that does fit the bill. volunteer opportunities are everywhere. there are a lot of needs going unmet. maybe meeting the needs of others would be the challenge that scratches the itch.
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Oct 14, 2020
Healthy body without crippling pain
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broken beyond repair
Sep 7, 2019
Love, both familiar and romantic.
If I grew up in a loving home with a loving family maybe I wouldn't be like this.
And if someone loved me now, maybe I'd still be sad but I'd have a reason to live.
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no really, what?
Aug 14, 2020
I honestly don't know what the problem with me is. I've had some really rotten luck in my life, but some really good luck too. Lots of people would be thrilled to switch lives with me. I stay extremely miserable almost all the time, though. I've been like that since I was a child. I've tried dozens of meds and therapies and lifestyle changes, from Jesus to hypnosis to ketamine. Nothing helps very much. There are all kinds of weird disorders in my mother's family, so I suspect I have some kind of obscure physical defect that nobody has identified yet.

It's probably something that will look obvious to people living 2 centuries after I'm dead. They'll be like, "Oh, that guy totally had X. We can cure that in a couple of days now. Too bad he was born way back in the 20th century. No wonder the poor SOB offed himself."


I agree with you completely. I have no idea how we got to a place where "responsible" people are expected to plan out their education, their children, their finances, their careers, and their retirement, yet if you plan out how you're going to die, you're a sicko who ought to be locked up and drugged for your own good. I don't get the "only God can end a life" thing, either. First of all, "God" is a strange thing to call an auto accident, metastatic cancer, or a heart attack. There is nothing particularly spiritual or holy about keeling over from a stroke or suffocating in your bed from pneumonia. Unplanned deaths are not somehow better, just as unplanned births aren't. They're just unplanned. The only advantage to surprise death that I can see is that you can spend your life pretending it won't happen. Until it does. And then you leave loose ends everywhere, wills not updated to reflect divorces or remarriages, pets (or dependent humans!) with no one to care for them, family crying that "I never got to tell him . . ." blah blah blah.

And even if you are lucky enough to get all that squared away in time, you still have to put up with a dying process that is not likely to be quick or painless. You can hasten things along by refusing certain treatments, which in practice often includes the administration of food and water. That's a cruel way to go, though. If your pet dog had terminal cancer, would you take away his water bowl and force the poor thing to die of thirst, or would you just take him to the vet and have him put down? If God will allow the family dog to exit the world with peace and dignity, why would he insist that Grandma wither for a week to a month after withdrawal of her feeding tube? That's what "natural" death often amounts to. Purposely starving the old and the sick, while drugging the bejeezus out of them so we can imagine that they don't care.

Just quit it. Quit all of it. Quit pretending that death isn't an ordinary fact of life, quit making believe that forcing someone to struggle on in pain until their vital organ systems crash is not just as morally fraught a choice as allowing them to end their lives on their own terms, or assisting them in doing so if they are physically unable. Quit pathologizing the perfectly-understandable preference for oblivion over relentless, untreatable pain. And for the love of God, quit projecting your own moral agonies onto other people, particularly if you are acting in a professional capacity as a doctor or counselor of some sort. If your patients had wanted a priest, they'd have gone to one. Quit implying (or outright stating) that they are terribly selfish and bad for wanting their lives to end sooner rather than later. If you have actual, hopeful information to impart, then do it. If you have none, then quit blaming your patients for not manufacturing their own hope out of thin air. Death is not always the enemy, to be fought at all times and at all costs. Sometimes it is a friend. If you can't handle that basic fact about the world, then quit counseling other people until you can work out your own issues. Work out your problems with mortality for your own sake as well. You too will have to negotiate a relationship to death, and hopefully you will be permitted some independent agency when you do so.
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Autistic loser
Jan 26, 2021
If only I had a loaded 12ga, everything would be fine.

Why can't I do it, then? Where is my One Problem? Where is the dragon that I have to slay to put out this fire? I can't see it. Everything that I want and can name, I have. There's something that I need to have that cannot be named. I feel like a crayon stick figure trying to rise up from the paper and reach towards the sky. Whatever it is I want but don't have is in a dimension as inaccessible to me as the 3D world is to the stick figure. I can infer that it exists, but I can't begin to even imagine what it is, and I can never go there and experience it.

Talk to Naruto about it, tbh.


Nov 27, 2019
I think if I had higher energy levels, I would manage. I'd still be miserable, but I would be able to live.
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Mar 24, 2021
$2-$2.5 million (after tax) will give me the lifelong baseline financial freedom to fix everything else in life.
Health, Mind, Family, Self & Career.
The constant struggle, stress for a average monthly paycheck feels too draining.
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Feb 27, 2021
Talent-something I excel at while being passionate about it.


Dec 11, 2018
The one thing I don't have is physical health. When I had it life was tolerable.


Dec 4, 2020
When you get used to have lunch every day it's only a matter of time before you start wishing for dessert.

At least in my case this has proven to be true. There was always something missing, even if I had everything, or so it seemed. I never felt complete. I suspect this has something to do with my negative self-image. Like I was never able to feel complete because the thing that's missing wasn't outside of me, but also, fundamentally, not in me.

I will butcher your metaphor now: if life is a crayon and my soul a piece of paper, a part of the paper just won't absorb any color.


Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
All I had to keep me around was a vision of full control over life. I can imagine this is my wildest fantasy because it translates to never experiencing vulnerability again. It's a fantasy born of contempt, disgust, helplessness and malice.

Since this goal is completely unattainable, bordering on delusional, I'd rather die with it than watch it fade. Much harder said than

When you get used to have lunch every day it's only a matter of time before you start wishing for dessert.

At least in my case this has proven to be true. There was always something missing, even if I had everything, or so it seemed. I never felt complete. I suspect this has something to do with my negative self-image. Like I was never able to feel complete because the thing that's missing wasn't outside of me, but also, fundamentally, not in me.

I will butcher your metaphor now: if life is a crayon and my soul a piece of paper, a part of the paper just won't absorb any color.
Depends how much pressure you use

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