Alright, shower and getting myself made presentable complete.
I was thinking about this while I was doing my showering and getting dressed routine and I realized something. None of that makes me feel better anymore.
There was a time that taking a shower and getting myself cleaned up and dressed and so forth, or taking a nap, would make me feel better. Neither of those has been the case in a long time now. Yet, I'm still able to convince myself that if I just shower and get dressed, it's going to make me feel better. Only now, I have to continue doing it as I'm going through the routine because it's exhausting and my body wants to stop in the middle of the routine and rest, but I know if I stop and rest I'll never finish, so I just keep pushing myself until it's done.
Me: Just dry your hair and you'll feel better.
My body & mind: I don't want to! I'm tired!
Me: Just keep going so we can get this done. Then we won't have to do it for another couple of days.
My body & mind: >sigh< Okay.
But I was thinking about it and that seems to be some kind of a turning point. Once getting cleaned up or taking a nap doesn't make you feel any better, that must be some kind of a turning point in your illness or something. And I find that with a lot of other things too. A lot of other things that I used to do that made me feel better, don't make me feel better anymore. I still do them in the hopes that they will make me feel better, but they don't anymore. I now do most of them out of habit, I think.
And a big part of what frustrates me is that people see you dressed and showered and everything and they think you must be feeling better because you look better on the outside. So then when I try to explain to them that I don't feel any better on the inside, and in fact the activity of showering and getting dressed and so forth has actually exhausted me to the point where I now have to go and sit down and rest. They just scratch their heads and look at me because they don't get it.
"But you look like you're feeling better".
"Yes, but I'm not. I am clean on the outside, but that doesn't mean I'm feeling any better on the inside. I'm actually feeling worse on the inside right now simply because I had to get myself clean on the outside".
"Duh, I don't understand". >
>eye roll<. Me: I know.