
May 5, 2019
Anyone else get angry when they hear the phrase, 'the gift of life'?
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Dec 25, 2018
yes, I do.... life is not a gift, it's a curse
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Apr 3, 2019
If life's a gift, I want the receipt please.
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Oct 28, 2018
Saying life is a gift without context is trite. Saying it is a curse is a projection but true for many people. Life is chaotic but neutral - and how we feel about life is the sum of our experiences and mindset.

Personally, I don't care for (my) life. I think that's mostly due to a mindset I've had since I was a kid. I might not feel so strongly about that if my experiences were better.

I've cut most people out of my life due to a deep depression over the last two years and a sense that it would make the ending my own life easier on others. But many of my friends have a positive outlook on life. They maintain great relationships, have cool hobbies and do all the things I can't. I admire that ability to be and stay upbeat and am a little jealous frankly. I'd just love to be done with it all.
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Jan 28, 2019
Yes. I also get angry hearing "lucky to be alive" said to people like car crash victims who lost limbs
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Escaper Boy

Escaper Boy

Apr 11, 2019
I would consider life to be a gift if I were born as "crown prince" in wealthy royal family. Considering the reality forced me to live as commoner born in shitty family and shitty third world country, life is definitely not a gift.

It's an ordeal. An ordeal that I failed to overcome. An ordeal that ended in bitter defeat. I couldn't win, therefore I must quit.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
Angry not so much. More like contemptuous: how can anyone be so stupid to consider something a gift which is forced upon the recipient? Life is an imposition, not a gift.

One can refuse a gift but one clearly wasn't able to make that choice regarding life. It's therefore not a gift. If one would have had the choice to make an informed decision regarding life who in his right mind would have accepted it?

Giving something away implies the transfer of ownership from one person to the next. Owning something means one is completely within one's rights to dispose of it or destroy it. Yet this is not the case with life: if at all possible you will be stopped if you want to kill yourself therefore suicide is illegal

Now I have to go to a job I hate which is another fun and delightful aspect of this 'gift' called life: it's such a great gift it requires constant care to avoid catastrophic deterioriation. It's like giving someone a diseased pet and expect them to incur all the medical costs.
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Life Eternal
Jul 24, 2018
Yes, because they assume that life is a gift for everyone. For some it was a gift not worth receiving.
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Alan James

Apr 11, 2019
Life is a trap, a prison. We all seem to be serving time in a high-security prison. Therefore, we are not allowed to escape from it, death is freedom. Anyone who is brainwashing people through the media with this pro-life nonsense is not stupid and ignorant - they perfectly understand what they do, we are slaves to them, this is a ruthless enemy.
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catching the bus
Aug 4, 2018
Anyone else get angry when they hear the phrase, 'the gift of life'?
sometimes they say: "there's always someone who's having a worse life than yours"
but hey, i don't care if someone is having a worse life, i just wanna die.
life's not a gift. it's a nightmare
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the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
Yes. I also get angry hearing "lucky to be alive" said to people like car crash victims who lost limbs
Ooh that one reallyyy gets to me.
Especially if the person got maimed or paralyzed.
Of brain damage to the point they're not even them anymore.
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Nov 27, 2018
Life is a lie. A lie that keep you wanting for more.
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Mar 7, 2019
I don't understand how life is a "gift" when many of us were unplanned and basically an outcome of our parents' mistakes.
And some of us were treated like burdens and forced to face traumatizing childhoods and left to fend for ourselves as broken adults.
Not a gift, more like left in the trash.
Parents act like we owe them for giving us life. But I feel like they owe us.

None of asked for any of this.
None of us asked to be born, only to end up longing to die.
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Distracting myself through Life
Apr 7, 2019
Gift is the german word for poison...i think it fits pretty well.
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Maksimka Ai

Maksimka Ai

Apr 26, 2019
"Gift of life"? So what the fuck, I every morning, I want to SCREAM, from the fact that this is another fucking day...
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Mar 25, 2019
Anyone else get angry when they hear the phrase, 'the gift of life'?
goshdarnit. I didn't realize that I was supposed to view an existence in which everyone is a replaceable cog on a money-driven wheel as a gift. Aw man
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Apr 5, 2018
In my side-quest for getting to know better a particular british idiom I came across this definition of life:

The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth and reproduction, and constantly having to do things you don't feel like
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Still searching
Jun 18, 2019
sometimes they say: "there's always someone who's having a worse life than yours"
but hey, i don't care if someone is having a worse life, i just wanna die.
life's not a gift. it's a nightmare

I always wondered, does that mean the one person in the world with the actual worst life has a right to die in their eyes? I might ask the next person that tells me that.

I think it's like a bell curve. 50% of the people have a less than average life, and 50% have a better than average life. I'm not really sure where the line in the sand is for a "crappy" life, but a huge portion of the population is depressed just existing here, but most don't have death as an option because they refuse to acknowledge that it's their right.

I don't understand how life is a "gift" when many of us were unplanned and basically an outcome of our parents' mistakes.
And some of us were treated like burdens and forced to face traumatizing childhoods and left to fend for ourselves as broken adults.
Not a gift, more like left in the trash.
Parents act like we owe them for giving us life. But I feel like they owe us.

None of asked for any of this.
None of us asked to be born, only to end up longing to die.

I tried really hard to not hate my parents for having kids. But what they did was such a selfish thing, whatever your child does they are going to go through torment of various stages even in a good life. I don't think it's worth it.
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Nov 27, 2018
I always wondered, does that mean the one person in the world with the actual worst life has a right to die in their eyes? I might ask the next person that tells me that.

I think it's like a bell curve. 50% of the people have a less than average life, and 50% have a better than average life. I'm not really sure where the line in the sand is for a "crappy" life, but a huge portion of the population is depressed just existing here, but most don't have death as an option because they refuse to acknowledge that it's their right.

I tried really hard to not hate my parents for having kids. But what they did was such a selfish thing, whatever your child does they are going to go through torment of various stages even in a good life. I don't think it's worth it.

And the most infuriating thing they can tell their child is "be happy" hahahahaha.. I cant level with that kind of nonsense.
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May 5, 2019
My parents are people who should never have had kids, especially my mother, but they did so in the 60s when literally the only life anyone in this country could imagine was marrying and having kids by your mid 20s at the latest, there was no other life path. I've been handed a life in which I have the looks and introverted personality from my parents that are the opposite of what's desirable and had my confidence and academic achievement ruined by a psycho step parent and utterly lacking in any love or support and then chucked out into the adult world utterly unequipped. So life hasn't been much of a gift. I've always been basically the opposite of what's needed to thrive in this world and can't change that. Life has just been an insoluble problem mostly.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
I find I always get pissed off when a "gift" is forced on me that I did not want nor ask for and cannot send back.
Sorry mom, I love you, but fuck this gift.
And the most infuriating thing they can tell their child is "be happy" hahahahaha.. I cant level with that kind of nonsense.
Or "life is not fair".
Then why bring innocent children into it, you fucking psychopaths???
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Jun 13, 2019
Life sucks even worse than the gif-wrapped snow shovel I got as an X-mas gift as a kid. I'd like to return my life for a full refund.
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Apr 29, 2019
Life can be a gift under the right circumstances and if you can recognize what it's all about early enough.

If I could redirect my life knowing even a modicum of what I do now, I could've made it a gift instead of the nightmare that it is now. I realize that's not everyone's situation though.

I just don't know what the lesson is if there's a higher being. Is it that we're supposed to see the good through all the cruelty?

There's no doubt I took so much in life for granted. I had no idea life was this hard if you wanted things like a partner or family, or even just yourself long-term.

I used to be so optimistic. I used to believe that God would "fix" the kids I worked with in special ed in the afterlife and that we were just trying to educate them and help them live the best life possible while they were here. Now I just don't know. It's just so unfair.

There are good people, good animals, good everything. But there's also obviously a lot of evil and cruelty. And in the end, it really is survival of the fittest. The good people can't save everyone, not even most.

I don't mind struggle and hard work that lead to rewards, because otherwise rewards would feel empty. But some don't get that even plane opportunity or mentality, and sometimes there's no room for redemption. If all of this isn't indictrined into your brain relatively early in life, you might not ever get to correct it.

It can be a gift, but it's also incredibly harsh, and it doesn't care about ignorance or circumstance. As the late Escaper Boy here said, in the end, Mother Nature weeds out the weaklings, whether or not it's inherently their fault.
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May 29, 2019
I think life is a gift. We all get given this chance at being human. Unfortunately, for some of us, it doesn't work out. We end up in bad situations that are out of our control.
Life's like a casino. You get given chips, but how it plays out is entirely up to chance. You could end up a millionaire. You could end up broke and desolate.
We pass life on to our children, with the hopes that they might do it better.
Life is a gift. One we can return to sender.
It was unasked for and it was imposed upon us, but a gift, none the less. Just because it hasn't worked out for us, doesn't mean it doesn't work out for others.
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Jun 27, 2019
I think that society should have "a way out" that doesnt involve death, insanity or adictions. Maybe a kind of place for those of us who dont want to live in society.


Jun 13, 2019
Life's like a casino. You get given chips, but how it plays out is entirely up to chance.
Rational people don't go to casinos as the expected outcome is a 100% loss.
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Jun 18, 2019
Life as a process, from physico-chemical point of view is just wonderful, truly magnificent and extremely complex thing. I adore it from this perspective. Whats emerge from this process is different story tho. Life from perspective of living thing can be a gift, but often is a curse... Can't decide for now what my view is. I love and hate it at the same time.
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Jumpin Jack Flash, it’s a gas gas gas
Jan 16, 2019
Yes. I also get angry hearing "lucky to be alive" said to people like car crash victims who lost limbs
I used to get this a lot as an adult telling people I was adopted. That my birth mom gave me "the gift of life." If I was such a gift, why was I pawned off? When I was younger, since I had parents who adopted me it was that was "special" or "chosen." That used to bug the shit out of me as well. It wasn't until the internet that I discovered a lot of other adopted people hated those words as well. Yeah, life doesn't feel like a gift to me.
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May 29, 2019
Rational people don't go to casinos as the expected outcome is a 100% loss.
Rational people also don't chose to be born. But here they are. The point I'm making, is no matter how rational/logical/nice/horrible you are, everything is just a roll of the dice.

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